Jul 20, 2006, 5:54:55 PM (19 years ago)

My comments

3 edited


  • production/onslow_2006/report/anuga.tex

    r3375 r3390  
    77technique belongs to the class of computational fluid dynamic (CFD)
    88methods which is based on discretizing the study area in
    9 control ''volumes''. The method satisfices conservation
    10 of mass, momentum and energy and is exactly satisfied for
     9control ''volumes''. The method ensures that conservation
     10of mass and horizontal momentum is satisfied for
    1111each control volume.
    1212An advantage of this technique is that the discretization
    1515is treated robustly as part of the numerical scheme.}.
    1616ANUGA is continually being developed and validated to ensure
    17 the modelling approximations reflect new theory or
    18 available experimental data sets.
     17the modelling approximations are as accurate as possible.
     18However, model sensitivity to errors in bathymetric data,
     19frictional resistance of the seafloor and the size of the tsunamigenic event are not well understood and the topic of ongoing research.
    1920As such, the current results are preliminary.
  • production/onslow_2006/report/data.tex

    r3375 r3390  
    3333drainage. In addition, the Department of Land Information (DLI) has provided a
    343420m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and orthophotography
    35 covering the NW Shelf. The DTED Level 2 data is ``bare earth'' and
    36 the DLI data distorted by vegetation and buildings. 
     35covering the NW Shelf. The DTED Level 2 data is ``bare earth'' while the
     36DLI data is distorted by vegetation and buildings. 
    3838Figure \ref{fig:contours_compare}(a) shows the contour lines for
    3939HAT, MSL and LAT for Onslow using the DTED data where it is evident
    4040that the extent of the tidal inundation is exaggerated. In particular,
    41 parts of Onslow town are inundated at HAT before a tsunami has
     41parts of Onslow town appears to be inundated at HAT before a tsunami has
    4242even been generated. This is due to
    4343short comings with the digital elevation model (DEM) created from
  • production/onslow_2006/report/modelling_methodology.tex

    r3375 r3390  
    1 GA bases its risk modelling on the process of understanding the hazard and a community's
    2 vulnerability in order to determine the impact of a particular hazard event.
    3 The resultant risk relies on an assessment of the likelihood of the event.
    4 An overall risk assessment for a particular hazard would then rely on scaling
    5 each event's impact by its likelihood.
     2Geoscience Australia aims to define the economic and social threat posed to urban communities
     3by a range of rapid onset natural hazards. Through the integration of natural hazard research, defining national exposure and
     4estimating socio-economic vulnerabilities, predictions of the likely impacts of events can be made.
     5Hazards include earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, severe winds and cyclones.
     7By modelling the likely impacts on urban communities as accurately as possible and
     8building these estimates into land use planning and emergency
     9management, communities will be better prepared to respond to
     10natural disasters when they occur.
     13%GA bases its risk modelling on the process of understanding the hazard and a community's
     14%vulnerability in order to determine the impact of a particular hazard event.
     15%The resultant risk relies on an assessment of the likelihood of the event.
     16%An overall risk assessment for a particular hazard would then rely on scaling
     17%each event's impact by its likelihood.
    719To develop a tsunami risk assessment,
    2537%\cite{somerville:urs} follow this paradigm.
    27 MOST, which generates and propagates the tsunami wave from its source, is not adequate to
     39While MOST is suitable for generating and propagating the tsunami wave from its source, it is not adequate to
    2840model the wave's impact on communities ashore. 
    2941To capture the \emph{impact} of a tsunami to a coastal community,
    3951coastal community, we use ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim}. In order to capture the
    4052details of the wave and its interactions, a much finer resolution is
    41 required than that of the hazard model. As a result, ANUGA concentrates
    42 on a specific coastal community. MOST by contrast uses a
     53required than that of the hazard model. As a result, ANUGA simulations concentrate
     54on specific coastal communities. MOST by contrast uses a
    4355coarser resolution and covers often vast areas. To develop the impact
    4456from an earthquake event from a distant source, we adopt a hybrid approach of
    4658In this way, the output from MOST serves as an input to ANUGA.
    4759In modelling terms, the MOST output is a boundary condition for ANUGA.
     61\bigskip %FIXME (Ole): Should this be a subsection even?
    4962The risk of the scenario tsunami event cannot be determined until the
    5063likelihood of the event is known. GA is currently building a
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