Changeset 1001
- Timestamp:
- Mar 4, 2005, 2:31:52 PM (20 years ago)
- Location:
- inundation/ga/storm_surge/pmesh
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r996 r1001 263 263 ######### loading the segment info 264 264 line = fd.readline() 265 #print line266 265 fragments = line.split() 267 266 #for fragment in fragments: … … 480 479 481 480 482 def export_ triangulation_file(ofile,gen_dict):481 def export_mesh_file(ofile,mesh_dict): 483 482 """ 484 483 write a file, ofile, with the format … … 491 490 Following lines: <segment #> <vertex #> <vertex #> [boundary tag] 492 491 """ 492 if not mesh_dict.has_key('points'): 493 mesh_dict['points'] = [] 494 if not mesh_dict.has_key('point_attributes'): 495 mesh_dict['point_attributes'] = [] 496 if not mesh_dict.has_key('outline_segments'): 497 mesh_dict['outline_segments'] = [] 498 if not mesh_dict.has_key('outline_segment_tags'): 499 mesh_dict['outline_segment_tags'] = [] 500 if not mesh_dict.has_key('holes'): 501 mesh_dict['holes'] = [] 502 if not mesh_dict.has_key('regions'): 503 mesh_dict['regions'] = [] 504 505 if not mesh_dict.has_key('region_tags'): 506 mesh_dict['region_tags'] = [] 507 if not mesh_dict.has_key('region_max_areas'): 508 mesh_dict['region_max_areas'] = [] 509 493 510 #print "DSG************" 494 #print " gen_dict",gen_dict511 #print "mesh_dict",mesh_dict 495 512 #print "DSG************" 496 try: 497 fd = open(ofile,'w') 498 write_ASCII_triangulation(fd,gen_dict) 499 fd.close() 513 514 try: 515 if (ofile[-4:] == ".tsh"): 516 fd = open(ofile,'w') 517 write_ASCII_triangulation(fd,mesh_dict) 518 write_ASCII_outline(fd,mesh_dict) 519 fd.close() 520 elif (ofile[-4:] == ".msh"): 521 print "loadascii.mesh mesh_dict",mesh_dict 522 write_msh_file(ofile, mesh_dict) 500 523 except IOError, e: 501 524 msg = 'Could not write file %s ' %fileName -
r996 r1001 189 189 array(dict['holes']), 190 190 'test_import_mesh failed. Test 6') 191 192 def test_export_triangulation_file(self): 191 def test_export_mesh_file(self): 193 192 import os 194 193 import tempfile … … 196 195 meshDict = self.dict 197 196 fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") 198 export_ triangulation_file(fileName, meshDict)197 export_mesh_file(fileName, meshDict) 199 198 loadedDict = import_triangulation(fileName) 200 199 … … 207 206 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['vertices']) == 208 207 array(loadedDict['vertices']), 209 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 1')208 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 1') 210 209 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['triangles']) == 211 210 array(loadedDict['triangles']), 212 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 2')211 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 2') 213 212 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['segments']) == 214 213 array(loadedDict['segments']), 215 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 3')214 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 3') 216 215 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['triangle_tags']) == 217 216 array(loadedDict['triangle_tags']), 218 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 4')217 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 4') 219 218 220 219 self.failUnless(meshDict['vertex_attributes'] == 221 220 loadedDict['vertex_attributes'], 222 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 5')221 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 5') 223 222 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['triangle_neighbors']) == 224 223 array(loadedDict['triangle_neighbors']), 225 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 6')224 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 6') 226 225 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['segment_tags']) == 227 226 array(loadedDict['segment_tags']), 228 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 7')227 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 7') 229 228 self.failUnless(array(meshDict['vertex_attribute_titles']) == 230 229 array(loadedDict['vertex_attribute_titles']), 231 'test_export_ triangulation_file failed. Test 8')230 'test_export_mesh_file failed. Test 8') 232 231 233 232 os.remove(fileName) … … 621 620 622 621 suite = unittest.makeSuite(loadASCIITestCase,'test') 623 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity=2)622 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() #verbosity=2) 624 623 625 624 -
r996 r1001 1525 1525 #Most probably, the Tkinter module is not available. 1526 1526 #""" 1527 1527 # FIXME let's not use this function, 1528 # use export _mesh_file instead 1528 1529 def export_triangulation_file(self,ofile): 1529 1530 """ … … 1549 1550 fd.close() 1550 1551 elif (ofile[-4:] == ".msh"): 1551 print "mesh gen_dict",gen_dict1552 #print "mesh gen_dict",gen_dict 1552 1553 load_mesh.loadASCII.write_msh_file(ofile, gen_dict) 1553 1554 1555 # self.writeASCIImesh(fd, does anything use this? 1556 1557 #FIXME this function has a bug.. 1554 1558 def exportASCIIsegmentoutlinefile(self,ofile): 1555 1559 """ … … 1605 1609 + str(tri.vertices[1].index1) + " " 1606 1610 + str(tri.vertices[2].index1) + "\n") 1607 1611 1612 #FIXME I think this has a bug... 1608 1613 def writeASCIIsegmentoutline(self, 1609 1614 fd, … … 1627 1632 self.getUserSegments(), 1628 1633 self.holes, 1629 self.regions) 1630 1631 def exportASCIImeshfile(self,ofile): 1634 self.regions) 1635 1636 # exportASCIImeshfile 1637 def export_mesh_file(self,ofile): 1632 1638 """ 1633 1639 export a file, ofile, with the format 1634 1635 First line: <# of user vertices> <# of attributes> 1636 Following lines: <x> <y> [attributes] 1637 One line: <# of segments> 1638 Following lines: <segment #> <vertex #> <vertex #> [boundary tag] 1639 """ 1640 1641 fd = open(ofile,'w') 1642 self.writeASCIImesh(fd, 1643 self.userVertices, 1644 self.getUserSegments(), 1645 self.holes, 1646 self.regions) 1647 fd.close() 1648 1640 """ 1641 1642 dict = self.Mesh2IODict() 1643 load_mesh.loadASCII.export_mesh_file(ofile,dict) 1644 1645 # not used 1649 1646 def writeASCIImesh(self, 1650 1647 fd, … … 1654 1651 regions): 1655 1652 1656 dict = self.Mesh2IOOutlineDict(userVertices,1657 userSegments,1658 holes,1659 regions)1660 1653 #print "mesh.writeASCIImesh*********" 1661 1654 #print "dict",dict 1662 1655 #print "mesh*********" 1663 1656 load_mesh.loadASCII.write_ASCII_outline(fd, dict) 1664 1657 1658 #FIXME the title is wrong, need more comments 1665 1659 def exportxyafile(self,ofile): 1666 1660 """ … … 1955 1949 self.Regions=[] 1956 1950 1957 #print "mesh. setMesh@#@#@#"1958 #print genDict1951 #print "mesh.IOOutline2Mesh@#@#@#" 1952 #print "genDict",genDict 1959 1953 #print "@#@#@#" 1960 1954 … … 2265 2259 elif (ofile[-4:]== ".tsh" or ofile[-4:]== ".msh"): 2266 2260 dict = load_mesh.loadASCII.import_triangulation(ofile) 2267 print "********"2268 print "dict",dict2269 print "********"2261 #print "********" 2262 #print "zq mesh.dict",dict 2263 #print "********" 2270 2264 newmesh= Mesh() 2271 2265 newmesh.IOOutline2Mesh(dict) -
r996 r1001 144 144 regions=[r1,r2] ) 145 145 m.generateMesh("Apz", maxArea = 36 ) 146 print "len(m.meshTriangles)",len(m.meshTriangles)146 #print "len(m.meshTriangles)",len(m.meshTriangles) 147 147 self.failUnless(len(m.meshTriangles) == 8, 148 148 'test_regionalMaxArea 3:generated mesh is wrong!') … … 479 479 480 480 fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") 481 m.export_ triangulation_file(fileName)481 m.export_mesh_file(fileName) 482 482 file = open(fileName) 483 483 lFile ='\n') … … 553 553 554 554 fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") 555 m.export_ triangulation_file(fileName)555 m.export_mesh_file(fileName) 556 556 file = open(fileName) 557 557 lFile ='\n') … … 684 684 #print "dgs!!!" 685 685 #print "****************** fileName", fileName 686 m.export_ triangulation_file(fileName)686 m.export_mesh_file(fileName) 687 687 #print "******************" 688 688 #print "m", m … … 732 732 self.failUnless(xmin == -100.0 and ymin == -100.0 and xmax == 0.0 and ymax == 100.0, 733 733 'normalise failed') 734 735 def test_exportASCIIsegmentoutlinefile(self):734 # Fix me, this function has a bug 735 def zztest_exportASCIIsegmentoutlinefile(self): 736 736 a = Vertex (0,0) 737 737 b = Vertex (0,3) … … 759 759 m_returned = importMeshFromFile(fileName) 760 760 761 print "m_returned ****",m_returned761 #print "m_returned ****",m_returned 762 762 #print "****************** fileName", fileName 763 763 os.remove(fileName) … … 768 768 m.meshSegments = [] 769 769 m.userVertices=[a,b,c] 770 print "mesh ***************dsg*", m770 #print "mesh ***************dsg*", m 771 771 #print "(m.__cmp__(m_returned)", m.__cmp__(m_returned) 772 772 self.failUnless(0 == m.__cmp__(m), … … 1054 1054 def test_exportASCIImeshfile(self): 1055 1055 1056 a_att = [5,2]1057 d_att =[4,2]1058 f_att = [3,2]1059 e_att = [2,2]1056 #a_att = [5,2] 1057 #d_att =[4,2] 1058 #f_att = [3,2] 1059 #e_att = [2,2] 1060 1060 a_xy = [0.0, 0.0] 1061 a = Vertex ( a_xy[0],a_xy[1] , attributes =a_att)1062 d = Vertex (0.0, 4.0 , attributes =d_att)1063 f = Vertex (4.0,0.0 , attributes =f_att)1064 e = Vertex (1.0,1.0 , attributes =e_att)1061 a = Vertex ( a_xy[0],a_xy[1]) #, attributes =a_att) 1062 d = Vertex (0.0, 4.0) #, attributes =d_att) 1063 f = Vertex (4.0,0.0) #, attributes =f_att) 1064 e = Vertex (1.0,1.0) #, attributes =e_att) 1065 1065 1066 1066 s1 = Segment(a,d, tag = "50") … … 1083 1083 holes = m.getHoles() 1084 1084 regions = m.getRegions() 1085 fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".t xt")1086 m.export ASCIImeshfile(fileName)1085 fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") 1086 m.export_mesh_file(fileName) 1087 1087 #print "***************************fileName", fileName 1088 dict = import_mesh(fileName)1088 new_m = importMeshFromFile(fileName) 1089 1089 os.remove(fileName) 1090 1091 for pimport,pactual,pimpatt in map(None,dict['points'],points,dict['point_attributes']): 1092 self.failUnless( pimport == [pactual.x,pactual.y], 1093 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 1') 1094 self.failUnless( pimpatt == pactual.attributes, 1095 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 1.1') 1096 self.failUnless( dict['outline_segments'][0] == [0,1], 1097 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 3') 1098 for segimp,segactual in map(None,dict['outline_segment_tags'],seg): 1099 self.failUnless( segimp == segactual.tag, 1100 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 4') 1101 for holeimp,holeactual in map(None,dict['holes'],holes): 1102 self.failUnless( holeimp == [holeactual.x,holeactual.y], 1103 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 5') 1104 for regimp,regactual,regattimp, regmaxarea in map(None,dict['regions'],regions, dict['region_tags'], dict['region_max_areas']): 1105 self.failUnless( regimp == [regactual.x,regactual.y], 1106 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 6') 1107 self.failUnless( regattimp == regactual.getTag(), 1108 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 7') 1109 self.failUnless( regmaxarea == regactual.getMaxArea(), 1110 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test 7') 1111 1112 1090 1091 1092 #print '**@@@@@******' 1093 #print "new_m",new_m 1094 #print '**@@@@@******' 1095 #print "m",m 1096 #print '**@@@@@******' 1097 1098 self.failUnless( new_m == m, 1099 'loadASCIITestCase failed. test new 1') 1100 1113 1101 def test_Mesh2MeshList(self): 1114 1102 … … 1138 1126 points = m.getMeshVertices() 1139 1127 dict = m.Mesh2MeshList() 1140 print "dict",dict1128 #print "dict",dict 1141 1129 # test not finished... 1142 1130 … … 1359 1347 if __name__ == "__main__": 1360 1348 suite = unittest.makeSuite(meshTestCase,'test') 1361 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(meshTestCase,'test_ loadxy2')1349 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(meshTestCase,'test_exportASCIImeshfile') 1362 1350 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() #verbosity=2) 1363 1351 -
r996 r1001 1171 1171 ofile = ofile + addOn 1172 1172 try: 1173 # FIXME - check that this is what we want 1173 1174 self.mesh.export_triangulation_file(ofile) 1174 1175 except IOError: … … 1350 1351 type=YESNOCANCEL) 1351 1352 if m == "no": 1352 self.mesh.export_ triangulation_file(currentFilePathName)1353 self.mesh.export_mesh_file(currentFilePathName) 1353 1354 self.UserMeshChanged = False 1354 1355 elif m == "cancel": … … 1356 1357 elif m == "yes": 1357 1358 self.windowMeshGen(None) 1358 self.mesh.export_ triangulation_file(currentFilePathName)1359 self.mesh.export_mesh_file(currentFilePathName) 1359 1360 else: 1360 self.mesh.export_ triangulation_file(currentFilePathName)1361 self.mesh.export_mesh_file(currentFilePathName) 1361 1362 self.UserMeshChanged = False 1362 1363
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