Mar 28, 2006, 10:24:24 AM (19 years ago)

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  • publications/ctac_2006/ctac2006_abstract_ole_nielsen.tex

    r2612 r2613  
    4141The core of ANUGA is a Python implementation of a finite-volume method
    42 for solving the Shallow Water Wave equation.  This method allows the
    43 study area to be represented by an unstructured mesh with variable
    44 resolution to suit the particular problem.  Another important
    45 capability of ANUGA is that it can robustly model the process of wetting and
    46 drying as water enters and leaves an area. This means that it is
    47 suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or dry land and around
    48 structures such as buildings.
     42for solving the conservative form of the Shallow Water Wave equation.
     43This method allows the study area to be represented by an unstructured
     44mesh with variable resolution to suit the particular problem.  The
     45conserved quantities are water level (stage) and horizontal momentum.
     46An important capability of ANUGA is that it can robustly model the
     47process of wetting and drying as water enters and leaves an area. This
     48means that it is suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or
     49dry land and around structures such as buildings.
     51To set up a particular scenario the user generates a mesh with regions
     52and boundary segments identified by symbolic tags used to bind values
     53to arbitrary functions supplied during the simulation.  In addition,
     54all quantities may be assigned or updated by supplying either constant
     55values, arbitrary functions or general expressions combining existing
     56quantities.  Arbitrary forcing terms such such as wind stress or
     57atmospheric pressure gradients may also be supplied. 
     59Computationally intensive components are written for efficiency in the C
     60language working directly with the Numerical Python structures while
     61the interface aims at flexibility using Python's object model, weak typing and
     62constructs such as generators.
     64ANUGA will be released under an OSS license. This strategy will enable
     65free access to the software and allow the risk research community to
     66use, validate and contribute to the development.
    5168The talk outlines the model implementation, provides validation
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