Jul 24, 2008, 11:07:34 AM (17 years ago)

Manual updates from Ted Rigby.

1 edited


  • anuga_core/documentation/user_manual/anuga_user_manual.tex

    r5555 r5566  
    9595\noindent \anuga\index{\anuga} is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that
    96 allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex geometries.
     96allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries.
    9797Examples include dam breaks or the effects of natural hazards such
    9898as riverine flooding, storm surges and tsunami.
    101101cells, the topography and bathymetry, frictional resistance, initial
    102102values for water level (called \emph{stage}\index{stage} within \anuga),
    103 boundary
    104 conditions and forces such as windstress or pressure gradients if
    105 applicable.
     103boundary conditions and forces such as rainfall, stream flows, windstress or pressure gradients if applicable.
    107105\anuga tracks the evolution of water depth and horizontal momentum
    223221  As such it cannot resolve vertical convection and consequently not breaking
    224222  waves or 3D turbulence (e.g.\ vorticity).
    225   \item The surface is assumed to be open, e.g. \anuga cannot model
    226   flow under ceilings or in pipes
     223  %\item The surface is assumed to be open, e.g. \anuga cannot model
     224  %flow under ceilings or in pipes
    227225  \item All spatial coordinates are assumed to be UTM (meters). As such,
    228226  ANUGA is unsuitable for modelling flows in areas larger than one UTM zone
    229227  (6 degrees wide).
    230   \item Fluid is assumed to be inviscid
     228  \item Fluid is assumed to be inviscid - i.e.\ no kinematic viscosity included.
    231229  \item The finite volume is a very robust and flexible numerical technique,
    232230  but it is not the fastest method around. If the geometry is sufficiently
    236234  \item Frictional resistance is implemented using Manning's formula, but
    237235  \anuga has not yet been fully validated in regard to bottom roughness
    238   \item ANUGA contains no tsunami-genic functionality relating to
    239   earthquakes.
     236  %\item ANUGA contains no tsunami-genic functionality relating to
     237  %earthquakes.
    247245This section is designed to assist the reader to get started with
    248246\anuga by working through some examples. Two examples are discussed;
    249 the first is a simple example to illustrate many of the ideas, and
     247the first is a simple example to illustrate many of the concepts, and
    250248the second is a more realistic example.
    23292327  \end{itemize}
    23302328  Note specifying both center, radius and polygon will cause an exception to be thrown.
     2329  Moreover, if the specified polygon or circle does not lie fully within the mesh boundary an Exception will be thrown.
    23322331  \bigskip 
    23532352  Module: \module{shallow\_water.shallow\_water\_domain}
    2355   This is a general class for infiltration and abstraction of water according to a given rate of change.
     2354  This is a general class for inflow and abstraction of water according to a given rate of change.
    23562355  This class will always modify the \code{stage} quantity.
    24462445  \end{itemize}
    2448   The user can specify different culvert routines. Hower ANUGA currently specifies one, namely the \code{boyd\_generalised\_culvert\_model} as used in the example below.
     2447  The user can specify different culvert routines. Hower ANUGA currently provides only one, namely the \code{boyd\_generalised\_culvert\_model} as used in the example below.
    24502449  \bigskip       
    27722771  Module: \module{shallow\_water.data\_manager}
    2774   Obtain flow $[m^2]$ perpendicular to specified cross section.
     2773  Obtain flow $[m^3/s]$ perpendicular to specified cross section.
    27762775  Inputs:
    30653064\subsection{DEM Format}
    3067 A DEM file is a NetCDF representation of regular DEM data.
     3066A DEM file in \ANUGA is a NetCDF representation of regular DEM data.
    31803179in which $\eta$ is the Manning resistance coefficient.
     3180The model does not currently include consideration of kinematic viscosity.
    31823182As demonstrated in our papers, \cite{ZR1999,nielsen2005} these
    3183 equations provide an excellent model of flows associated with
    3184 inundation such as dam breaks and tsunamis.
     3183equations and their implementation in \ANUGA provide a reliable
     3184model of general flows associated with inundation such as dam breaks
     3185and tsunamis.
    31863187\section{Finite Volume Method}
    38633864If no value is specified, the default attribute is taken to be the
    38643865first one.
     3867Note that the Geospatial\_data object currently reads entire datasets
     3868into memory i.e.\ no memomry blocking takes place. 
     3869For this we refer to the set\_quantity method which will read .pts and .csv files into \ANUGA using memory blocking allowing large files to be used.
    4166 \section{\module{abstract\_2d\_finite\_volumes.domain} --- Generic module for 2D triangular domains for finite-volume computations of conservation laws}
     4172Generic module for 2D triangular domains for finite-volume computations of conservation laws
    4196 \section{\module{shallow\_water} --- 2D triangular domains for finite-volume
    4197 computations of the shallow water wave equation. This module contains a specialisation
    4198 of class Domain from module domain.py consisting of methods specific to the Shallow Water
     42032D triangular domains for finite-volume
     4204computations of the shallow water wave equation.
     4205This module contains a specialisation of class Domain from module domain.py consisting of methods specific to the Shallow Water
    41994206Wave Equation
    4200 }
    42874293quantities \code{stage}, \code{xmomentum} and \code{ymomentum} at a given point in time
    42884294and space as a triplet. To access e.g.\ \code{stage} one must specify element 0 of the
    4289 triplet returned by file\_function.
     4295triplet returned by file\_function, to access \code{xmomentum} one must specify element 1 of the triplet etc.
    42914297\subsubsection{Which diagnostics are available to troubleshoot a simulation?}
    43004306data is often sparse, or non-existent.
     4308Note that onshore DEMS can be much finer as the underlying datasets from which they
     4309are created often contain several datapoints per m$^2$.
     4310It may be necessary to thin out the data so that it can be imported
     4311without exceeding available memory. One tool available on the net is called 'decimate'. %FIXME: (Need reference?). 
    43024314\subsubsection{What sort of mesh resolution should I use?}
    43034315The mesh resolution should be commensurate with your DEM - it does not make sense to put in place a mesh which is finer than your DEM. As an example,
    43044316if your DEM is on a 25m grid, then the cell resolution should be of the order of 315$m^2$ (this represents half the area of the square grid). Ideally,
    43054317you need a fine mesh over regions where the DEM changes rapidly, and other areas of significant interest, such as the coast.
    4306 If meshes are too coarse, discretisation errors in both stage and momentum may lead to unphysical results. All studies should include sensitivity and convergence studies based on different resolutions.
     4318If meshes are too coarse, discretisation errors in both stage and momentum may lead to unrealistic results. All studies should include sensitivity and convergence studies based on different resolutions.
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