Changeset 2997

May 29, 2006, 10:38:53 AM (19 years ago)

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1 edited


  • production/onslow_2006/report/interpretation.tex

    r2992 r2997  
    44have been chosen to assist in describing the features of the tsunami wave
    55and the resultant impact ashore. Here, we assume that MSL coincides with
    6 AHD zero. This is a standard assumption and confirmed with the WA DLI (check
    7 where Ric is from). The graph ranges for both stage and
     6AHD zero. This is a standard assumption and confirmed with the WA DPI.
     7The graph ranges for both stage and
    88velocity are made consistent for each of comparison. In addition, velocities
    99under 0.001 m/s are not shown. As a useful benchmark, the following table
    1010describes typical examples for a range of velocities found in the
     15Velocity (m/s) & Example \\ \hline
     161 & \\ \hline
     172 & \\ \hline
     185 & \\ \hline
     1910 & \\ \hline
    1323In simulating different tidal conditions, we assume that the
    2131height is a reasonable one.
    23 (move this table up one paragraph)
    24 \begin{center}
    25 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline
    26 Velocity (m/s) & Example \\ \hline
    27 1 & \\ \hline
    28 2 & \\ \hline
    29 5 & \\ \hline
    30 10 & \\ \hline
    31 \end{tabular}
    32 \end{center}
     33The Australian Hydrographic Office fair sheet for Onslow describes the
     34chart datum to be LAT with MSL and HAT being 1.5 and 3 respectively. This
     35then places HAT and LAT at 1.5 AHD and -1.5 AHD respectively. Other
     36detail on the chart describes the blah de blah mark to be MHWS.
     38Hamish/Kathryn - does the Onslow coastline coincide with the yellow bit on the
     39Onslow map? If so, does that place AHD 0 at MHWS?
    3441It is evident from \ref{fig:ic_high}
    3542that much of Onslow would be inundated at Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT)
    3643(1.5m above MSL).
    37 HAT is the projected tide on a 19 year cycle, and Mean High Water Springs
    38 (MHWS) is the tide which is projected to occur on a yearly cycle. The
     44HAT is the projected tide on a 19 year cycle (occurring when a number of
     45astronomical conditions happen simultaneously), and Mean High Water Springs
     46(MHWS) is the tide which is projected to occur ... (get the words
     47from the ANTT 06). The
    3948Australian National Tidal Tables 2006 determines MHWS for Onslow to be 1m
    4049(adjusted to AHD) which also places regions within the study area under
    4554qualitative discussion on the changes to the inundation at HAT and LAT. 
    47 Hamish - does the Onslow coastline coincide with teh yellow bit on the
    48 Onslow map? If so, does that place AHD 0 at MHWS? Regardless, this
    49 doesn't help what would happen at Pt Hedland.
    51 Nick/DB - In comparing ANUGA to MOST etc, what's DB using? If looking OK,
    52 that probably means that we're saying AHD 0 = MSL.
    54 ANUGA question - why would say Bindi Bindi which has an elevation of
    55 around .8m start with 1.5m stage? Dam overflow gauge elevation around
    56 2.4m and IC = 2.45m ... Light Tower gauge elevation around 1.m and IC
    57 around 1.45m ... Could we add 1.5m to the boundary condition instead and
    58 propagate the water from there?
    60 The Australian Hydrographic Office fair sheet for Onslow describes the
    61 chart datum to be LAT with MSL and HAT being 1.5 and 3 respectively. This
    62 then places HAT and LAT at 1.5 AHD and -1.5 AHD respectively. Other
    63 detail on the chart describes the blah de blah mark to be MHWS.
    65 Depending on what the following figures look like, we may need to use the
    66 other data rather than the DTED.
     56%Depending on what the following figures look like, we may need to use the
     57%other data rather than the DTED.
    9283Examining the offshore gauges, the drawdown prior to the tsunami wave
    93 arriving at the shore can be seen to occur around 14000 secs (convert to
    94 mins) (x hours) after the tsunami wave penetrates the boundary (Nick - is
    95 this right?).
     84arriving at the shore can be seen to occur around 230 mins 
     85(3.8 hours) after the tsunami is generated.
    9686Prior to the drawdown, maximum amplitudes are approximately 50cm at
    9787West of Groyne and the mouth of Beadon Creek, for example. The first wave
    118108event propagate towards the shore.
    120 ???
    121 At some gauge locations, these
    122 subsequent waves cause significantly increased inundation than that of
    123 the first wave. This is particularly seen at the Beadon Creek Docks,
    124 West of Groyne and Beadon Creek locations.
    125 ???
     111%At some gauge locations, these
     112%subsequent waves cause significantly increased inundation than that of
     113%the first wave. This is particularly seen at the Beadon Creek Docks,
     114%West of Groyne and Beadon Creek locations.
     117(\bf{Note, these words are assuming that the current simulations are OK,
     118and will have to be updated once we have more information about
     119the tides etc}).
    127120It is evident for each simulation that the sand dunes west of
    128121Onslow are very effective in halting the tsunami wave. The height of these
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