Changeset 6842 for anuga_work/production/australia_ph2/esperance
- Timestamp:
- Apr 20, 2009, 4:45:56 PM (16 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r6474 r6842 20 20 gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion Tools.tbx") 21 21 gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data Management Tools.tbx") 22 gp.overwriteoutput = 022 gp.overwriteoutput = 1 23 23 24 24 scenario_dir = "\\\\nas2\\gemd\\georisk_models\\inundation\\data\\australia_ph2\\esperance\\" 25 25 output_dir="anuga\\outputs\\" 26 26 27 time_dir1 = '20090302_104336_run_final_0_27255_mhingee' 27 time_dir1 = '20090408_152320_run_final_0_27329_1699_Tb__mhingee' 28 time_dir2 = '20090408_205317_run_final_0_58367_1699_Tb__mhingee' 29 time_dir3 = '20090409_024308_run_final_0_64449_1699_Tb__mhingee' 28 30 29 time_dirs = [time_dir1] #, time_dir2] #4, time_dir5] #, time_dir3, time_dir4, time_dir5, time_dir6] 30 31 for time_dir in time_dirs: 31 events = [[time_dir1,0.352214],[time_dir2,0.356316],[time_dir3,0.357256]] 32 32 33 for event in events: 34 ##for time_dir in time_dirs: 35 time_dir = event[0] 36 max_wave = event[1] 37 print time_dir 38 print max_wave 33 39 # Local variables... 34 folder = scenario_dir + output_dir + time_dir +'\\'40 folder = scenario_dir + output_dir + time_dir +'\\' 35 41 raster_gbd = folder + 'raster.gdb' 36 land = scenario_dir + "map_work\\Busselton.gdb\\Internal_polygons\\initial_conditions_extend_Di"37 ocean = scenario_dir + "map_work\\Busselton.gdb\\input_boundaries\\Ocean"42 ## land = scenario_dir + "map_work\\\port_hedland.gdb\\outlines\\initial_condition" 43 ## ocean = scenario_dir + "map_work\\\port_hedland.gdb\\outlines\\initial_conditions_ocean" 38 44 39 40 45 print 'Process: Create File GDB' 41 46 gp.CreateFileGDB_management(folder, "raster") … … 43 48 gp.Workspace = raster_gbd 44 49 45 print time_dir50 print gp.Workspace 46 51 47 52 #replication dictionary 48 replicate = (('esperance', ''),('_', ''), 53 replicate = (('esperance', ''),('_', ''),('max','_M'), 54 ('CBD', 'CDB'),('All',''), 49 55 ('depth','_depth'),('speed', '_speed'), 50 56 ('elevation', '_ele_'), ('stage','_stage')) 51 57 52 58 generate_filename = [] 53 input_ascii = glob.glob(folder + '* .asc')59 input_ascii = glob.glob(folder + '*stage.asc') 54 60 55 61 for infile in input_ascii: … … 57 63 for (key, rep) in replicate: 58 64 output_DEM = output_DEM.replace(key,rep) 59 output_DEM = output_DEM[:1 2]65 output_DEM = output_DEM[:10] 60 66 if output_DEM in generate_filename: 61 67 print 'Output_DEM filename (%s) already in use' % output_DEM … … 68 74 gp.ASCIIToRaster_conversion(infile, output_DEM, "FLOAT") 69 75 70 print 'Process: Define Projection' 76 print 'Process: Define Projection' 77 # GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_54 71 78 gp.DefineProjection_management(output_DEM, "PROJCS['GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_51',GEOGCS['GCS_GDA_1994',DATUM['D_GDA_1994',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]" 72 79 ",PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',10000000.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',123.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996]" 73 80 ",PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]]") 74 ## output_extract = output_DEM + ' _E'81 ## output_extract = output_DEM + 'E' 75 82 ## print 'Output Extract ',output_extract 76 83 ## print 'Process: Extract by Mask' 77 84 ## gp.ExtractByMask_sa(output_DEM, land, output_extract) 85 # do this bit only if there are only stage asc files 86 div_file = output_DEM.replace('stage','div_stage') 87 if not div_file == output_DEM: 88 print 'divide', output_DEM,' by', max_wave,' and call',div_file 89 gp.Divide_sa(output_DEM,max_wave,div_file) 78 90 79
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