Changeset 3976 for anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/report
- Timestamp:
- Nov 14, 2006, 9:45:27 AM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/report
- Files:
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r3729 r3976 35 35 \begin{figure}[hbt] 36 36 37 %\centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{../report_figures/hobart_resolution_zones.jpg}}37 \centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{../report_figures/refined_model.jpg}} 38 38 39 39 \caption{Study area for the Hobart scenario highlighting four regions of increased refinement. 40 Region 1: Surrounds the coastal region with a cell area of 2500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 70 m). 40 The Bruny, Site 13 and Kingston regions surrounds a paleo site identified in Chris Sharples report. 41 The cell area in these regions are 500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 70 m). 42 Region 4: Surrounds the coastal region with a cell area of 2500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 70 m). 43 The remaining parts of the model have a resolution of m$^2$ (lateral accuracy m). 41 44 } 42 45 \label{fig:hobart_area} -
r3721 r3976 3 3 We have 4 4 chosen a number of locations to illustrate the features 5 of the tsunami as it approaches and impact South East Tasmania.5 of the tsunami as it approaches and impacts South East Tasmania. 6 6 These locations align with those in the paleotsunami report. 7 7 These locations … … 13 13 generated at the beginning of the simulation, i.e. time = 0 minutes. 14 14 Stage is defined as the absolute 15 water level (in metres) relative to AHD 16 \footnote{For an offshore location such as Beadon Bay West, 17 the initial water level will be that of the tidal scenario. In the 18 case of MSL, this water level will be 0. As the tsunami wave moves 19 through this point, the water height may grow and thus the stage will 20 represent the amplitude of the wave. For an onshore location such as the 21 Light Tower, the actual water depth will be the difference between 22 the stage and the elevation at that point. Therefore, at the beginning 23 of the simulation, there will be no water onshore and therefore 24 the stage and the elevation will be identical.}. Both stage and speed 15 water level (in metres) relative to AHD. Both stage and speed 25 16 (in metres/second) for 26 17 each scenario (Mw 8.7 and Mw 8.5) are shown … … 63 54 by a large drawdown and then a large secondary wave. 64 55 65 These 66 features are illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast} 67 where a small wave can be seen at around 200 mins. For the HAT 68 case (shown in blue), the amplitude 69 of the wave at this location is around 0.8 m\footnote{In this 70 scenario, the initial water level is 1.5 m, which means that 71 the actual amplitude is the difference between the stage value 72 and the initial water level; 2.3 - 1.5}. 73 The drawdown of around 4.3 m (i.e. 2.3 - -2) then occurs at around 230 mins 74 (i.e. 3.8 hours after the event has been generated), before 75 the second wave arrives 76 with an amplitude of around 3.6 m (i.e. 4.1 - 1.5). A further wave 77 is then evident a short time later (around 255 mins) 78 which further increases the amplitude to around 5 m (i.e. 6.6 - 1.5). 79 These features are replicated at each of the offshore points (those 80 points with negative elevation as shown in Table \ref{table:locations}). 56 The bathymetry and geography of the region has played a role in 57 directing or attentuating the tsunami wave. The tsunami wave is 58 travelling from the south west of the area. The wave is seen to attentuate as it 59 travels towards the Derwent River. 81 60 82 The wave amplitude is typically greater83 for those locations which are in the shallowest water. For example,84 the maximum wave amplitude at the Beadon Bay East location85 (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}) is over86 4.5m where the water depth would normally be 3.56 m. In the87 Beadon Bay West location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest})88 where the water depth would normally be 4.62 m,89 the maximum wave amplitude is much less (around 3 m). The wave amplitude90 at the West of Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne})91 is not greater than that seen92 at the Beadon Bay East location, even though the water depth is93 much less, at 2.11m. This is probably due to its proximity94 to the groyne\footnote{A groyne is a man made structure to combat95 coastal erosion.}96 which has impeded the tsunami wave to some degree. However, the97 maximum speed found amongst the locations is at the West of Groyne98 point which is in the shallowest water.99 100 The speed of the tsunami sharply increases as it moves onshore. There101 is minimal inundation found at the locations chosen, with the Bindi Bindi102 community receiving the greatest inundation for all tidal scenarios.103 At HAT, the community would receive over 1 m of inundation with104 the water moving through the community at approximately 16 m/s. Referring105 to Table \ref{table:speedexamples}, a person in this location could106 not outrun this water movement. A small amount of water is found107 at the hospital (10 cm). Whilst this seems minimal, the water is moving108 at around 6 m/s which could dislodge some items if the water was able to enter the hospital.109 110 The geography of the Onslow area has played a role in offering111 some protection to the Onslow community. The tsunami wave is112 travelling from the north west of the area. Most of113 the inundation along the coast is that which is open to this114 direction.115 The sand dunes west of Onslow116 appear to have halted this tsunami wave117 (see Figure \ref{fig:MSL_max_inundation}) with limited118 inundation found on the town's side of the dunes.119 The inundation within the community has occurred due to the120 wave reflecting from the beach area west of the creek and121 returning towards the Onslow town itself.122 There are also sand dunes east of the creek which have also123 halted inundation beyond them.124 Currently, we do not model changes125 to the bathymetry or topography due to effects of the water flow.126 Therefore, we do not know whether these sand dunes would withstand the127 transmitted energy of the tsunami wave.128 -
r3729 r3976 1 1 \begin{sidewaysfigure} 2 %\centerline{ \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{../report_figures/mw87.jpg}}3 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Mw 8.7 scenario for S outh East Tasmania.2 \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{../report_figures/site13refined.jpg}} 3 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Mw 8.7 scenario for Site 13. 4 4 Data: TAS DPIW, UTAS and Hobart Port Authority and AHO.} 5 \label{fig: mw87_max_inundation}5 \label{fig:site13maxinundation} 6 6 \end{sidewaysfigure} 7 8 \begin{sidewaysfigure} 9 \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{../report_figures/kingston.jpg}} 10 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Mw 8.7 scenario for Kingston. 11 Data: TAS DPIW, UTAS and Hobart Port Authority and AHO.} 12 \label{fig:kingstonmaxinundation} 13 \end{sidewaysfigure} -
r3721 r3976 1 This report has described the impact on Onslow from a tsunami2 generated by a Mw 9 earthquake on the Sunda Arc subduction zone3 occurring at Highest Astronomical Tide, Lowest Astronomical Tide 4 andMean Sea Level.1 This report has described the tsunami inundation to selected 2 sites in South East Tasmania which have been 3 generated by a Mw 8.7 earthquake on the Puysegur Trecnh 4 occurring at Mean Sea Level. 5 5 As yet, there is no knowledge of the return period for this event. The 6 modelling methodology, assumptions and data sources for the Onslow6 modelling methodology, assumptions and data sources for the South East Tasmania 7 7 scenario have also been described. 8 8 9 As shown in Section \ref{sec:data}, it is imperative10 that the best available data is used to increase confidence11 in the inundation maps.12 Given that the Highest Astronomical Tide contour13 line is further from the coast for the DTED data than the DLI data, we14 expect the inundation to extend further and thus be greater than15 that seen in Figure \ref{fig:MSL_max_inundation}.16 The impact modelling17 will result in significantly inflated structural and contents loss figures as well as18 numbers of people affected.19 These results strongly point to the need for the best20 available data so that more accurate predictions regarding the21 inundation can be made.22 An onshore grid resolution of the order23 of tens of metres is required, however, it is more important that the data24 are accurate (or at least well known).25 9 26 These scenarios will be revisited once the probabilistic models27 are complete so that a suite of tsunami impact assessments can be made.28 Future activities to support the impact studies on the North West Shelf29 include:30 31 \begin{itemize}32 \item Sourcing of data sets,33 \item Investigation of solution sensitivity to cell resolution,34 bathymetry and tsunami source uncertainties,35 \item Location of boundary for simulation study area, and36 \item Investigation of friction coefficients.37 \end{itemize}38 39
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