Changeset 3405

Jul 23, 2006, 12:05:12 PM (19 years ago)

minor changes - last change before taking to Perth

1 edited


  • production/onslow_2006/report/interpretation.tex

    r3404 r3405  
    1919the initial water level will be that of the tidal scenario. In the
    2020case of MSL, this water level will be 0. As the tsunami wave moves
    21 through this point, the water height may grow and thus the stage will represent the amplitude of the wave. For an onshore location such as the Light Tower, the actual water depth will be the difference between
     21through this point, the water height may grow and thus the stage will
     22represent the amplitude of the wave. For an onshore location such as the
     23Light Tower, the actual water depth will be the difference between
    2224the stage and the elevation at that point. Therefore, at the beginning
    2325of the simulation, there will be no water onshore and therefore
    51 A tsunami wave typically has a low amplitude and typically travels at 100's of kilometres per hour. The low amplitude complicates the ability to detect
    52 the wave. As the water depth decreases, the speed of the wave
     53A tsunami wave typically has a small amplitude and typically travels at 100's of kilometres per hour.
     54The low amplitude complicates the ability to detect
     55the wave. As the water depth decreases,
     56the speed of the wave
    5357decreases and the amplitude grows. Another important feature of tsunamis
    5458is drawdown. This means that the water is seen to retreat from the beaches
    55 before a tsunami wave impacts that location. Other features
    56 include reflections (where the wave is redirected due to the influence
    57 of the coast) and shoaling (where the wave's amplitude increases ...).
     59before a tsunami wave
     60impacts that location. Other features
     61include reflections (where the wave is redirected due to the
     63of the coast) and shoaling (where the wave's amplitude is amplified
     64close to the coast due to wave interactions).
     65These features are seen in these scenarios, and are consistent
     66for HAT, MSL and LAT.
     67There is a small wave, followed
     68by a large drawdown and then a large secondary wave.
    59 These features are seen in these scenarios, and are consistent
    60 for HAT, MSL and LAT. There is a small wave, followed
    61 by a large drawdown and then a large secondary wave. These
    6271features are illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeest}
    6372where a small wave can be seen at around 200 mins. For the HAT
    6473case (shown in blue), the amplitude
    65 of the wave at this location is around 0.5 m\footnote{In this
     74of the wave at this location is around 0.8 m\footnote{In this
    6675scenario, the initial water level is 1.5 m, which means that
    6776the actual amplitude is the difference between the stage value
    68 and the initial water level; 2.? - 1.5).
    69 The drawdown of around 4 m (i.e. 2.? - -2) then occurs at around 230 mins
     77and the initial water level; 2.3 - 1.5).
     78The drawdown of around 4.3 m (i.e. 2.3 - -2) then occurs at around 230 mins
    7079(i.e. 3.8 hours after the event has been generated), before
    71 the second wave arrives with an amplitude of over 3 m (i.e. 4.? -
    72 -1.5). A further wave
    73 is then evident a short time later (around 270 mins)
    74 which further increases the amplitude to over 4.5 m (i.e. 6.? - -1.5).
     80the second wave arrives
     81with an amplitude of around 3.6 m (i.e. 4.1 - 1.5). A further wave
     82is then evident a short time later (around 255 mins)
     83which further increases the amplitude to around 5 m (i.e. 6.6 - 1.5).
    7584These features are replicated at each of the offshore points (those
    7685points with negative elevation as shown in Table \ref{table:locations}).
    101110to Table \ref{table:speedexamples}, a person in this location could
    102111not outrun this water movement. A small amount of water is found
    103 at the hospital (? cm). Whilst this seems minimal, the water is moving
    104 at around 6 m/s which could dislodge items such as trolleys and
    105 wheelchairs if the water was able to enter the hospital.
     112at the hospital (10 cm). Whilst this seems minimal, the water is moving
     113at around 6 m/s which could dislodge some items if the water was able to enter the hospital.
    107115The geography of the Onslow area has played a role in offering
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