Changeset 4754

Oct 26, 2007, 11:53:06 AM (17 years ago)

Add information about "field_boundary", clarifying time_thinning parameter and the difference between "file_boundary"

1 edited


  • anuga_core/source/anuga/shallow_water/

    r4735 r4754  
    14391439    sww file.
    1441     This function is a thin wrapper around the generic File_boundary.
     1441    This function is a thin wrapper around the generic File_boundary. The
     1442    difference between the file_boundary and field_boundary is only that the
     1443    field_boundary will allow you to change the level of the stage height when
     1444    you read in the boundary condition. This is very useful when running
     1445    different tide heights in the same area as you need only to convert one
     1446    boundary condition to a SWW file, ideally for tide height of 0 m
     1447    (saving disk space). Then you can use field_boundary to read this SWW file
     1448    and change the stage height (tide) on the fly depending on the scenario.
    14421450    """
    14521460        filename: Name of sww file
    14531461        domain: pointer to shallow water domain for which the boundary applies
    1454         mean_stage: The mean water level which will be added to stage derived from the sww file
    1455         time_thinning:
     1462        mean_stage: The mean water level which will be added to stage derived
     1463                    from the sww file
     1464        time_thinning: Will set how many time steps from the sww file read in
     1465                       will be interpolated to the boundary. For example if
     1466                       the sww file has 1 second time steps and is 24 hours
     1467                       in length it has 86400 time steps. If you set
     1468                       time_thinning to 1 it will read all these steps.
     1469                       If you set it to 100 it will read every 100th step eg
     1470                       only 864 step. This parameter is very useful to increase
     1471                       the speed of a model run that you are setting up
     1472                       and testing.
    14561473        use_cache:
    14571474        verbose:
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