Changeset 5759
- Timestamp:
- Sep 12, 2008, 11:33:39 AM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- anuga_work/production/perth
- Files:
- 2 added
- 4 deleted
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5753 r5759 7 7 The scenario is defined by a triangular mesh created from project.polygon, 8 8 the elevation data and a simulated submarine landslide. 9 10 The is reliant on the output of this script. 9 11 10 12 Ole Nielsen and Duncan Gray, GA - 2005 and Jane Sexton, Nick Bartzis, GA - 2006 … … 54 56 print"project.combined_dir_name",project.combined_dir_name 55 57 56 # topographydirectory filenames58 # input elevation directory filenames 57 59 onshore_in_dir_name = project.onshore_in_dir_name 58 60 coast_in_dir_name = project.coast_in_dir_name … … 66 68 offshore_in_dir_name3 = project.offshore_in_dir_name3 67 69 68 70 # output elevation directory filenames 69 71 onshore_dir_name = project.onshore_dir_name 70 72 coast_dir_name = project.coast_dir_name … … 88 90 #creates pts file for onshore DEM 89 91 print "creates pts file for onshore DEM" 90 dem2pts(onshore_dir_name, 91 # easting_min=project.eastingmin, 92 # easting_max=project.eastingmax, 93 # northing_min=project.northingmin, 94 # northing_max= project.northingmax, 95 use_cache=True, 96 verbose=True) 92 dem2pts(onshore_dir_name ,use_cache=True,verbose=True) 97 93 98 94 #creates pts file for island DEM … … 102 98 dem2pts(island_dir_name3, use_cache=True, verbose=True) 103 99 100 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 # Combine datasets into project.combined_dir_name 102 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 104 104 print'create Geospatial data1 objects from topographies' 105 105 G1 = Geospatial_data(file_name = onshore_dir_name + '.pts') 106 106 print'create Geospatial data2 objects from topographies' 107 G2 = Geospatial_data(file_name = coast_in_dir_name + '.txt')107 G2 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name + '.pts') 108 108 print'create Geospatial data3 objects from topographies' 109 G3 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name + '.pts')109 G3 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name1 + '.pts') 110 110 print'create Geospatial data4 objects from topographies' 111 G4 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name 1+ '.pts')111 G4 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name2 + '.pts') 112 112 print'create Geospatial data5 objects from topographies' 113 G5 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name 2+ '.pts')113 G5 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name3 + '.pts') 114 114 print'create Geospatial data6 objects from topographies' 115 G 6 = Geospatial_data(file_name = island_dir_name3 + '.pts')115 G_coast = Geospatial_data(file_name = coast_in_dir_name) 116 116 print'create Geospatial data7 objects from topographies' 117 G_off = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name + '.txt')117 G_off = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name) 118 118 print'create Geospatial data8 objects from topographies' 119 G_off1 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name1 + '.txt')119 G_off1 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name1) 120 120 print'create Geospatial data9 objects from topographies' 121 G_off2 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name2 + '.txt')121 G_off2 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name2) 122 122 print'create Geospatial data10 objects from topographies' 123 G_off3 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name3 + '.txt')123 G_off3 = Geospatial_data(file_name = offshore_in_dir_name3) 124 124 125 125 126 126 print'add all geospatial objects' 127 G = G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 + G 6+ G_off + G_off1 + G_off2 + G_off3127 G = G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 + G_coast + G_off + G_off1 + G_off2 + G_off3 128 128 129 129 print'clip combined geospatial object by bounding polygon' … … 134 134 mkdir (project.topographies_dir) 135 135 G_clipped.export_points_file(project.combined_dir_name + '.pts') 136 #G_clipped.export_points_file(project.combined_dir_name + '. xya') - use for comparision in ARC136 #G_clipped.export_points_file(project.combined_dir_name + '.txt') #Use for comparision in ARC 137 137 138 138 import sys -
r5669 r5759 1 """ 2 Generates ascii grids of nominated areas - need sww file created in 3 If producing a grid for the enitre extent cellsize should be greater than 30m 4 If producing grids for inundation area resolution should be greater than mesh (ie ~22m) 5 """ 6 1 7 import project, os 2 8 import sys … … 9 15 #time_dir = '20080530_170833_run_final_0.6_exmouth_kvanputt' 10 16 #time_dir = '20080815_103442_run_final_0.0_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 11 time_dir = '20080 815_103336_run_final_0.6_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt'17 time_dir = '20080909_151438_run_final_0.0_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 12 18 13 is_parallel = False 14 #is_parallel = True 15 if is_parallel == True: nodes = 4 19 #cellsize = 20 20 cellsize = 30 21 #timestep = 0 22 #area = ['Geordie', 'Sorrento', 'Fremantle', 'Rockingham'] 23 area = ['All'] 24 #var = [1,2] # Absolute momentum and depth 25 #var = [2] # depth 26 var = [0,4] #stage and elevation 16 27 17 28 18 cellsize = 1519 #cellsize = 15020 #timestep = 021 29 directory = project.output_dir 22 30 name1 = directory+time_dir+sep+project.scenario_name 23 name2 = directory+time_dir+sep+' perth_time_39900'+sep+project.scenario_name+'_time_39900_0'24 #name2 = directory+time_dir+sep+project.scenario_name+'_time_39900_0' 31 name2 = directory+time_dir+sep+'sww2'+sep+project.scenario_name+'_time_39900_0' 32 25 33 names = [name1, name2] 26 34 for name in names: 27 35 28 area = ['Geordie', 'Sorrento', 'Fremantle', 'Rockingham']29 30 36 for which_area in area: 37 if which_area == 'All': 38 31 39 if which_area == 'Geordie': 32 40 easting_min = project.xminGeordie … … 53 61 northing_max = project.ymaxRockingham 54 62 55 var = [2] # momentum and depth 56 #var = [2] # depth 57 #var = [0,4] 58 63 59 64 for which_var in var: 60 65 if which_var == 0: # Stage … … 79 84 quantityname = 'elevation' #Elevation 80 85 81 if is_parallel == True: 82 # print 'is_parallel',is_parallel 83 for i in range(0,nodes): 84 namei = name + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes) 85 outnamei = outname + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes) 86 print 'start sww2dem for sww file %d' %(i) 87 sww2dem(namei, basename_out = outnamei, 88 quantity = quantityname, 89 timestep = timestep, 90 cellsize = cellsize, 91 easting_min = project_grad.e_min_area, 92 easting_max = project_grad.e_max_area, 93 northing_min = project_grad.n_min_area, 94 northing_max = project_grad.n_max_area, 95 reduction = max, 96 verbose = True, 97 format = 'asc') 86 if which_area == 'All' 87 print 'start sww2dem',which_area 88 sww2dem(name, basename_out = outname, 89 quantity = quantityname, 90 #timestep = timestep, 91 cellsize = cellsize, 92 reduction = max, 93 verbose = True, 94 format = 'asc') 95 98 96 else: 99 97 print 'start sww2dem',which_area, easting_min -
r5702 r5759 1 1 """ 2 2 Generate time series of nominated "gauges" read from project.gauge_filename. This 3 is done by first running sww2csv_gauges on two different directories to make 4 'csv' files. Then running csv2timeseries_graphs detailing the two directories 5 containing the csv file and produces one set of graphs in the 'output_dir' containing 3 is done by running sww2csv_gauges to make 'csv' files in the 'output_dir' containing 6 4 the details at the gauges for both these sww files. 7 8 Note, this script will only work if pylab is installed on the platform 9 5 Can run different sww files at the same time 6 make sure if there is a second sww file that it is placed into a folder called sww2 7 Can run different gauges at the same time - ie testing boundary index point 10 8 """ 11 9 12 10 from os import sep 13 11 from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import sww2csv_gauges,csv2timeseries_graphs 14 15 12 import project 16 13 14 timestamp1='20080815_103442_run_final_0.0_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 15 timestamp2='20080815_103336_run_final_0.6_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 17 16 18 #timestamp='20080724_121200_run_trial_0.6_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 19 #timestamp='20080724_161830_run_final_0.6_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 20 timestamp='20080815_103442_run_final_0.0_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 21 #timestamp='20080815_103336_run_final_0.6_polyline_alpha0.1_kvanputt' 17 timestamps = [timestamp1, timestamp2] 18 for timestamp in timestamps: 22 19 23 filename1=project.output_dir+timestamp+sep+project.scenario_name+'.sww'24 filename2=project.output_dir+timestamp+sep+'perth_time_39900'+sep+project.scenario_name+'_time_39900_0.sww'20 filename1=project.output_dir+timestamp+sep+project.scenario_name+'.sww' 21 filename2=project.output_dir+timestamp+sep+'sww2'+sep+project.scenario_name+'_time_39900_0.sww' 25 22 23 filenames = [filename1, filename2] 24 for filename in filenames: 26 25 27 28 filenames = [filename1, filename2] 29 for filename in filenames: 30 31 sww2csv_gauges(filename, 32 project.gauges_dir_name, 33 #project.gauges_dir_name2, 34 quantities = ['stage','speed','depth','elevation'], 35 verbose=True) 36 26 gauges = [project.gauges_dir_name, project.gauges_dir_name2] 27 for gauge in gauges: 28 29 sww2csv_gauges(filename,gauge, 30 quantities = ['stage','speed','depth','elevation'], 31 verbose=True) 32 37 33 38 34 -
r5754 r5759 1 # -*- coding: cp1252 -*-2 1 """Common filenames and locations for topographic data, meshes and outputs. 2 Simplified and Commented by Kristy Van Putten 3 3 """ 4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 # Import necessary modules 6 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 7 5 8 from os import sep, environ, getenv, getcwd … … 8 11 from time import localtime, strftime, gmtime 9 12 from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons, is_inside_polygon, number_mesh_triangles 10 #from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees, convert_points_from_latlon_to_utm11 13 from anuga.utilities.system_tools import get_user_name, get_host_name 12 14 from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import urs2sts,create_sts_boundary 13 15 from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons, polygon_area, is_inside_polygon 14 16 15 # file and system info 16 #--------------------------------- 17 #codename = '' 17 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 # Directory setup 19 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 ##Note: INUNDATIONHOME is the inundation directory, not the data directory. 18 21 19 22 home = getenv('INUNDATIONHOME') + sep +'data'+sep #Sandpit's parent diruser = get_user_name() … … 22 25 host = get_host_name() 23 26 24 # INUNDATIONHOME is the inundation directory, not the data directory. 25 26 #time stuff 27 ##time stuff 27 28 time = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S',localtime()) #gets time for new dir 28 29 gtime = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S',gmtime()) #gets time for new dir … … 31 32 print 'gtime: ', gtime 32 33 33 #Making assumptions about the location of scenario data 34 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 # Initial Conditions 36 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37 38 ##Changed to reflect the modeled community (also sets up the directory system) 34 39 state = 'western_australia' 35 #scenario_name = 'perth_44unitsources'36 40 scenario_name = 'perth' 37 41 scenario = 'perth_tsunami_scenario' 38 39 40 tide = 0.0 #0.6 41 42 ##One or all can be changed each time the run_scenario script is excuted 43 tide = 0.6 44 event_number = 27255 45 #event_number = 27283 42 46 alpha = 0.1 43 47 friction=0.01 44 48 starttime=0 45 49 finaltime=80000 46 export_cellsize=25 47 setup='final' 48 source='polyline' 50 51 setup='final' ## Can replace with trial or basic, this action will thin the mesh 52 ## so that the run script will take less time (hence less acurate) 49 53 50 54 if setup =='trial': … … 64 68 yieldstep=60 65 69 66 dir_comment='_'+setup+'_'+str(tide)+'_'+str(source)+'_'+ 'alpha' +str(alpha)+'_'+str(user) 67 68 # onshore data provided by WA DLI 69 onshore_name = 'perth_dli_ext' # original 70 #island 71 island_name = 'rott_dli_ext' # original 70 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71 # Output Filename 72 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73 ##Important to distiquish each run 74 dir_comment='_'+setup+'_'+str(tide)+'_'+str(event_number)+'_'+ 'alpha' +str(alpha)+'_'+str(user) 75 76 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77 # INPUT DATA 78 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79 80 ##ELEVATION DATA## - used in 81 ## onshore data: format ascii grid with accompaning projection file 82 onshore_name = 'perth_dli_ext' 83 ## island: format ascii grid with accompaning projection file 84 island_name = 'rott_dli_ext' 72 85 island_name1 = 'gard_dli_ext' 73 86 island_name2 = 'carnac_island_dli_ext' 74 87 island_name3 = 'penguin_dli_ext' 75 76 # AHO + DPI data + colin French coastline 77 coast_name = 'coastline_perthP' 78 offshore_name = 'Perth' 79 offshore_name1 = 'Perth_Chart' 80 offshore_name2 = 'Fremantle_north' 81 offshore_name3 = 'port_swanriver' 82 83 84 85 #final topo name 88 ## coastline: format x,y,elevation (with title) 89 coast_name = 'coastline_perthP.txt' 90 ## bathymetry: format x,y,elevation (with title) 91 offshore_name = 'Perth.txt' 92 offshore_name1 = 'Perth_Chart.txt' 93 offshore_name2 = 'Fremantle_north.txt' 94 offshore_name3 = 'port_swanriver.txt' 95 96 ##GAUGES## - used in 97 gauge_name = 'perth.csv' 98 gauge_name2 = 'thinned_MGA50.csv' 99 100 ##BOUNDING POLYGON## -used in and respectively 101 #NOTE: when files are put together must be in sequence - for ease go clockwise! 102 #Check the for boundary_tags 103 ##thinned ordering file from Hazard Map: format index,latitude,longitude (with title) 104 order_filename = 'thinned_boundary_ordering.txt' 105 ##landward bounding points 106 landward = 'landward_bounding_polygon.txt' 107 108 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 109 # OUTPUT ELEVATION DATA 110 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111 ##Output filename for elevation 112 ## its a combination of all the data put together (utilisied in build_boundary) 86 113 combined_name ='perth_combined_elevation' 87 114 combined_smaller_name = 'perth_combined_elevation_smaller' 88 115 116 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117 # Directory Structure 118 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89 119 anuga_dir = home+state+sep+scenario+sep+'anuga'+sep 90 91 120 topographies_in_dir = home+state+sep+scenario+sep+'elevation_final'+sep+'points'+sep 92 121 topographies_dir = anuga_dir+'topographies'+sep 93 94 # input topo file location 122 polygons_dir = anuga_dir+'polygons'+sep 123 tide_dir = anuga_dir+'tide_data'+sep 124 boundaries_dir = anuga_dir+'boundaries'+ sep 125 output_dir = anuga_dir+'outputs'+sep 126 gauges_dir = anuga_dir+'gauges'+sep 127 meshes_dir = anuga_dir+'meshes'+sep 128 129 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130 # Location of input and output Data 131 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132 ##where the input data sits 95 133 onshore_in_dir_name = topographies_in_dir + onshore_name 96 134 island_in_dir_name = topographies_in_dir + island_name … … 98 136 island_in_dir_name2 = topographies_in_dir + island_name2 99 137 island_in_dir_name3 = topographies_in_dir + island_name3 100 101 138 coast_in_dir_name = topographies_in_dir + coast_name 102 139 offshore_in_dir_name = topographies_in_dir + offshore_name … … 105 142 offshore_in_dir_name3 = topographies_in_dir + offshore_name3 106 143 144 ##where the output data sits 107 145 onshore_dir_name = topographies_dir + onshore_name 108 146 island_dir_name = topographies_dir + island_name … … 110 148 island_dir_name2 = topographies_dir + island_name2 111 149 island_dir_name3 = topographies_dir + island_name3 112 113 150 coast_dir_name = topographies_dir + coast_name 114 151 offshore_dir_name = topographies_dir + offshore_name … … 117 154 offshore_dir_name3 = topographies_dir + offshore_name3 118 155 119 # final topo files156 ##where the combined file sits 120 157 combined_dir_name = topographies_dir + combined_name 121 #combined_time_dir_name = topographies_time_dir + combined_name122 158 combined_smaller_name_dir = topographies_dir + combined_smaller_name 123 #combined_time_dir_final_name = topographies_time_dir + combined_final_name 124 125 meshes_dir = anuga_dir+'meshes'+sep 126 meshes_dir_name = meshes_dir + scenario_name 127 128 polygons_dir = anuga_dir+'polygons'+sep 129 tide_dir = anuga_dir+'tide_data'+sep 130 131 132 #boundaries_source = '1' 133 134 if source=='polyline': 135 boundaries_name = 'perth_3103_28052008' #polyline gun 136 boundaries_in_dir = anuga_dir+'boundaries'+sep+'urs'+sep+'polyline'+sep+'1_10000'+sep 137 138 if source=='test': 139 boundaries_name = 'other' #polyline 140 boundaries_in_dir = anuga_dir+'boundaries'+sep 141 142 143 #boundaries locations 144 boundaries_in_dir_name = boundaries_in_dir + boundaries_name 145 boundaries_dir = anuga_dir+'boundaries'+sep 146 boundaries_dir_name = boundaries_dir + scenario_name # what it creates??? 159 160 ##where the mesh sits (this is created during the 161 meshes_dir_name = meshes_dir + scenario_name+'.msh' 162 163 #where the boundary order files sit (this is used within 164 order_filename_dir = boundaries_dir + order_filename 165 166 #where the landward points of boundary extent sit (this is used within 167 landward_dir = boundaries_dir + landward 168 169 #where the event sts files sits (this is created during the 170 boundaries_dir_event = boundaries_dir + str(event_number) + sep 147 171 boundaries_dir_mux = muxhome 148 172 149 #output locations 150 output_dir = anuga_dir+'outputs'+sep 151 output_build_time_dir = anuga_dir+'outputs'+sep+build_time+dir_comment+sep 152 output_run_time_dir = anuga_dir+'outputs'+sep+run_time+dir_comment+sep 173 #where the directory of the output filename sits 174 output_build_time_dir = output_dir+build_time+dir_comment+sep #used for 175 output_run_time_dir = output_dir+run_time+dir_comment+sep #used for 153 176 output_run_time_dir_name = output_run_time_dir + scenario_name #Used by post processing 154 177 155 vertex_filename = output_run_time_dir + 'mesh_vertex.csv' 156 157 #gauges 158 gauge_name = 'perth.csv' 159 gauge_name2 = 'thinned_MGA50.csv' 160 161 162 gauges_dir = home+sep+state+sep+scenario+sep+'anuga'+sep+'gauges'+sep 163 beach_gauges = gauges_dir + 'beach_gauges.csv' 164 gauges_dir_name = gauges_dir + gauge_name 165 gauges_dir_name2 = gauges_dir + gauge_name2 166 167 buildings_filename = gauges_dir + 'Perth_resA.csv' 168 buildings_filename_out = 'Perth_res_Project_modified.csv' 169 170 ############################### 178 #where the directory of the gauges sit 179 gauges_dir_name = gauges_dir + gauge_name #used for 180 gauges_dir_name2 = gauges_dir + gauge_name2 #used for 181 182 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171 183 # Interior region definitions 172 ############################### 184 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 185 186 #Land, to set the stage/water to be offcoast only 187 poly_mainland = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'initial_condition.csv') 173 188 174 189 #Initial bounding polygon for data clipping … … 176 191 res_poly_all = 100000*res_factor 177 192 178 #Polygon designed by 20m contours, or 3km from the coastline 179 poly_internal_20_3 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'internal_h20mORd3km.csv') 180 res_internal_20_3 = 25000*res_factor 181 182 #Polygon designed to cut out the rottnest island land. 183 poly_rottnest_in = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rottnest_internal.csv') 184 res_rottnest_in = 100000*res_factor 185 186 #Polygon designed to incorporate Garden Island and sand bank infront of Rockingham 187 poly_garden_rockingham = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'garden_rockingham.csv') 188 res_garden_rockingham = 1000*res_factor 189 190 #Polygon designed to incorporate coastline of rottnest 191 poly_rottnest_ex = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rottnest_external.csv') 192 res_rottnest_ex = 1000*res_factor 193 194 #Polygon designed to incorporate perth and Fremantle CBD 195 poly_cbd = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'CBD_coastal.csv') 196 res_cbd = 500*res_factor 197 198 #Polygon designed to incorporate rockingham and penguin island 199 poly_rockingham = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rockingham_penguin.csv') 200 res_rockingham = 500*res_factor 201 202 #Polygon designed to incorporate bottom of Garden Island for image verification 203 poly_garden = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'garden.csv') 204 res_garden = 500*res_factor 205 206 poly_geordie_bay = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'geordie_bay.csv') 207 res_geordie_bay = 500*res_factor 208 209 poly_sorrento_gauge = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'sorrento_gauge.csv') 210 res_sorrento_gauge = 500*res_factor 211 193 #Area of Interest 1 (Fremantle) 194 poly_aoi1 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'CBD_coastal.csv') 195 res_aoi1 = 500*res_factor 196 197 #Area of Interest 2 (Rockingham) 198 poly_aoi2 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rockingham_penguin.csv') 199 res_aoi2 = 500*res_factor 200 201 #Area of Interest 2 (garden Island) 202 poly_aoi2a = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'garden.csv') 203 res_aoi2a= 500*res_factor 204 205 #Area of Interest 3 (geordie bay - record of tsunami impact) 206 poly_aoi3 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'geordie_bay.csv') 207 res_aoi3 = 500*res_factor 208 209 #Area of Interest 4 (sorrento - record of tsunami impact) 210 poly_aoi4 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'sorrento_gauge.csv') 211 res_aoi4 = 500*res_factor 212 213 #Area of Significance 1 (Garden Island and sand bank infront of Rockingham) 214 poly_aos1 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'garden_rockingham.csv') 215 res_aos1 = 1000*res_factor 216 217 #Area of Significance 2 (incorporate coastline of rottnest) 218 poly_aos2 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rottnest_external.csv') 219 res_aos2 = 1000*res_factor 220 221 #Refined areas 212 222 #Polygon designed to incorporate Dredge Area from Fremantle to 213 223 #Rockingham the steep incline was making the mesh go to 0 214 poly_dredge = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'DredgeArea.csv') 215 res_dredge = 1000*res_factor 216 217 #assert zone == refzone 218 219 interior_regions = [[poly_internal_20_3,res_internal_20_3],[poly_cbd,res_cbd] 220 ,[poly_garden_rockingham,res_garden_rockingham] 221 ,[poly_rockingham,res_rockingham],[poly_geordie_bay,res_geordie_bay] 222 ,[poly_sorrento_gauge,res_sorrento_gauge],[poly_rottnest_in, res_rottnest_in] 223 ,[poly_rottnest_ex, res_rottnest_ex], [poly_garden, res_garden] 224 ,[poly_dredge, res_dredge]] 224 poly_aos3 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'DredgeArea.csv') 225 res_aos3 = 1000*res_factor 226 227 #Shallow water 1 228 poly_sw1 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'internal_h20mORd3km.csv') 229 res_sw1 = 25000*res_factor 230 231 #Deep water (land of Rottnest, ANUGA does not do donuts!) 232 poly_dw1 = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'rottnest_internal.csv') 233 res_dw1 = 100000*res_factor 234 235 # Combined all regions, must check that all are included! 236 interior_regions = [[poly_aoi1,res_aoi1],[poly_aoi2,res_aoi2] 237 ,[poly_aoi2a,res_aoi2a],[poly_aoi3,res_aoi3] 238 ,[poly_aoi4,res_aoi4],[poly_aos1,res_aos1] 239 ,[poly_aos2,res_aos2],[poly_aos3,res_aos3] 240 ,[poly_sw1,res_sw1], [poly_dw1,res_dw1]] 225 241 226 242 227 243 trigs_min = number_mesh_triangles(interior_regions, poly_all, res_poly_all) 228 print 'min numbertriangles', trigs_min244 print 'min estimated number of triangles', trigs_min 229 245 230 246 231 poly_mainland = read_polygon(polygons_dir+'initial_condition.csv') 232 233 ################################################################### 247 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 234 248 # Clipping regions for export to asc and regions for clipping data 235 ################################################################### 236 249 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 237 250 238 251 #Geordie Bay extract ascii grid -
r5669 r5759 1 """Script for running tsunami inundation scenario for Dampier, WA, Australia.1 """Script for running tsunami inundation scenario for Perth, WA, Australia. 2 2 3 3 Source data such as elevation and boundary data is assumed to be available in … … 6 6 7 7 The scenario is defined by a triangular mesh created from project.polygon, 8 the elevation data and a simulated tsunami generated with URS code. 9 10 Ole Nielsen and Duncan Gray, GA - 2005 and Jane Sexton, Nick Bartzis, GA - 2006 8 the elevation data is combiled into a pts file through 9 and a simulated tsunami is generated through an sts file from 10 11 Ole Nielsen and Duncan Gray, GA - 2005, Jane Sexton, Nick Bartzis, GA - 2006 12 Ole Nielsen, Jane Sexton and Kristy Van Putten - 2008 11 13 """ 12 14 … … 32 34 from Numeric import allclose 33 35 from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import export_grid, create_sts_boundary 34 35 36 from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions 36 37 from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import start_screen_catcher, copy_code_files,store_parameters 37 #from anuga_parallel.parallel_api import distribute, numprocs, myid, barrier38 38 from anuga_parallel.parallel_abstraction import get_processor_name 39 39 from anuga.caching import myhash … … 42 42 from anuga.utilities.polygon import read_polygon, plot_polygons, polygon_area, is_inside_polygon 43 43 from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import find_optimal_smoothing_parameter 44 44 from polygon import Polygon_function 45 45 46 # Application specific imports 46 import project 47 import project # Definition of file names and polygons 47 48 numprocs = 1 48 49 myid = 0 … … 50 51 def run_model(**kwargs): 51 52 52 53 53 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 54 # Copy scripts to time stamped output directory and capture screen … … 58 58 59 59 #copy script must be before screen_catcher 60 #print kwargs61 60 62 61 print 'output_dir',kwargs['output_dir'] 63 if myid == 0: 64 copy_code_files(kwargs['output_dir'],__file__, 65 dirname(project.__file__)+sep+ project.__name__+'.py' ) 66 67 store_parameters(**kwargs) 68 69 # barrier() 62 63 copy_code_files(kwargs['output_dir'],__file__, 64 dirname(project.__file__)+sep+ project.__name__+'.py' ) 65 66 store_parameters(**kwargs) 70 67 71 68 start_screen_catcher(kwargs['output_dir'], myid, numprocs) 72 69 73 70 print "Processor Name:",get_processor_name() 74 75 71 76 72 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 79 75 80 76 # Read in boundary from ordered sts file 81 urs_bounding_polygon=create_sts_boundary(os.path.join(project.boundaries_dir ,project.scenario_name))77 urs_bounding_polygon=create_sts_boundary(os.path.join(project.boundaries_dir_event,project.scenario_name)) 82 78 83 79 # Reading the landward defined points, this incorporates the original clipping 84 80 # polygon minus the 100m contour 85 landward_bounding_polygon = read_polygon(project. polygons_dir+'landward_bounding_polygon.txt')81 landward_bounding_polygon = read_polygon(project.landward_dir) 86 82 87 83 # Combine sts polyline with landward points … … 90 86 # counting segments 91 87 N = len(urs_bounding_polygon)-1 92 boundary_tags={'back': [N+1,N+2,N+3], 'side': [N,N+4],'ocean': range(N)} 88 89 #boundary tags refer to project.landward 4 points equals 5 segments start at N 90 boundary_tags={'back': [N+1,N+2,N+3], 'side': [N,N+4], 'ocean': range(N)} 93 91 94 92 95 93 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 # Create the triangular mesh based on overall clipping polygon with a 97 # tagged 94 # Create the triangular mesh based on overall clipping polygon with a tagged 98 95 # boundary and interior regions defined in along with 99 96 # resolutions (maximal area of per triangle) for each polygon … … 102 99 #IMPORTANT don't cache create_mesh_from_region and Domain(mesh....) as it 103 100 # causes problems with the ability to cache set quantity which takes alot of times 104 if myid == 0: 105 106 print 'start create mesh from regions' 107 108 create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, 109 boundary_tags=boundary_tags, 110 maximum_triangle_area=project.res_poly_all, 111 interior_regions=project.interior_regions, 112 filename=project.meshes_dir_name+'.msh', 113 use_cache=True, 114 verbose=True) 115 # barrier() 116 117 ## covariance_value,alpha = find_optimal_smoothing_parameter (data_file= kwargs['elevation_file'], 118 ## alpha_list=[0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], 119 ## mesh_file = project.meshes_dir_name+'.msh') 120 ## print 'optimal alpha', covariance_value,alpha 121 101 102 print 'start create mesh from regions' 103 104 create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, 105 boundary_tags=boundary_tags, 106 maximum_triangle_area=project.res_poly_all, 107 interior_regions=project.interior_regions, 108 filename=project.meshes_dir_name, 109 use_cache=True, 110 verbose=True) 111 122 112 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 113 # Setup computational domain … … 125 115 print 'Setup computational domain' 126 116 127 domain = Domain(project.meshes_dir_name +'.msh', use_cache=False, verbose=True)117 domain = Domain(project.meshes_dir_name, use_cache=False, verbose=True) 128 118 print 'memory usage before del domain',mem_usage() 129 119 … … 137 127 # Setup initial conditions 138 128 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 if myid == 0: 140 141 print 'Setup initial conditions' 142 143 from polygon import Polygon_function 144 #following sets the stage/water to be offcoast only 145 IC = Polygon_function( [(project.poly_mainland, 0)], default = kwargs['tide'], 146 geo_reference = domain.geo_reference) 147 domain.set_quantity('stage', IC) 148 #domain.set_quantity('stage',kwargs['tide'] ) 149 domain.set_quantity('friction', kwargs['friction']) 150 151 print 'Start Set quantity',kwargs['elevation_file'] 152 153 domain.set_quantity('elevation', 154 filename = kwargs['elevation_file'], 155 use_cache = False, 156 verbose = True, 157 alpha = kwargs['alpha']) 158 print 'Finished Set quantity' 159 #barrier() 160 129 print 'Setup initial conditions' 130 131 #following sets the stage/water to be offcoast only 132 IC = Polygon_function( [(project.poly_mainland, 0)], default = kwargs['tide'], 133 geo_reference = domain.geo_reference) 134 domain.set_quantity('stage', IC) 135 #domain.set_quantity('stage',kwargs['tide'] ) 136 domain.set_quantity('friction', kwargs['friction']) 137 138 print 'Start Set quantity',kwargs['elevation_file'] 139 140 domain.set_quantity('elevation', 141 filename = kwargs['elevation_file'], 142 use_cache = False, 143 verbose = True, 144 alpha = kwargs['alpha']) 145 print 'Finished Set quantity' 146 147 ## #------------------------------------------------------ 148 ## # Distribute domain to implement parallelism !!! 161 149 ## #------------------------------------------------------ 162 ## # Create x,y,z file of mesh vertex!!!163 ## #------------------------------------------------------164 ## coord = domain.get_vertex_coordinates()165 ## depth = domain.get_quantity('elevation')166 ##167 ## # Write vertex coordinates to file168 ## filename=project.vertex_filename169 ## fid=open(filename,'w')170 ## fid.write('x (m), y (m), z(m)\n')171 ## for i in range(len(coord)):172 ## pt=coord[i]173 ## x=pt[0]174 ## y=pt[1]175 ## z=depth[i]176 ## fid.write('%.6f,%.6f,%.6f\n' %(x, y, z))177 150 ## 178 179 #------------------------------------------------------ 180 # Distribute domain to implement parallelism !!! 181 #------------------------------------------------------ 182 183 if numprocs > 1: 184 domain=distribute(domain) 151 ## if numprocs > 1: 152 ## domain=distribute(domain) 185 153 186 154 #------------------------------------------------------ … … 188 156 #------------------------------------------------------ 189 157 print 'domain id', id(domain) 190 domain.set_name(kwargs[' aa_scenario_name'])158 domain.set_name(kwargs['scenario_name']) 191 159 domain.set_datadir(kwargs['output_dir']) 192 160 domain.set_default_order(2) # Apply second order scheme … … 203 171 print 'domain id', id(domain) 204 172 205 boundary_urs_out=project.boundaries_dir_ name173 boundary_urs_out=project.boundaries_dir_event + sep + project.scenario_name 206 174 207 175 Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) … … 244 212 #kwargs 'completed' must be added to write the final parameters to file 245 213 kwargs['completed']=str(time.time()-t0) 246 247 if myid==0: 248 store_parameters(**kwargs) 249 # barrier 250 214 215 store_parameters(**kwargs) 216 251 217 print 'memory usage before del domain1',mem_usage() 252 218 … … 256 222 257 223 kwargs={} 258 kwargs['est_num_trigs']=project.trigs_min259 kwargs['num_cpu']=numprocs260 kwargs['host']=project.host261 kwargs['res_factor']=project.res_factor262 kwargs['starttime']=project.starttime263 kwargs['yieldstep']=project.yieldstep264 224 kwargs['finaltime']=project.finaltime 265 266 225 kwargs['output_dir']=project.output_run_time_dir 267 226 kwargs['elevation_file']=project.combined_dir_name+'.pts' 268 kwargs['boundary_file']=project.boundaries_in_dir_name + '.sww' 269 kwargs['file_name']=project.home+'detail.csv' 270 kwargs['aa_scenario_name']=project.scenario_name 271 kwargs['ab_time']=project.time 272 kwargs['res_factor']= project.res_factor 227 kwargs['scenario_name']=project.scenario_name 273 228 kwargs['tide']=project.tide 274 kwargs['user']=project.user275 229 kwargs['alpha'] = project.alpha 276 230 kwargs['friction']=project.friction 277 kwargs['time_thinning'] = project.time_thinning 278 kwargs['dir_comment']=project.dir_comment 279 kwargs['export_cellsize']=project.export_cellsize 280 231 #kwargs['est_num_trigs']=project.trigs_min 232 #kwargs['num_cpu']=numprocs 233 #kwargs['host'] 234 #kwargs['res_factor']=project.res_factor 235 #kwargs['starttime']=project.starttime 236 #kwargs['yieldstep']=project.yieldstep 237 #kwargs['file_name']=project.home+'detail.csv' 238 #kwargs['ab_time']=project.time 239 #kwargs['res_factor']= project.res_factor 240 #kwargs['user']=project.user 241 #kwargs['time_thinning'] = project.time_thinning 242 #kwargs['dir_comment']=project.dir_comment 243 281 244 282 245 run_model(**kwargs) 283 246 284 #barrier247
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