Changeset 4280
- Timestamp:
- Feb 26, 2007, 9:50:44 AM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- anuga_core/source/anuga/shallow_water
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4271 r4280 78 78 from anuga.caching.caching import myhash 79 79 from anuga.utilities.anuga_exceptions import ANUGAError 80 from anuga.pmesh.mesh import Mesh81 80 from anuga.shallow_water import Domain 82 81 from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.pmesh2domain import \ … … 4419 4418 4420 4419 """ 4420 #FIXME cache this function! 4421 4421 4422 4422 from sets import ImmutableSet … … 4449 4449 interpolate any point on the segment. 4450 4450 """ 4451 from math import sqrt 4451 4452 #print "zone",zone 4452 4453 geo_reference = Geo_reference(zone=zone) … … 4456 4457 #print "seg_lat_long", seg_lat_long 4457 4458 # 1.415 = 2^0.5, rounded up.... 4458 buffer = 1.415 * grid_spacing 4459 sqrt_2_rounded_up = 1.415 4460 buffer = sqrt_2_rounded_up * grid_spacing 4459 4461 4460 4462 # … … 4465 4467 min_long = min(seg_lat_long[0][1], seg_lat_long[1][1]) - buffer 4466 4468 4467 #print "ll_lat", ll_lat4468 #print "ll_long", ll_long4469 #print "max_lat", max_lat4470 #print "max_long", max_long4471 #print "min_lat", min_lat4472 #print "min_long", min_long4473 4469 first_row = (min_long - ll_long)/grid_spacing 4474 4470 # To round up … … 4479 4475 last_row_long = int(round(last_row)) 4480 4476 #print "last_row",last_row _long 4481 4482 4477 4483 4478 first_row = (min_lat - ll_lat)/grid_spacing … … 4490 4485 #print "last_row",last_row_lat 4491 4486 4487 ul_lat = ll_lat + grid_spacing*lat_amount 4488 ul_lat_close = ul_lat - grid_spacing 4489 ll_long_close = ll_long + grid_spacing 4490 _ , x, y = redfearn(ul_lat, ll_long) 4491 _ , _, y_close = redfearn(ul_lat_close, ll_long) 4492 _ , x_close, _ = redfearn(ul_lat, ll_long_close) 4493 4494 4495 max_distance = sqrt_2_rounded_up * max(x-x_close,y - y_close) 4492 4496 points_lat_long = [] 4493 4497 # Create a list of the lat long points to include. … … 4496 4500 lat = ll_lat + index_lat*grid_spacing 4497 4501 long = ll_long + index_long*grid_spacing 4498 points_lat_long.append((lat, long)) #must be hashable 4502 4503 #filter here to keep good points 4504 if keep_point(lat, long, seg, max_distance): 4505 points_lat_long.append((lat, long)) #must be hashable 4499 4506 #print "points_lat_long", points_lat_long 4500 return points_lat_long 4501 4507 4508 # Now that we have these points, lets throw ones out that are too far away 4509 return points_lat_long 4510 4511 def keep_point(lat, long, seg, max_distance): 4512 """ 4513 seg is two points, UTM 4514 """ 4515 from math import sqrt 4516 _ , x0, y0 = redfearn(lat, long) 4517 x1 = seg[0][0] 4518 y1 = seg[0][1] 4519 x2 = seg[1][0] 4520 y2 = seg[1][1] 4521 4522 x2_1 = x2-x1 4523 y2_1 = y2-y1 4524 d = abs((x2_1)*(y1-y0)-(x1-x0)*(y2_1))/sqrt((x2_1)*(x2_1)+(y2_1)*(y2_1)) 4525 if d <= max_distance: 4526 return True 4527 else: 4528 return False 4529 4502 4530 #### CONVERTING UNGRIDDED URS DATA TO AN SWW FILE #### 4503 4531 def urs_ungridded2sww_link(basename_in='o', basename_out=None, verbose=False, … … 4522 4550 origin = None, 4523 4551 zscale=1, 4524 fail_on_NaN=True, 4525 NaN_filler=0): 4552 fail_on_NaN=True): 4526 4553 """ 4527 4554 parameters not used! 4528 NaN_filler4529 4555 origin 4530 4556 #mint=None, maxt=None, 4531 """ 4532 # Convert to utm4533 4557 """ 4558 from anuga.pmesh.mesh import Mesh 4559 4534 4560 files_in = [basename_in+'-z-mux', 4535 4561 basename_in+'-e-mux', … … 4539 4565 # instanciate urs_points of the three mux files. 4540 4566 mux = {} 4541 quality_slices = {}4567 #quality_slices = {} 4542 4568 for quantity, file in map(None, quantities, files_in): 4543 4569 mux[quantity] = Urs_points(file) 4544 quality_slices[quantity] = [] 4545 for slice in mux[quantity]: 4546 quality_slices[quantity].append(slice) 4547 4570 #quality_slices[quantity] = [] 4571 #for slice in mux[quantity]: 4572 # quality_slices[quantity].append(slice) 4548 4573 4549 4574 # FIXME: check that the depth is the same. (hashing) … … 4560 4585 #print "zone", zone 4561 4586 4562 elevation = a_mux.lonlatdep[:, 0] * -1 #4587 elevation = a_mux.lonlatdep[:,2] * -1 # 4563 4588 4564 4589 # grid ( create a mesh from the selected points) 4590 # This mesh has a problem. Triangles are streched over ungridded areas. 4591 # If these areas could be described as holes in pmesh, that would be great 4592 4565 4593 mesh = Mesh() 4566 4594 mesh.add_vertices(points_utm) … … 4570 4598 4571 4599 #mesh.export_mesh_file(basename_in + '.tsh') 4572 4600 4573 4601 times = [] 4574 4602 for i in range(a_mux.time_step_count): … … 4593 4621 write_sww_header(outfile, times, len(volumes), len(points_utm)) 4594 4622 write_sww_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, 4595 elevation, zone, verbose=verbose) 4596 4597 write_sww_time_slice(outfile, quality_slices['HA'], 4598 quality_slices['UA'], quality_slices['VA'], 4599 elevation, 4600 mean_stage=mean_stage, zscale=zscale, 4601 verbose=verbose) 4623 elevation, zone, origin=origin, verbose=verbose) 4624 j = 0 4625 # Read in a time slice from each mux file and write it to the sww file 4626 for HA, UA, VA in map(None, mux['HA'], mux['UA'], mux['VA']): 4627 write_sww_time_slice(outfile, HA, UA, VA, elevation, j, 4628 mean_stage=mean_stage, zscale=zscale, 4629 verbose=verbose) 4630 j += 1 4631 outfile.close() 4602 4632 # 4603 4633 # Do some conversions while writing the sww file 4604 4605 4606 4634 4607 4635 def write_sww_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points ): … … 4659 4687 ('number_of_timesteps', 4660 4688 'number_of_points')) 4661 4662 class Urs_points: 4663 """ 4664 Read the info in URS mux files. 4665 4666 for the quantities heres a correlation between the file names and 4667 what they mean; 4668 z-mux is height above sea level, m 4669 e-mux is velocity is Eastern direction, m/s 4670 n-mux is velocity is Northern direction, m/s 4671 4672 4673 """ 4674 def __init__(self,urs_file): 4675 self.iterated = False 4676 columns = 3 # long, lat , depth 4677 mux_file = open(urs_file, 'rb') 4678 4679 # Number of points/stations 4680 (self.points_num,)= unpack('i', 4681 4682 # nt, int - Number of time steps 4683 (self.time_step_count,)= unpack('i', 4684 4685 #dt, float - time step, seconds 4686 (self.time_step,) = unpack('f', 4687 4688 msg = "Bad data in the urs file." 4689 if self.points_num < 0: 4690 mux_file.close() 4691 raise ANUGAError, msg 4692 if self.time_step_count < 0: 4693 mux_file.close() 4694 raise ANUGAError, msg 4695 if self.time_step < 0: 4696 mux_file.close() 4697 raise ANUGAError, msg 4698 4699 # the depth is in meters, and it is the distance from the ocean 4700 # to the sea bottom. 4701 lonlatdep = p_array.array('f') 4702, columns * self.points_num) 4703 lonlatdep = array(lonlatdep, typecode=Float) 4704 lonlatdep = reshape(lonlatdep, (self.points_num, columns)) 4705 #print 'lonlatdep',lonlatdep 4706 self.lonlatdep = lonlatdep 4707 4708 self.mux_file = mux_file 4709 # check this array 4710 4711 def __iter__(self): 4712 """ 4713 iterate over quantity data which is with respect to time. 4714 4715 Note: You can only interate once over an object 4716 4717 returns quantity infomation for each time slice 4718 """ 4719 msg = "You can only interate once over a urs file." 4720 assert not self.iterated, msg 4721 self.time_step = 0 4722 self.iterated = True 4723 return self 4724 4725 def next(self): 4726 if self.time_step_count == self.time_step: 4727 self.close() 4728 raise StopIteration 4729 #Read in a time slice from mux file 4730 hz_p_array = p_array.array('f') 4731, self.points_num) 4732 hz_p = array(hz_p_array, typecode=Float) 4733 self.time_step += 1 4734 4735 return hz_p 4736 4737 def close(self): 4738 self.mux_file.close() 4689 4690 outfile.variables['time'][:] = times 4739 4691 4740 4692 4741 4693 def write_sww_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, 4742 elevation, zone, verbose=False): 4743 4744 number_of_points = len(points_utm) 4745 #Store 4746 x = zeros(number_of_points, Float) #Easting 4747 y = zeros(number_of_points, Float) #Northing 4748 4694 elevation, zone, origin=None, verbose=False): 4695 4696 number_of_points = len(points_utm) 4749 4697 volumes = array(volumes) 4750 4698 4751 geo_ref = Geo_reference(zone,min(x),min(y)) 4699 if origin is not None: 4700 if isinstance(origin, Geo_reference): 4701 geo_ref = origin 4702 else: 4703 geo_ref = apply(Geo_reference,origin) 4704 else: 4705 geo_ref = Geo_reference(zone,min(points_utm[:,0]),min(points_utm[:,1])) 4706 #geo_ref = Geo_reference(zone,0,0) 4752 4707 geo_ref.write_NetCDF(outfile) 4753 4708 … … 4773 4728 4774 4729 #z = resize(bath_grid,outfile.variables['z'][:].shape) 4775 outfile.variables['x'][:] = x- geo_ref.get_xllcorner()4776 outfile.variables['y'][:] = y- geo_ref.get_yllcorner()4730 outfile.variables['x'][:] = points_utm[:,0] - geo_ref.get_xllcorner() 4731 outfile.variables['y'][:] = points_utm[:,1] - geo_ref.get_yllcorner() 4777 4732 outfile.variables['z'][:] = elevation 4778 4733 outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = elevation #FIXME HACK … … 4782 4737 # FIXME: Don't store the whole speeds and stage in memory. 4783 4738 # block it? 4784 def write_sww_time_slice (outfile, has, uas, vas, elevation,4739 def write_sww_time_slices(outfile, has, uas, vas, elevation, 4785 4740 mean_stage=0, zscale=1, 4786 4741 verbose=False): … … 4792 4747 if verbose: print 'Converting quantities' 4793 4748 n = len(has) 4794 j = 0 4795 4749 j=0 4796 4750 for ha, ua, va in map(None, has, uas, vas): 4797 4751 if verbose and j%((n+10)/10)==0: print ' Doing %d of %d' %(j, n) … … 4802 4756 ymomentum[j] = va*h 4803 4757 j += 1 4804 outfile.close() 4805 4758 4759 4760 def write_sww_time_slice(outfile, ha, ua, va, elevation, slice_index, 4761 mean_stage=0, zscale=1, 4762 verbose=False): 4763 #Time stepping 4764 stage = outfile.variables['stage'] 4765 xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum'] 4766 ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum'] 4767 4768 if verbose: print 'Converting quantities' 4769 4770 w = zscale*ha + mean_stage 4771 stage[slice_index] = w 4772 h = w - elevation 4773 xmomentum[slice_index] = ua*h 4774 ymomentum[slice_index] = va*h 4775 4776 class Urs_points: 4777 """ 4778 Read the info in URS mux files. 4779 4780 for the quantities heres a correlation between the file names and 4781 what they mean; 4782 z-mux is height above sea level, m 4783 e-mux is velocity is Eastern direction, m/s 4784 n-mux is velocity is Northern direction, m/s 4785 """ 4786 def __init__(self,urs_file): 4787 self.iterated = False 4788 columns = 3 # long, lat , depth 4789 mux_file = open(urs_file, 'rb') 4790 4791 # Number of points/stations 4792 (self.points_num,)= unpack('i', 4793 4794 # nt, int - Number of time steps 4795 (self.time_step_count,)= unpack('i', 4796 #print "self.time_step_count", self.time_step_count 4797 #dt, float - time step, seconds 4798 (self.time_step,) = unpack('f', 4799 #print "self.time_step", self.time_step 4800 msg = "Bad data in the urs file." 4801 if self.points_num < 0: 4802 mux_file.close() 4803 raise ANUGAError, msg 4804 if self.time_step_count < 0: 4805 mux_file.close() 4806 raise ANUGAError, msg 4807 if self.time_step < 0: 4808 mux_file.close() 4809 raise ANUGAError, msg 4810 4811 # the depth is in meters, and it is the distance from the ocean 4812 # to the sea bottom. 4813 lonlatdep = p_array.array('f') 4814, columns * self.points_num) 4815 lonlatdep = array(lonlatdep, typecode=Float) 4816 lonlatdep = reshape(lonlatdep, (self.points_num, columns)) 4817 #print 'lonlatdep',lonlatdep 4818 self.lonlatdep = lonlatdep 4819 4820 self.mux_file = mux_file 4821 # check this array 4822 4823 def __iter__(self): 4824 """ 4825 iterate over quantity data which is with respect to time. 4826 4827 Note: You can only interate once over an object 4828 4829 returns quantity infomation for each time slice 4830 """ 4831 msg = "You can only interate once over a urs file." 4832 assert not self.iterated, msg 4833 self.iter_time_step = 0 4834 self.iterated = True 4835 return self 4836 4837 def next(self): 4838 if self.time_step_count == self.iter_time_step: 4839 self.close() 4840 raise StopIteration 4841 #Read in a time slice from mux file 4842 hz_p_array = p_array.array('f') 4843, self.points_num) 4844 hz_p = array(hz_p_array, typecode=Float) 4845 self.iter_time_step += 1 4846 4847 return hz_p 4848 4849 def close(self): 4850 self.mux_file.close() 4851 4806 4852 #### END URS UNGRIDDED 2 SWW ### 4807 4853 -
r4271 r4280 5221 5221 time_step_count = 2 5222 5222 time_step = 400 5223 tide = 9000000 5223 5224 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, 5224 5225 time_step_count, time_step) 5225 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name) 5226 5227 5226 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide) 5227 5228 # now I want to check the sww file ... 5229 sww_file = base_name + '.sww' 5230 5231 #Let's interigate the sww file 5232 # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. 5233 fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) 5234 5235 # Make x and y absolute 5236 x = fid.variables['x'][:] 5237 y = fid.variables['y'][:] 5238 geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) 5239 points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) 5240 points = ensure_numeric(points) 5241 x = points[:,0] 5242 y = points[:,1] 5243 5244 #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented 5245 #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point 5246 zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) 5247 assert allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) 5248 5249 #Check the time vector 5250 times = fid.variables['time'][:] 5251 5252 times_actual = [] 5253 for i in range(time_step_count): 5254 times_actual.append(time_step * i) 5255 5256 assert allclose(ensure_numeric(times), 5257 ensure_numeric(times_actual)) 5258 5259 #Check first value 5260 stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] 5261 xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] 5262 ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] 5263 elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] 5264 assert allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters 5265 5266 #Check the momentums - ua 5267 #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) 5268 #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) 5269 # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files 5270 # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files 5271 answer = n*(e+tide+n) 5272 actual = xmomentum[0,0] 5273 assert allclose(answer, actual) #Meters 5274 5275 # check the stage values, first time step. 5276 # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as 5277 # the stage 5278 assert allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters 5279 # check the elevation values. 5280 # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, 5281 # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as 5282 # the elevation 5283 assert allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters 5284 5285 fid.close() 5286 self.delete_mux(files) 5287 os.remove(sww_file) 5288 5289 def test_urs_ungridded2swwII (self): 5290 5291 #Zone: 50 5292 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 5293 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' 5294 lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] 5295 time_step_count = 2 5296 time_step = 400 5297 tide = 9000000 5298 geo_reference = Geo_reference(50, 3434543,34534543) 5299 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, 5300 time_step_count, time_step) 5301 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin = geo_reference) 5302 5303 # now I want to check the sww file ... 5304 sww_file = base_name + '.sww' 5305 5306 #Let's interigate the sww file 5307 # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. 5308 fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) 5309 5310 # Make x and y absolute 5311 x = fid.variables['x'][:] 5312 y = fid.variables['y'][:] 5313 geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) 5314 points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) 5315 points = ensure_numeric(points) 5316 x = points[:,0] 5317 y = points[:,1] 5318 5319 #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented 5320 #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point 5321 zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) 5322 assert allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) 5323 5324 #Check the time vector 5325 times = fid.variables['time'][:] 5326 5327 times_actual = [] 5328 for i in range(time_step_count): 5329 times_actual.append(time_step * i) 5330 5331 assert allclose(ensure_numeric(times), 5332 ensure_numeric(times_actual)) 5333 5334 #Check first value 5335 stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] 5336 xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] 5337 ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] 5338 elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] 5339 assert allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters 5340 5341 #Check the momentums - ua 5342 #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) 5343 #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) 5344 # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files 5345 # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files 5346 answer = n*(e+tide+n) 5347 actual = xmomentum[0,0] 5348 assert allclose(answer, actual) #Meters 5349 5350 # check the stage values, first time step. 5351 # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as 5352 # the stage 5353 assert allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters 5354 # check the elevation values. 5355 # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, 5356 # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as 5357 # the elevation 5358 assert allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters 5359 5360 fid.close() 5361 self.delete_mux(files) 5362 #os.remove(sww_file) 5363 5364 def test_urs_ungridded2swwIII (self): 5365 5366 #Zone: 50 5367 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 5368 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' 5369 lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] 5370 time_step_count = 2 5371 time_step = 400 5372 tide = 9000000 5373 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, 5374 time_step_count, time_step) 5375 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343)) 5376 5377 # now I want to check the sww file ... 5378 sww_file = base_name + '.sww' 5379 5380 #Let's interigate the sww file 5381 # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. 5382 fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) 5383 5384 # Make x and y absolute 5385 x = fid.variables['x'][:] 5386 y = fid.variables['y'][:] 5387 geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) 5388 points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) 5389 points = ensure_numeric(points) 5390 x = points[:,0] 5391 y = points[:,1] 5392 5393 #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented 5394 #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point 5395 zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) 5396 assert allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) 5397 5398 #Check the time vector 5399 times = fid.variables['time'][:] 5400 5401 times_actual = [] 5402 for i in range(time_step_count): 5403 times_actual.append(time_step * i) 5404 5405 assert allclose(ensure_numeric(times), 5406 ensure_numeric(times_actual)) 5407 5408 #Check first value 5409 stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] 5410 xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] 5411 ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] 5412 elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] 5413 assert allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters 5414 5415 #Check the momentums - ua 5416 #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) 5417 #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) 5418 # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files 5419 # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files 5420 answer = n*(e+tide+n) 5421 actual = xmomentum[0,0] 5422 assert allclose(answer, actual) #Meters 5423 5424 # check the stage values, first time step. 5425 # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as 5426 # the stage 5427 assert allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters 5428 # check the elevation values. 5429 # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, 5430 # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as 5431 # the elevation 5432 assert allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters 5433 5434 fid.close() 5435 self.delete_mux(files) 5436 os.remove(sww_file) 5437 5438 def test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww(self): 5439 # This doesn't actually check anything 5440 # 5441 ll_lat = -21.5 5442 ll_long = 114.5 5443 grid_spacing = 1./60. 5444 lat_amount = 30 5445 long_amount = 30 5446 time_step_count = 2 5447 time_step = 400 5448 tide = -200000 5449 5450 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[280000,7660000], 5451 [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] 5452 geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, 5453 ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, 5454 lat_amount, long_amount) 5455 lat_long = geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True) 5456 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, 5457 time_step_count, time_step) 5458 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide) 5459 self.delete_mux(files) 5460 os.remove( base_name + '.sww') 5461 5462 def visual_test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww(self): 5463 5464 ll_lat = -21.5 5465 ll_long = 114.5 5466 grid_spacing = 1./60. 5467 lat_amount = 30 5468 long_amount = 30 5469 time_step_count = 2 5470 time_step = 400 5471 tide = -200000 5472 5473 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[270000,7650000], 5474 [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] 5475 geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, 5476 ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, 5477 lat_amount, long_amount) 5478 lat_long = geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True) 5479 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, 5480 time_step_count, time_step) 5481 urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide) 5482 self.delete_mux(files) 5483 #os.remove( base_name + '.sww') 5228 5484 #------------------------------------------------------------- 5229 5485 if __name__ == "__main__": 5230 5486 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,'test_URS_points_needed') 5231 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,' dave_test_URS_poinneeded')5232 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,' test_urs_')5487 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,'test_urs_ungridded2swwII') 5488 #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,'visual_test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww') 5233 5489 suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,'test') 5234 5490 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
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