Changeset 4479

May 23, 2007, 1:35:24 PM (18 years ago)

minor updates

3 added
6 edited


  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/

    r4423 r4479  
    55from os import sep
    7 time_dir = '20070419_065050_run' # HAT
    8 #time_dir = '20070419_065018_run' # MSL
    9 cellsize = 25
     7time_dir = '20070426_045818_run' # HAT 1 in Dampier 10000 yr - CIPMA scenario
     8#time_dir = '20070419_065050_run' # HAT 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     9#time_dir = '20070419_065018_run' # MSL 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     10#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     11#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     12#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     13#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     14#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     15#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     16#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     17#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     18cellsize = 20
    1019timestep = None
    1120directory = project.output_dir
    1726print 'output dir:', name
    19 var = [2,3] # depth and speed
     28#var = [2,3] # depth and speed
     29var = [3]
    2131for which_var in var:
    5060                        timestep = timestep,
    5161                        cellsize = cellsize,     
    52                         easting_min = project.e_min_area,
    53                         easting_max = project.e_max_area,
    54                         northing_min = project.n_min_area,
    55                         northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     62                        #easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     63                        #easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     64                        #northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     65                        #northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
    5666                        reduction = max,
    5767                        verbose = True,
    6373                    timestep = timestep,
    6474                    cellsize = cellsize,     
    65                     easting_min = project.e_min_area,
    66                     easting_max = project.e_max_area,
    67                     northing_min = project.n_min_area,
    68                     northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     75                    #easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     76                    #easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     77                    #northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     78                    #northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
    6979                    reduction = max,
    7080                    verbose = True,
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/anuga_setup.tex

    r4477 r4479  
    7777\caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the Dampier scenario.}
    79 Mesh & & \hline
     79Mesh & & \\ \hline
    8080& resolution in Region 1 & 500 m$^2$  \\ \hline
    8181& resolution in Region 2 & 2000 m$^2$ \\ \hline
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/execsum.tex

    r4021 r4479  
    33Risk Assessment Methods Project (RAMP). The purpose of this
    44study is to determine the potential tsunami inundation extent and
    5 particle momentum as the tsunami
     5particle speed as the tsunami
    66impacts the major gas facilities and infrastructure in Dampier.
    1010and results (Section \ref{sec:results})
    1111for a specific tsunami-genic event as it impacts the Dampier gas facilities and infrastructure.
    12 In particular, maximum inundation and depth and velocity time series are shown
     12In particular, maximum inundation as well as depth and velocity time series are shown
    1313for the event occurring at highest astronomical tide.
    1414Impact assessments will be conducted by CIPMA and are not discussed here.
  • anuga_work/production/dampier_2006/report/mw9_map.tex

    r3965 r4479  
    1 %\begin{sidewaysfigure}
    3 \begin{figure}
    4 \centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{../report_figures/max_inundation_high_tide.jpg}}
     3\centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../report_figures/max_inundation_high_tide_v2.jpg}}
    54\caption{Maximum inundation map for the HAT scenario for Dampier region. Data: WA DLI, DPI and AHO.} 
    7 %\end{sidewaysfigure}
    8 \end{figure}
  • anuga_work/production/onslow_2006/

    r4347 r4479  
    44from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import sww2dem
    5 #from anuga.pyvolution.ermapper_grids import read_ermapper_grid
    6 from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import Screen_Catcher
    75from os import sep
    9 #time_dir = '20060704_063005' #HAT
    10 #time_dir = '20060706_235246' #LAT
    11 time_dir = '20060704_063234' #MSL
    12 #time_dir = '20060515_001733' #DTED data
     7time_dir = '20070507_215717_run_final_1.5_nbartzis' # HAT 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     8#time_dir = '20070517_061654_run_final_0.0_nbartzis' # MSL 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     9#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     10#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     11#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     12#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     13#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     14#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     15#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     16#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     17cellsize = 25
     18timestep = None
    1319directory = project.outputdir
    14 name = directory + time_dir +sep + 'source'
    15 # to develop grid of MOST output
    16 #directory = project.boundarydir
    17 #name = directory + project.boundary_basename
     20#name = directory + time_dir + sep + project.scenario_name
     21name = directory+time_dir+sep+project.scenario_name
    19 #normal screen output is stored in 'outname'
    20 #screen_output_name = directory + time_dir + sep + "export_output.txt"
    21 #screen_error_name = directory + time_dir + sep + "export_error.txt"
    22 # for MOST output
    23 #screen_output_name = directory  +  "export_output.txt"
    24 #screen_error_name = directory +  "export_error.txt"
     23is_parallel = True
     24if is_parallel == True: nodes = 4
     25print 'output dir:', name
    26 #used to catch screen output to file
    27 #sys.stdout = Screen_Catcher(screen_output_name)
    28 #sys.stderr = Screen_Catcher(screen_error_name)
     27var = [2,3,4] # depth and speed
    30 print 'output dir:', name
    31 #print 'Which variable do you want to export?'
    32 #which_var = int(raw_input('Stage = 0, Absolute Momentum = 1, Depth = 2, Speed = 3  '  ))
    33 which_var = 3
    34 #sys.stderr.write(
    35 if which_var == 0:  # Stage
    36     outname = name + '_stage'
    37     quantityname = 'stage'
     29for which_var in var:
     30    if which_var == 0:  # Stage
     31        outname = name + '_stage'
     32        quantityname = 'stage'
    39 if which_var == 1:  # Absolute Momentum
    40     outname = name + '_momentum'
    41     quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5'  #Absolute momentum
     34    if which_var == 1:  # Absolute Momentum
     35        outname = name + '_momentum_i1'
     36        quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5' 
    43 if which_var == 2:  # Depth
    44     outname = name + '_depth'
    45     quantityname = 'stage-elevation'  #Depth
     38    if which_var == 2:  # Depth
     39        outname = name + '_depth'
     40        quantityname = 'stage-elevation' 
    47 if which_var == 3:  # Speed
    48     outname = name + '_speed'
    49     quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-6/(stage-elevation))'  #Speed
     42    if which_var == 3:  # Speed
     43        outname = name + '_speed'
     44        quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-6/(stage-elevation))'  #Speed
    51 if which_var == 4:  # Elevation
    52     outname = name + '_elevation_25'
    53     quantityname = 'elevation'  #Elevation
     46    if which_var == 4:  # Elevation
     47        outname = name + '_elevation'
     48        quantityname = 'elevation'  #Elevation
    55 print 'start sww2dem'
    56 #sys.stderr.write(
    57 sww2dem(name, basename_out = outname,
    58             quantity = quantityname,
    59             cellsize = 25,       
    60             # define region for viz purposes
    61             easting_min = project.e_min_area,
    62             easting_max = project.e_max_area,
    63             northing_min = project.n_min_area,
    64             northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
    65             reduction = max, #this is because we want max quantityname
    66             verbose = True,
    67             format = 'asc')
    69 #sys.stderr.write(
    71 #Check
    73 #data = read_ermapper_grid(name)
    74 #print 'Values from %s are in [%f, %f]' %(name, min(data.flat), max(data.flat))
     50    if is_parallel == True:
     51    #    print 'is_parallel',is_parallel
     52        for i in range(0,nodes):
     53            namei = name + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes)
     54            outnamei = outname + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes)
     55            print 'start sww2dem for sww file %d' %(i)
     56            sww2dem(namei, basename_out = outnamei,
     57                        quantity = quantityname,
     58                        timestep = timestep,
     59                        cellsize = cellsize,     
     60                        easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     61                        easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     62                        northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     63                        northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     64                        reduction = max,
     65                        verbose = True,
     66                        format = 'asc')
     67    else:
     68        print 'start sww2dem'
     69        sww2dem(name, basename_out = outname,
     70                    quantity = quantityname,
     71                    timestep = timestep,
     72                    cellsize = cellsize,     
     73                    easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     74                    easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     75                    northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     76                    northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     77                    reduction = max,
     78                    verbose = True,
     79                    format = 'asc')
  • anuga_work/production/pt_hedland_2006/

    r4347 r4479  
    44from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import sww2dem
    5 #from anuga.pyvolution.ermapper_grids import read_ermapper_grid
    6 from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import Screen_Catcher
    75from os import sep
    9 #time_dir = '20060706_235036' #test with coarse grid
    10 time_dir = '20060707_001859' #MSL DLI data
    11 #time_dir = '20060707_003301' #HAT DLI data
    12 #time_dir = '20060707_003424' #LAT DLI data
    13 directory = project.outputdir
    14 name = directory + time_dir +sep + 'source'
     7time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     8#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Dampier 10000 yr
     9#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     10#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Broome 10000 yr
     11#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     12#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Pt Hedland 10000 yr
     13#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     14#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Onslow 10000 yr
     15#time_dir = '' # HAT 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     16#time_dir = '' # MSL 1 in Exmouth 10000 yr
     18cellsize = 25
     19timestep = None
     20directory = project.output_dir
    17 #normal screen output is stored in 'outname'
    18 screen_output_name = directory + time_dir + sep + "export_output_elev.txt"
    19 screen_error_name = directory + time_dir + sep + "export_error_elev.txt"
     22name = directory+time_dir+sep+project.scenario_name
    21 #print 'hello', name
     24is_parallel = False
     25if is_parallel == True: nodes = 4
     26print 'output dir:', name
    23 #used to catch screen output to file
    24 sys.stdout = Screen_Catcher(screen_output_name)
    25 sys.stderr = Screen_Catcher(screen_error_name)
     28var = [2,3] # depth and speed
    27 print 'output dir:', name
    28 #print 'Which variable do you want to export?'
    29 #which_var = int(raw_input('Stage = 0, Absolute Momentum = 1, Depth = 2, Speed = 3  '  ))
    30 which_var = 4
    31 #sys.stderr.write(
    32 if which_var == 0:  # Stage
    33     outname = name + '_stage'
    34     quantityname = 'stage'
     30for which_var in var:
     31    if which_var == 0:  # Stage
     32        outname = name + '_stage'
     33        quantityname = 'stage'
    36 if which_var == 1:  # Absolute Momentum
    37     outname = name + '_momentum'
    38     quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5'  #Absolute momentum
     35    if which_var == 1:  # Absolute Momentum
     36        outname = name + '_momentum_i1'
     37        quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5' 
    40 if which_var == 2:  # Depth
    41     outname = name + '_depth'
    42     quantityname = 'stage-elevation'  #Depth
     39    if which_var == 2:  # Depth
     40        outname = name + '_depth_facility'
     41        quantityname = 'stage-elevation' 
    44 if which_var == 3:  # Speed
    45     outname = name + '_speed'
    46     quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-6/(stage-elevation))'  #Speed
     43    if which_var == 3:  # Speed
     44        outname = name + '_speed_facility'
     45        quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-6/(stage-elevation))'  #Speed
    48 if which_var == 4:  # Elevation
    49     outname = name + '_elevation_50'
    50     quantityname = 'elevation'  #Elevation
     47    if which_var == 4:  # Elevation
     48        outname = name + '_elevation'
     49        quantityname = 'elevation'  #Elevation
    52 print 'start sww2dem'
    53 #sys.stderr.write(
    54 sww2dem(name, basename_out = outname,
    55             quantity = quantityname,
    56             cellsize = 50,       # Trevor would like this at 25
    57             # define region for viz purposes
    58             #easting_min = project.e_min_area,
    59             #easting_max = project.e_max_area,
    60             #northing_min = project.n_min_area,
    61             #northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
    62             reduction = max, #this is because we want max quantityname
    63             verbose = True,
    64             format = 'asc')
    66 #sys.stderr.write(
    68 #Check
    70 #data = read_ermapper_grid(name)
    71 #print 'Values from %s are in [%f, %f]' %(name, min(data.flat), max(data.flat))
     51    if is_parallel == True:
     52    #    print 'is_parallel',is_parallel
     53        for i in range(0,nodes):
     54            namei = name + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes)
     55            outnamei = outname + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes)
     56            print 'start sww2dem for sww file %d' %(i)
     57            sww2dem(namei, basename_out = outnamei,
     58                        quantity = quantityname,
     59                        timestep = timestep,
     60                        cellsize = cellsize,     
     61                        easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     62                        easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     63                        northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     64                        northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     65                        reduction = max,
     66                        verbose = True,
     67                        format = 'asc')
     68    else:
     69        print 'start sww2dem'
     70        sww2dem(name, basename_out = outname,
     71                    quantity = quantityname,
     72                    timestep = timestep,
     73                    cellsize = cellsize,     
     74                    easting_min = project.e_min_area,
     75                    easting_max = project.e_max_area,
     76                    northing_min = project.n_min_area,
     77                    northing_max = project.n_max_area,       
     78                    reduction = max,
     79                    verbose = True,
     80                    format = 'asc')
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.