Changeset 2724

Apr 19, 2006, 4:00:20 PM (19 years ago)

Updated planning document after Wed morning meeting.

1 edited


  • documentation/planning/priorities.tex

    r2696 r2724  
    57   \item Continual work on WA localities, in particular
    5857  \item Onslow, WA. This study mainly supports the FESA funded WA study, but has synergies with
    5958    projects in other lists as well (Jane, Ole, Nick)
    60   \item Wrap up Sydney (Benfield) project including refinements and damage modelling.
     59  \item Complete Sydney (Benfield) project. Refinements have included addressing water loss through
     60the form of the surface elevation function, boundary conditions,
     61friction creep and issues with ill-conditioned system
     62as a result of a complex internal polygon. Whilst a protection has been put in place for friction
     63creep, the issue is still outstanding. The ill-conditioned nature of the system remains an outstanding
     64issue and is related to the conjugate gradient solver not converging. Final results will be delivered
     65to Benfield by Fri 28 April noting the latter two issues are still outstanding.
    6166    This project has synergies with the ANUGA Demo initiative (Everyone)
    6267  \item Port Hedland. Also part of the WA project. (Jane, Nick)
    72772 are guaranteed to complete before 30 June 2006. However, once
    7378streamlined, we expect a production rate of about one scenario per
    74 month.
     79month. A number of these studies may not be conducted by the team, however, assistance will certainly
     80be required.
    8591  \item Comparison of MOST and ANUGA over a stretch of deep water. Also, where to pick up boundary condition.
    8692  \item Momentum sink study (Duncan)
     93  \item The Black Screen of Death - ill-conditioned system, non-convergence of conjugate gradient solver.
    8794  \item Submarine landslide modelling paper with Dr Mueller or Russell Blong (Ask him), Sydney (Jane, Ole, Adrian, Matt). Perhaps use Wollongong as the study area. 
    8895  \item Probabilistic integration with URS model, pending URS data (Ole, Trevor).  Ask PDC. 
    140147  \item \textbf{Duncan}: Take responsibility for the code development and maintenance.
    141   Represent the inundation modelling project in the corporate IM context.     
     148  Represent the inundation modelling project in the corporate IM context. Other responsibilities include
     149  \begin{itemize}
     150  \item IM
     151  \item TRIM
     152  \item budget
     153  \end{itemize}
    142154  Take responsibility for one or more research projects, and contribute to production on a needs basis. 
    143155  \item \textbf{Jane}: Coordinate FESA production project, take responsibility for one or
    144156  more research projects and contribute to production and code development on a needs basis. In the longer term, maintenance of other stakeholder relationships (?).
    145157  \item \textbf{Nick}: Take responsibility for the production stream, develop visualisation techniques,
    146   and contribute to code development on a needs basis.
     158  and contribute to code development on a needs basis. Other responsibilities include
     160  \item TRIM
     161  \end{itemize}
    147162  \item \textbf{Ole}: Coordinate the inundation modelling project.
    148163  Manage the balance and requirements between the research, development and production stream.
    149164  Take responsibility for the code development and maintenance as well as one or more research projects.
    150   Contribute to production on a needs basis.   
     165  Contribute to production on a needs basis.   Other responsibilities include
     167  \item PUG
     168  \end{itemize}
    156174  \item \textbf{Adrian or Monica}: Provide input to submarine landslide research.
    157   \item \textbf{Hamish}: Coordinate collection and supply of topographic data.   
     175  \item \textbf{Hamish and Kathyrn Tobin}: Coordinate collection and supply of topographic and bathymetric data.   
    158176  \item \textbf{Neil and Ingo}: Coordinate development of GIS decision tool.
    159177    Assist with collection and supply of topographic data. 
    2522707 April 2006: We are putting \$10K in the 06-07 budget.
     272\section{Other projects}
     273LADS (laser airborne depth sounder) data is available from the Hydrographer's Officer
     274for the Great Barrier Reef. A project investigating whether or not a tsunami wave
     275is attentuated by the reef would be a real benefit to the ATWS (to inform whether
     276North Queensland is vulnerable).
    255278\section{Long term aim}
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