Changeset 2416

Feb 16, 2006, 9:30:07 AM (19 years ago)

Updates from meeting with Matt

1 edited


  • documentation/planning/priorities.tex

    r2411 r2416  
     57  \item Continual work on WA localities, in particular
    5758  \item Onslow, WA. This study mainly supports the FESA funded WA study, but has synergies with
    5859    projects in other lists as well (Jane, Ole, Nick)
    6061    This project has synergies with the ANUGA Demo initiative (Everyone)
    6162  \item Port Hedland. Also part of the WA project. (Jane, Nick)
    62   \item Rerun Wollongong with slump (pending better defition of slump sizes) (Nick, Adrian)
    63   \item NSW state study 
     63  \item Rerun Wollongong with slump (pending better defition of slump sizes) (Nick, Adrian), 2-3 weeks
     64  \item NSW state study  (deferred until 2007 - Matt)
    6465  \item SE Qld study
    6566  \item Hobart
    6768within the next 12 months) and consultation has occurred with stakeholders.
    69 Given that the production line is in a start-up phase and the needs outlined in the research and development streams, no more than priority 1-2 are expected to complete before 30 June 2006. However, once streamlined, we expect a production rate of about one scenario per month.
     70Given that the production line is in a start-up phase and the needs
     71outlined in the research and development streams, only priority 1 and
     722 are guaranteed to complete before 30 June 2006. However, once
     73streamlined, we expect a production rate of about one scenario per
    7883  \item Sensitivity study using Onslow project (Jane, Ole)
    79   \item Validation (Ole et al with David Burbidge \& Tom Baldock UQ) 
     84  \item Validation (Ole et al with David Burbidge \& Tom Baldock UQ). Also PDC and Suva data.
    8085  \item Momentum sink study (Duncan)
    81   \item Submarine landslide modelling paper with Dr Mueller, Sydney (Jane, Ole, Adrian) 
    82   \item Probabilistic integration with URS model, pending URS data (Ole, Trevor)   
     86  \item Submarine landslide modelling paper with Dr Mueller or Russell Blong (Ask him), Sydney (Jane, Ole, Adrian, Matt). Perhaps use Wollongong as the study area. 
     87  \item Probabilistic integration with URS model, pending URS data (Ole, Trevor).  Ask PDC. 
    8388  \item Automatic definition of mesh-resolution based on data (e.g. depth or gradients). Perhaps use wavelet transforms.
    84   \item Effect of debris on flow and damage
     89  \item Effect of debris on flow and damage (Under way at JCU - shawn)
    8590  \item Write ANUGA in term of latitudes and longitudes
    8691  \item Incorporate coriolis effect for large study areas
    87   \item Revive storm surge model
    88   \item Riverine flooding
     92  \item Revive storm surge model (Rosh DNR)
     93  \item Riverine flooding (Rosh DNR)
    8994  \item Solution uncertainty (interaction with Hugh Durrant-Whyte and
    9095  Suresh Kumar from USyd)
    9398 long will the results remain valid?  eg, effect of sediment transport
    9499 affecting local bathymetry, change in sea levels due to climate
    95  change)
     100 change). This is a product for the ATWS, states and EMA.
    97102No more than priority 1-4 are expected to complete before 30 June 2006.
    108113  \item Map2PDF vs ArcReader (Neil)
    109114  \item Easy interface to building regions of variable resolution (Duncan)
    110   \item Sydney demo (Jane, Duncan, Ole)
     115  \item Sydney demo (Jane, Duncan, Ole) - Ask
    111116  \item Deploy parallel version (Ole, Nick)
    112117  \item Userguide, technical documentation and installation process (Everyone)
    134139  Take responsibility for one or more research projects, and contribute to production on a needs basis. 
    135140  \item \textbf{Jane}: Coordinate FESA production project, take responsibility for one or
    136   more research projects and contribute to production and code development on a needs basis.
     141  more research projects and contribute to production and code development on a needs basis. In the longer term, maintenance of other stakeholder relationships (?).
    137142  \item \textbf{Nick}: Take responsibility for the production stream, develop visualisation techniques,
    138143  and contribute to code development on a needs basis.
    148   \item \textbf{Adrian}: Provide input to submarine landslide research.
     153  \item \textbf{Adrian or Monica}: Provide input to submarine landslide research.
    149154  \item \textbf{Hamish}: Coordinate collection and supply of topographic data.   
    150   \item \textbf{Neil}: Coordinate development of GIS decision tool.
     155  \item \textbf{Neil and Ingo}: Coordinate development of GIS decision tool.
    151156    Assist with collection and supply of topographic data. 
    152157  \item \textbf{Stephen}: Contribute to research and further development of hydrodynamic model.   
    153158  \item \textbf{Trevor}: Develop new engagements with external stakeholders such as state governments. 
     159  \item \textbf{Lisa}: Arcview exposure database with Neil
    154161  \item Others?
     164\subsection*{Potential contacts}
     167  \item Lex Nielsen from SMEC in order to explore
     168    how they can get involved
     169  \item Lutz Grosz from ACcESS
     170  \item Tom Baldock UQ
     171  \item Tariq Rahiman (, (Suva scenario)
     172  \item Allen L. Clark PDC (
    158178The allocation to the different streams from the core inundation modelling team in terms of
    1591794 full time equivalents (FTE) are
    163183\item \textbf{Research}: 1 FTE
    164184\item \textbf{Code development and maintenance}: 1 FTE
    165 \item \textbf{Management}: 0.75 FTE (0.5 FESA, 0.25 TEAM)
     185\item \textbf{Management}: 0.75 FTE (0.5 WA-FESA Project coordination, 0.25 TEAM)
    198 \section{Potential contacts}
    200 \begin{itemize}
    201   \item Lex Nielsen from SMEC in order to explore
    202     how they can get involved
    203   \item Lutz Grosz from ACcESS
    204   \item Tom Baldock UQ
    205   \item Tariq Rahiman (, (Suva scenario)
    206   \item Allen L. Clark PDC (
    207 \end{itemize}     
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