Changeset 7169 for anuga_work

Jun 10, 2009, 12:19:50 PM (16 years ago)
2 added
2 edited


  • anuga_work/publications/boxing_day_validation_2008/patong_validation.tex

    r7166 r7169  
    146146is in the very north of the town filmed from what is believed to be the roof of the Novotel Hotel. The second video is in the very south of the town
    147147filmed from a building next door to the Comort Resort.The figure shows
    148 a video from from which me made our estimates. Crude flow rates can be
     148a video from from which we made our estimates. Crude flow rates can be
    149149estimated with landmarks and the use of a GIS and were found to be in
    150 the range of 5 to 7 metres per second (+/- 1 m/s) in the north and 0.5
     150the range of 5 to 7 metres per second (+/- 2 m/s) in the north and 0.5
    151151to 2 metres per second (+/- 1 m/s) in the south. This is in agreement
    152152with results from our simulations. Our modelled flow rates show
    153153maximum values in the order of 0.2 to 2.6 m/s in the south and 0.1 to
    154 3.3 m/s for the north as shown in the figures.
     1543.3 m/s for the north as shown in the figures. Water depths could also be estimated from the videos by the level at which water rose up the sides of buildings such as shops. Our estimates are in the order of 1.5 to 2.0 metres (+/- 0.5 m). This is in the same range as our modelled maximum depths of 1.4 m in the north and 1.5 m in the south as seen in the figure. Fritz [20] did a detailed analysis of video frames taken around Banda Aceh and arrived at flow speeds in the range of 2 to 5 m/s.
     160\caption{modelled gauges near the hotels showing flow speed and depths.}
    156165\subsubsection{Inundation Survey}
  • anuga_work/publications/boxing_day_validation_2008/tsunami07.bib

    r6950 r7169  
     1093author = {Fritz, Hermann M., Jose C. Borrero, Costas E. Synolakis, and Jeseon Yoo.},
     1094title = {2004 Indian Ocean tsunami flow velocity measurements from survivor videos},
     1095journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
     1096year = {2006},
     1097volume = {33},
     1098number = {L24605},
     1099pages = {1--5},
     1100OPTdoi = {10.1029/2006GL026784},
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