Changeset 5316

May 13, 2008, 6:10:42 PM (17 years ago)

updates to validation paper

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  • anuga_work/publications/anuga_2007/anuga_validation.tex

    r5242 r5316  
    5 % create a pdf of this doc by using pdflatex
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    3533\textsc{Australia}. \protect\url{}}\footnotemark[1]
    37 T.~Baldock\thanks{University of Queensland, Brisbane, \textsc{Australia}.
     35T.~Baldock\thanks{University of Queensland, Brisbane, \textsc{Australia}. 
    41 \and
    8583The core of \ANUGA{} is a \Python{} implementation of a finite-volume method
    8684for solving the conservative form of the Shallow Water Wave equation.
    87 In this paper we describe the model, the architecture and a range of
    88 validations that have been carried out to establish confidence in the model.
     86In this paper, a number of tests are performed to validate \ANUGA{}. These tests
     87range from benchmark problems to wave and flume tank examples.
    9188\ANUGA{} is available as Open Source to enable
    9289free access to the software and allow the scientific community to
    117 The Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 demonstrated the
    118 potentially catastrophic consequences of natural hazards.  While the
    119 scale of the impact from such events is not common, smaller-scale
    120 tsunami regularly threaten coastal communities
    121 around the world. Earthquakes which occur in the Java Trench near
    122 Indonesia (e.g.~\cite{TsuMIS1995} or \cite{Baldwin-2006}) and along
    123 the Puysegur Ridge to the south of New Zealand (e.g.~\cite{LebKC1998})
    124 have potential to generate tsunami that may threaten Australia's
    125 northwestern and southeastern coastlines. In addition, the
    126 preferential development of Australian coastal corridors means that
    127 inundation from hydrological disasters such as tsunami or storm-surge
    128 of even a few hundred metres beyond the shoreline has increased
    129 potential to cause significant disruption and loss. The extent of
     114Hydrodynamic modelling allows impacts from flooding, storm-surge and
     115tsunami to be better understood, their impacts to be anticipated and,
     116with appropriate planning, their effects to be mitigated.  A significant
     117proportion of the Australian population reside in the coastal
     118corridors, thus the potential of significant disruption and loss
     119is real.  The extent of
    130120inundation is critically linked to the event, tidal conditions,
    131121bathymetry and topography and it not feasible to make impact
    132122predictions using heuristics alone.
    134 Hydrodynamic modelling allows impacts from flooding, storm-surge and
    135 tsunami to be better understood, their impacts to be anticipated and,
    136 with appropriate planning, their effects to be mitigated.  Geoscience
    137124Australia in collaboration with the Mathematical Sciences Institute,
    138125Australian National University, is developing a software application
    141128water equations which are described in section~\ref{sec:model}. In
    142129\ANUGA{} these equations are solved using a finite volume method as
    143 described in section~\ref{sec:fvm}.  A more complete discussion of the
     130described in section~\ref{sec:model}.  A more complete discussion of the
    144131method can be found in \cite{modsim2005} where the model and solution
    145 technique is validated on a standard tsunami benchmark data set
     132technique is validated on a standard tsunami benchmark data set 
    146133or in \cite{Roberts2007} where parallelisation of ANUGA is discussed.
    147134This modelling capability is part of
    149136understand the potential impact from natural hazards in order to
    150137reduce their impact on Australian communities (see \cite{Nielsen2006}).
    151 \ANUGA{} is currently being trialled for flood
     138\ANUGA{} is currently being trialled for flood 
    152139modelling (see \cite{Rigby2008}).
    154 Section~\ref{sec:software} describes the software implementation and
    155 the API while section~\ref{sec:validation} presents some
    156 validation results.
     141The validity of other hydrodynamic models have been reported elsewhere,
     142with Hubbard and Dodd (2002) \cite{Hubbard02} providing
     143an excellent review of 1D and 2D models and associated validation tests. They
     144described the evolution of these models from fixed, nested to adaptive grids
     145and the ability of the solvers to cope with the moving shoreline. They highlighted the
     146difficulty in verify the nonlinear shallow water equations themselves as the only
     147standard analytical solution is that of Carrier and Greenspan (1958)
     148\cite{Carrier58} that is strictly
     149for non-breaking waves. Further, whilst there is a 2D analytic solution from Thacker (1981), it
     150appears that the circular island wave tank example of Briggs et al will become
     151the standard data set to verify the equations.
     153This paper will describe the validation outputs in a similar way to Hubbard and Dodd
     154\cite{Hubbard02} to
     155present an exhaustive validation of the numerical model. Further to these tests, we will
     156incorporate a test to verify friction values. The six tests are:
     157(1) verification against the 1D analytical solution of Carrier and Greenspan;
     158(2) testing against 1D (flume) data sets to verify wave height and velocity
     159(3) determining friction values from 1D flume data sets;
     160(4) validation against a genuinely 2D analytical solution of the model equations;
     161(5) testing against the 2D Okushiri benchmark problem; and
     162(6) testing against the 2D data sets modelling wave run-up around a circular island by Briggs et al.
     163Throughout the paper, qualitative comparisons will be drawn against other models.
     165%Hubbard and Dodd's model, OTT-2D, has some similarities to \ANUGA{}, and
     166%whilst the mesh can be refined, it is based on rectangular mesh.
     168The \ANUGA{} model and numerical scheme is briefly described in section~\ref{sec:model}.
     169A detailed description of the numerical scheme and software implementation can be found in
     170the MODSIM, CTAC etc papers. The six case studies to validation and verify \ANUGA{} will be
     171presented in section~\ref{sec:validation}, with the conclusions
     172outlined in section~\ref{sec:conclusions}.
     174{\bf question - if the Okushiri result has already been presented in the
     175MODSIM paper, how should it be presented in this paper? - simply refer to it I think}
    205223As demonstrated in our papers, \cite{modsim2005,Rob99l} these
    206224equations provide an excellent model of flows associated with
    207 inundation such as dam breaks and tsunamis.
     225inundation such as dam breaks and tsunamis. Question - how do we
     226know it is excellent?
     228\ANUGA{} uses a finite-volume method as
     229described in \cite{Rob991} where the study area is represented by an
     230unstructured triangular mesh. The flexibility afforded by this approach
     231is the ability for the user to refine the mesh in areas of interest.
     232\ANUGA{} is mostly written in the object-oriented programming
     233language \Python{} with computationally intensive parts implemented
     234as highly optimised shared objects written in C. The API is a
     235\Python{} script where the user sets up the scenario. This script
     236defines the study area, mesh refinement as well as initial and boundary conditions.
     237The user is free to update quantity values or boundary conditions through
     238the simulation. Reference to user manual
     240Could include here a brief overview of the numerical
     241technique and reference the CTAC 2006 paper and has Steve written something
     242that could be included?
    209244\section{Finite Volume Method}
     247{\bf Jane: I don't think this section is needed here, but the
     248content is referred to at the end of section 1}
    212250We use a finite-volume method for solving the shallow water wave
     350{\bf Jane: I don't think this section is needed here, but the
     351content is referred to at the end of section 1}
    312353\ANUGA{} is mostly written in the object-oriented programming
    313354language \Python{} with computationally intensive parts implemented
    444 \label{sec:validation} The process of validating the \ANUGA{}
    445 application is in its early stages, however initial indications are
    446 encouraging.
     485\label{sec:validation} Validation is an ongoing process and the purpose of this paper
     486is to describe a range of tests that validate \ANUGA{} as a hydrodynamic model.
     487This section will describe the six tests outlined in section~\ref{sec:intro}.
     489\subsection{1D analytical validation}
     491Tom Baldock has done something here for that NSW report
     493\subsection{Stage and Velocity Validation in a Flume}
     494This section will describe flume tank experiments that were
     495conducted at the Gordon McKay Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of
     496Queensland that confirm \ANUGA{}'s ability to estimate wave height
     497and velocity. The same flume tank simulations were also used
     498to explore Manning's friction and this will be described in the next section.
     500The flume was set up for dam-break experiments, having a
     501water reservior at one end.  The flume was glass-sided, 3m long, 0.4m
     502in wide, and 0.4m deep, with a PVC bottom. The reservoir in the flume
     503was 0.75m long.  For this experiment the reservoir water was 0.2m
     504deep. At time zero the reservoir gate is opened and the water flows
     505into the other side of the flume.  The water ran up a flume slope of
     5060.03 m/m.  To accurately model the bed surface a Manning's friction
     507value of 0.01, representing PVC was used.
     509% Neale, L.C. and R.E. Price.  Flow characteristics of PVC sewer pipe.
     510% Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division, Div. Proc 90SA3, ASCE.
     511% pp. 109-129.  1964.
     513Acoustic displacement sensors that produced a voltage that changed
     514with the water depth was positioned 0.4m from the reservoir gate. The
     515water velocity was measured with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter 0.45m
     516from the reservoir gate.  This sensor only produced reliable results 4
     517seconds after the reservoir gate opened, due to limitations of the sensor.
     520% Validation UQ flume
     521% at X:\anuga_validation\uq_sloped_flume_2008
     522% run to create sww file and .csv files
     523% run to create graphs heere automatically
     524% The Coasts and Ports '2007 paper is in TRIM d2007-17186
     527\caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water height at .4 m
     528  from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-depth}
     533\caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water velocity at .45 m
     534  from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-velocity}
     537Figure~\ref{fig:uq-flume-depth} shows that ANUGA predicts the actual
     538water depth very well, with the exception of the fluid tip-region {\bf
     539Duncan - what does that mean? About where on the graph is that).
     540Water depth and velocity are coupled as described by the nonlinear shallow water equations, thus
     541if one of these quantities accurately estimates the measured values, we would expect
     542the same for the other quantity. This is demonstrated in figure~\ref{fig:uq-flume-velocity)
     543where the water velocity is also predicted accurately. Sediment transport studies
     544rely on water velocity estimates in the region where the sensors cannot provide this data.
     545With water velocity being accurately predicted, studies such as sediment transport can now use
     546reliable estimates.
     549\subsection{1D flume tank to verify friction}
     551The same flume tank experimental setup was used to obtain friction values for
     552use in hydrodynamic models. A number of bed friction scenarios were simulated in
     553the flume tank. The PVC bottom of the tank is equivalent to a friction value of 0 (i.e
     554completely smooth) and small pebbles were used to cover the base of the tank and the
     555aim of the experiment was to determine what the Manning's friction value is for
     556this case.
     558As described in the model equations in \section~\ref{sec:model}, the bed
     559friction is modelled using the Manning's model.
     560Validation of this model was carried out by comparing results
     561from ANUGA against experimental results from flume wave tanks.
     563% Validation UQ friction
     564% at X:\anuga_validation\uq_friction_2007
     565% run to create sww file and .csv files
     566% run to create graphs, and move them here
     569\caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water height at .4 m
     570  from the gate, simulated using a Mannings friction of 0.0 and 0.1.}\label{fig:uq-friction-depth}
    448573\subsection{Okushiri Wavetank Validation}
    460585the Hokkaido tsunami should capture this run-up phenomenon.
     587This dataset has been used by to validate tsunami models by
     588a number of tsunami scientists. Examples include Titov ... lit review
     589here on who has used this example for verification
    480608The wave tank simulation of the Hokkaido tsunami was used as the
    481609first scenario for validating \ANUGA{}. The dataset provided
    483611wave specifications. The dataset also contained water depth time
    484612series from three wave gauges situated offshore from the simulated
    485 inundation area. The \ANUGA{} model comprised $41404$ triangles
    486 and took about $2000$ s to run on a standard PC or $1500$ s
    487 on a 64-bit Opteron 2000 series Linux server.
     613inundation area. The \ANUGA{} model comprised $41404$ triangles 
     614and took about $2000$ s to run on a standard PC or $1500$ s 
     615on a 64-bit Opteron 2000 series Linux server. 
    489617Figure~\ref{fig:val} compares the observed wave tank and modelled
    490618\ANUGA{} water depth (stage height) at one of the gauges. The plots
    491 show good agreement between the two time series, with \ANUGA{}
     619show good agreement between the two time series, with \ANUGA{
    492620closely modelling the initial draw down, the wave shoulder and the
    493621subsequent reflections. The discrepancy between modelled and
    502630This successful replication of the tsunami wave tank simulation on a
    503631complex 3D beach is a positive first step in validating the \ANUGA{}
    504 modelling capability.
    506 \subsection{Manning's Friction Model Validation}
    508 % Validation UQ friction
    509 % at X:\anuga_validation\uq_friction_2007
    510 % run to create sww file and .csv files
    511 % run to create graphs, and move them here
    512 \begin{figure}[htbp]
    513 \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-friction-depth}}
    514 \caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water height at .4 m
    515   from the gate, simulated using a Mannings friction of 0.0 and 0.1.}\label{fig:uq-friction-depth}
    516 \end{figure}
    518  The bed friction is modelled in ANUGA using the Manning's
    519  model. Validation of this model was carried out by comparing results
    520  from ANUGA against experimental results from flume wave tanks. The
    521 experiments were carried out at the Gordon McKay Hydraulics Laboratory
    522 at St Lucia, University of Queensland.
    524 %The Manning's friction model is
    526 %To validate the friction model
    528 \subsection{Stage and Velocity Validation in a Flume}
    529 % Validation UQ flume
    530 % at X:\anuga_validation\uq_sloped_flume_2008
    531 % run to create sww file and .csv files
    532 % run to create graphs heere automatically
    533 % The Coasts and Ports '2007 paper is in TRIM d2007-17186
    534 \begin{figure}[htbp]
    535 \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-flume-depth}}
    536 \caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water height at .4 m
    537   from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-depth}
    538 \end{figure}
    540 \begin{figure}[htbp]
    541 \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-flume-velocity}}
    542 \caption{Comparison of wave tank and \ANUGA{} water velocity at .45 m
    543   from the gate}\label{fig:uq-flume-velocity}
    544 \end{figure}
    546 Flume experiments caried out at the University of Queensland has also
    547 been used for validating the water height and velocity predicted by
    548 \ANUGA{}.  The Flume was set up for Dam-break experiments, having a
    549 water reservior at one end.  The flume was glass-sided, 3m long, 0.4m
    550 in wide, and 0.4m deep, with a PVC bottom. The reservoir in the flume
    551 was 0.75m long.  For this experiment the reservoir water was 0.2m
    552 deep. At time zero the reservoir gate is opened and the water flows
    553 into the other side of the flume.  The water ran up a flume slope of
    554 0.03 m/m.  To accurately model the bed surface a Manning's friction
    555 value of 0.01, representing PVC was used.
    557 % Neale, L.C. and R.E. Price.  Flow characteristics of PVC sewer pipe.
    558 % Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division, Div. Proc 90SA3, ASCE.
    559 % pp. 109-129.  1964.
    561 Acoustic displacement sensors that produced a voltage that changed
    562 with the water depth was positioned 0.4m from the reservoir gate. The
    563 water velocity was measured with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter 0.45m
    564 from the reservoir gate.  This sensor only produced reliable results 4
    565 seconds after the reservoir gate opened, due to limitations of the sensor.
    567 Figure~\ref{fig:uq-flume-depth} show that ANUGA predicts the actual
    568 water depth very well, with the exception of the fluid tip-region. The
    569 water velocity is also predicted accurately.
    571 \subsection{Runup of Solitary wave on circular island wavetank validation}
     632modelling capability.
     634\subsection{Runup of solitary wave on circular island wavetank validation}
     636This section will describe the ANUGA results for the experiments conducted
     637by Briggs et al (1995). Here, a 30x25m basin with a conical island is situated near
     638the centre and a directional wavemaker is used to produce planar solitary waves of
     639specified crest lenghts and heights. A series of gauges were distributed within the
     640experimental setup. As described by Hubbard and Dodd \cite{Hubbard02}, a number of researchers
     641have used this benchmark problem to test their numerical models. {\bf Jane: check
     642whether these results are now avilable as they were not in 2002}. Hubbard and Dodd
     643\cite{Hubbard02} note that
     644a particular 3D model appears to obtain slightly better results than the 2D ones reported
     645but that 3D models are unlikely to be competitive in terms of computing power for
     646applications in coastal engineering at least. Choi et al \cite{Choi07) use a 3D RANS model
     647(based on the Navier-Stokes equations)
     648for the same problem and find a very good comparison with laboratory and 2D numerical
     649results. An obvious advantage of the 3D model is its ability to investigate the
     650velocity field and Choi et al also report on the limitation of depth-averaged
     6512D models for run-up simulations of this type.
     653Once results are availble, need to compare to Hubbard and Dodd and draw any conclusions
     654from nested rectangular grid vs unstructured gird.
    573655Figure \ref{fig:circular screenshots} shows a sequence of screenshots depicting the evolution of the solitary wave as it hits the circular island.
    598 \subsection{MAYBE, 1D analytical validation}
    618695at \url{}.
     697something about use on flood modelling community and their validation initiatives
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