Nov 21, 2006, 3:02:03 PM (18 years ago)

(i) updates for Dampier report (ii) update cairns demo

5 edited


  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/anuga_setup.tex

    r4009 r4021  
    2020To set up a model for the tsunami scenario, a study area is first
    21 determined. Here, we define the study area to cover around km of coastline
    22 and extending offshore to around the 70m depth contour. Onshore data covers the
     21determined. Here, we define the study area to
     22extend offshore to around the 70m depth contour with the onshore data covering the
    2323area of interest to CIPMA. The study area is around 6250 km$^2$.
    3030area will be the maximum cell area within the defined region and that each
    3131cell in the region does not necessarily have the same area.}.
    32 The cell areas should not be too small as this will cause unrealisticly long computational time,
    33 and not too great as this may inadequately capture important behaviour.
    34 %There are no gains in choosing the area to be less than the supporting data.
    35 Figure \ref{fig:dampier_area} shows the study area with regions of difference cell areas. The total number
    36 of cells is 177 000.
     32\Figure \ref{fig:dampier_area} shows the study area with regions of difference cell areas. The total number
     33of cells is 177 191.
    3734Lateral accuracy refers to the distance at which we are confident in stating a region is inundated.
    3835Figure \ref{fig:dampier_area} shows the maximum triangular cell area and lateral accuracy for each region.
    4744  \caption{Study area for Dampier scenario highlighting four regions of increased refinement.
    48 Region 1: Surrounds onshore gas infrastructure at Dampier with a cell area of 500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 30 m).
     45Region 1: Surrounds onshore gas infrastructure at Dampier with a cell area of 500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 30 m) - not shown here.
    4946Region 2: Surrounds the gas pipelines with a cell area of 2000 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 100 m).
    5047Region 3: Surrounds the coastal regions with a cell area of 10000 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy  m).
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/data.tex

    r3988 r4021  
    1313as the vertical datum. Mean Sea Level (MSL) is approximately equal to
    14140m AHD with the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT)
    15 and Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) defined as 2.4m AHD
    16 and -m AHD respectively for Dampier \cite{antt:06}.
     15defined as 2.4m AHD for Dampier \cite{antt:06}.
    1817Data for this study have been sourced from a number of agencies. With
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/execsum.tex

    r3957 r4021  
    33Risk Assessment Methods Project (RAMP). The purpose of this
    44study is to determine the potential tsunami inundation extent and
    5 particle velocity as the tsunami
     5particle momentum as the tsunami
    66impacts the major gas facilities and infrastructure in Dampier.
    1010and results (Section \ref{sec:results})
    1111for a specific tsunami-genic event as it impacts the Dampier gas facilities and infrastructure.
    12 In particular, maximum inundation and velocity maps are shown
     12In particular, maximum inundation and depth and velocity time series are shown
    1313for the event occurring at highest astronomical tide.
    1414Impact assessments will be conducted by CIPMA and are not discussed here.
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/metadata.tex

    r3955 r4021  
    1 \includepdf[pages={1-5}]{MetadataforATWSDampierScenario}
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