Changeset 5641
- Timestamp:
- Aug 12, 2008, 3:51:21 PM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- anuga_work/publications/anuga_2007
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5599 r5641 439 439 440 440 441 \subsection{1D flume tank to verify friction}442 \label{sec:friction}443 The same tilting flume tank was used to validate stage and velocity444 was used to validate the ANUGA friction model. A ground slope of 1:20,445 reservior lenght of 0.85m and damn depth of 0.4 m was used to verify446 the friction. The PVC bottom of the tank is equivalent to a friction447 value of 0.01. {\bf Add ref } Depth sensors were placed 0.2, 0.3,448 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 m from the bed gate.449 450 451 As described in the model equations in ~\ref{sec:model}, the bed452 friction is modelled using the Manning's model. {\bf Add the formula}453 Validation of this model was carried out by comparing results454 from ANUGA against experimental results from flume wave tanks.455 456 This experiment was simulated twice by ANUGA: without using the457 friction model {\bf Duncan says: It really used the friction model, with a458 value of 0.0, representing no friction model. Is it ok to say459 'without using the model?'} and using the friction model with a460 Manning's friction value of 0.01. The results from both of these461 simulations were compared against the experimental flume tank results462 using the Root Mean Square Relative Error (RMSRE). The RMSRE was463 summed over all of the depth sensors, for the first 30 seconds of the464 experiment. This resulted in one number which represents the error465 between tow data sets, with a lower number representing less466 differences. The RMSRE for no friction model was 0.380, the RMSRE for467 the friction model with a Manning's friction value of 0.01 was468 0.358. So for this experiment using a friction value given from a469 standard fricition table improved the accuracy of the ANUGA470 simulation. {\bf Add ref to table}471 472 % Validation UQ friction473 % at X:\anuga_validation\uq_friction_2007474 % run to create sww file and .csv files475 % run to create graphs, and move them here476 \begin{figure}[htbp]477 \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4in]{uq-friction-depth}}478 \caption{Comparison of wave tank and ANUGA water height at .4 m479 from the gate, simulated using a Mannings friction of 0.0 and480 0.1.}\label{fig:uq-friction-depth}481 \end{figure}482 483 441 \subsection{Okushiri Wavetank Validation} 484 442 \label{sec:okushiri}
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