Changeset 4848

Nov 22, 2007, 2:53:09 PM (17 years ago)

Installation guide updated according to ticket:221

1 edited


  • anuga_core/documentation/user_manual/anuga_installation_guide.tex

    r4802 r4848  
    70   \item Install Python pre-requisites: The Enthought version of Python2.4, Scientific Python
    71   and the NetCDF library\footnote{Separate installation of Scientific Python and NetCDF
     70  \item Install Python pre-requisites: The Enthought version of Python2.4,
     71  Scientific Python
     72  and the NetCDF library\footnote{Separate installation of Scientific
     73  Python and NetCDF
    7274  will become unneccesary once Enthought sorts out netcdf support
    73   (see \url{})}. These are available from either
     75  (see \url{})}.
     76  These are available from either
    7477  \begin{itemize}
    75     \item The supplied ANUGA distribution as under the folder pre_requisites (Install in the order \code{enthon-python2.4-1.0.0.exe},
    76     \code{ScientificPython-2.4.9.win32-py2.4.exe} and the unpack \code{} into \code{C:\\bin} as suggested below.
     78    \item The supplied ANUGA distribution as under the folder pre_requisites
     79    (Install in the order \code{enthon-python2.4-1.0.0.exe},
     80    \code{ScientificPython-2.4.9.win32-py2.4.exe} and the unpack
     81    \code{} into \code{C:\\bin} as
     82    suggested below.
    7783    \item The WEB:
    7884    \begin{itemize} 
    79       \item Enthought version of Python2.4: \url{}.
     85      \item Enthought version of Python2.4:
     86      \url{}.
    8087      \item Scientific Python:\\
    8188       \url{}
    8289      \item NETCDF: download the file from
    83       \url{} (\url{}). Unpack this in a folder that is available on the system path. We suggest unpacking it into
     90      \url{}
     91      (\url{}).
     92      Unpack this in a folder that is available on the system path.
     93      We suggest unpacking it into
    8494      \begin{verbatim}
    8595      C:\bin
    95105  in the python site-packages
    96106  directory \code{C:$\backslash$Python24$\backslash$Lib$\backslash$site-packages}. This is often done in Windows by
    97   double clicking on the tgz file and then select 'browse to' the destination directory.
     107  double clicking on the tgz file and then select 'browse to' the
     108  destination directory.
    98109  \item In the ANUGA root directory (\code{C:$\backslash$Python24$\backslash$Lib$\backslash$site-packages$\backslash$anuga}),
    99110  run the compilation script (either from the commandline or by clicking on it):
    101112        python
    102113    \end{verbatim}}
    103   \item In the ANUGA root directory, run the test suite (e.g. by opening it with IDLE
    104   and running the file)
     114  \item In the ANUGA root directory, run the test suite
     115  (e.g. by opening it with IDLE and running the file)
    105116    {\small \begin{verbatim}
    106117        python
    107118    \end{verbatim}}
    108119    ANUGA has been succesfully installed if the tests pass.
    109   \item To verify that ANUGA succesfully reproduces a series of validation examples, go
    110   to the directory \code{anuga_validation} and into \code{automated_validation_tests} in
     120  \item To verify that ANUGA succesfully reproduces a series of validation
     121  examples, go
     122  to the directory \code{anuga_validation} and into
     123  \code{automated_validation_tests} in
    111124  which you can run
    112125  {\small \begin{verbatim}
    136149Try the demos provided in the ANUGA directory \code{anuga\_demos}
    137 (also discussed in the ANUGA user manual available with the distribution and also at
    138 \url{}) and
    139 view the resulting sww files with the anuga\_viewer.
     150(also discussed in the ANUGA user manual available with the distribution
     151and also at
     152\url{})and view the resulting sww files with the anuga\_viewer.
    141154%To run the ANUGA against the Okushiri Island wave tank validation dataset
    158171The ANUGA software core (shallow\_water, pmesh, least\_squares, ...) depends on the following software:
    160   \item python 2.3 or later \url{}/footnote{Note, the
     173  \item python 2.3 or later\footnote{Problems have been observed with
     174  Python 2.5 and Numeric on 64 bit platforms. See
     175  \url{}}
     176  \url{}/footnote{Note, the
    161177  dll python2X.dll is needed to compile ANUGA, but is not always
    162178  automatically added for versions 2.4 and above.  Install it into the
    175 Note: All of these can be installed in one go on Windows platforms by using the Enthought Python
     191Note: All of these can be installed in one go on Windows platforms by
     192using the Enthought Python
    176193distribution available at \url{}.
    192 The system path on Win32 architectures must contain the directories (this examples assumes the
    193 Enthought Python 2.4 distribution has been installed. Path names may vary depending on the
     209The system path on Win32 architectures must contain the
     210directories (this examples assumes the Enthought Python 2.4 distribution
     211has been installed. Path names may vary depending on the
    194212exact configuration).
    198216The path should be analoguous for Unix operating systems.
    200 If anuga is not installed in the python site-packages directory the root directory for all
     218If anuga is not installed in the python site-packages directory
     219the root directory for all
    201220anuga/inundation modules must be on the pythonpath, e.g.\
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