Changeset 7287
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- Jul 3, 2009, 10:01:00 AM (16 years ago)
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r7253 r7287 1 1 @ARTICLE{madsen02, 2 2 AUTHOR = {P.A. Madsen and H.B. Bingham and H. Liu}, 3 TITLE = {A new {B}oussinesq method for fully nonlinear4 waves from shallow to deep water} ,3 TITLE = "{A new {B}oussinesq method for fully nonlinear 4 waves from shallow to deep water}", 5 5 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 6 6 YEAR = {2002}, … … 11 11 @ARTICLE{agnon99, 12 12 AUTHOR = {Y. Agnon and P.A. Madsen and H.A. Schiffer.}, 13 TITLE = {A new approach to high-order {B}oussinesq models},13 TITLE = "{A new approach to high-order {B}oussinesq models}", 14 14 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 15 15 YEAR = {1999}, … … 20 20 @ARTICLE{gobbi00, 21 21 AUTHOR = {M.F. Gobbi and J.T. Kirby and G. Wei}, 22 TITLE = {A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for surface waves. {P}art 2. {E}xtension to $O(kh)^4$},22 TITLE = "{A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for surface waves. {P}art 2. {E}xtension to $O(kh)^4$}", 23 23 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 24 24 YEAR = {2000}, … … 29 29 @ARTICLE{peregrine67, 30 30 AUTHOR = {D.H. Peregrine}, 31 TITLE = {Long waves on a beach},31 TITLE = "{Long waves on a beach}", 32 32 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 33 33 YEAR = {1967}, … … 39 39 @PHDTHESIS{latham99, 40 40 AUTHOR = {S. Latham}, 41 TITLE = {A Free Surface Nonlinearity in the Simplified Steady-State42 Shallow Water Equations} ,41 TITLE = "{A Free Surface Nonlinearity in the Simplified Steady-State 42 Shallow Water Equations}", 43 43 SCHOOL = {The Australian National University}, 44 44 YEAR = {1999} … … 47 47 @BOOK{liggett94, 48 48 AUTHOR = {J.A. Liggett}, 49 TITLE = {Fluid Mechanics},49 TITLE = "{Fluid Mechanics}", 50 50 PUBLISHER = {McGraw Hill, Inc.}, 51 51 YEAR = {1994} … … 54 54 @BOOK{chorin79, 55 55 AUTHOR = {A. J. Chorin and J. E. Marsden}, 56 TITLE = {A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics},56 TITLE = "{A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics}", 57 57 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, 58 58 YEAR = {1979} … … 61 61 @BOOK{temam05, 62 62 AUTHOR = {R .M. Temam and A. M. Miranville}, 63 TITLE = {Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics},63 TITLE = "{Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics}", 64 64 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, 65 65 YEAR = {2005}, … … 69 69 @article{zoppou03, 70 70 AUTHOR = {Zoppou, C. and Roberts, S.G }, 71 TITLE = {Explicit schemes for dam-break simulations},71 TITLE = "{Explicit schemes for dam-break simulations}", 72 72 YEAR = {2003}, 73 73 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, … … 81 81 @article{zoppou99, 82 82 AUTHOR = {Zoppou, C. and Roberts, S.G }, 83 TITLE = {Catastrophic collapse of water supply reserviours in urban areas},83 TITLE = "{Catastrophic collapse of water supply reserviours in urban areas}", 84 84 YEAR = {1999}, 85 85 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, … … 92 92 @article{zoppou00, 93 93 AUTHOR = {Zoppou, C. and Roberts, S.G }, 94 TITLE = {Numerical solution of the two-dimensional unsteady dam break},94 TITLE = "{Numerical solution of the two-dimensional unsteady dam break}", 95 95 YEAR = {2000}, 96 96 JOURNAL = {Applied Mathematical Modelling}, … … 101 101 @ARTICLE{kurganov01, 102 102 AUTHOR = {Kurganov, A. and Noelle, S. and Petrova, G. }, 103 TITLE = {Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation104 laws and {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations} ,103 TITLE = "{Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation 104 laws and {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations}", 105 105 YEAR = {2001}, 106 106 JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing}, … … 113 113 @ARTICLE{kurganov02, 114 114 AUTHOR = {A. Kurganov D. Levy}, 115 TITLE = {Central-upwind schemes for the {S}aint-{V}enant system},115 TITLE = "{Central-upwind schemes for the {S}aint-{V}enant system}", 116 116 YEAR = {2002}, 117 117 JOURNAL = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, … … 123 123 @ARTICLE{toro92, 124 124 AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, 125 TITLE = {Riemann problems and the {WAF} method for solving the126 two-dimensional shallow water equations} ,125 TITLE = "{Riemann problems and the {WAF} method for solving the 126 two-dimensional shallow water equations}", 127 127 YEAR = {1992}, 128 128 JOURNAL = {Philospohical Transacations: Physical Sciences and Engineering}, … … 135 135 @ARTICLE{Toro89, 136 136 AUTHOR = {E.F. Toro}, 137 TITLE = {A weighted average flux method for hyperbolic conservation laws},137 TITLE = "{A weighted average flux method for hyperbolic conservation laws}", 138 138 YEAR = {1989}, 139 139 JOURNAL = {Proc. Royal Soc.}, … … 142 142 @ARTICLE{synolakis05, 143 143 AUTHOR = {Synolakis, C. and Okal, E. and Bernard, E.}, 144 TITLE = {The megatsunami of {D}ecember 26 2004},144 TITLE = "{The megatsunami of {D}ecember 26 2004}", 145 145 YEAR = {2005}, 146 146 JOURNAL = {National Academy of Engineering Publications}, … … 149 149 @BOOK{johnson90book, 150 150 AUTHOR = {C. Johnson}, 151 TITLE = {Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method},151 TITLE = "{Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method}", 152 152 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, 153 153 YEAR = {1990}, … … 157 157 @ARTICLE{blain05, 158 158 AUTHOR = {C.A. Blain and T.C. Massey}, 159 TITLE = {Application of a coupled discontinuous-continuous {G}alerkin finite element shallow water model to coastal ocean dynamics},159 TITLE = "{Application of a coupled discontinuous-continuous {G}alerkin finite element shallow water model to coastal ocean dynamics}", 160 160 JOURNAL = {Ocean Modelling}, 161 161 YEAR = {2005}, … … 166 166 @BOOK{tennekes, 167 167 AUTHOR = { H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley }, 168 TITLE = {A First Course in Turbulence},168 TITLE = "{A First Course in Turbulence}", 169 169 PUBLISHER = { MIT Press }, 170 170 YEAR = {1972}, … … 174 174 @ARTICLE{mead04, 175 175 AUTHOR = {J.L. Mead }, 176 TITLE = {The shallow water equations in {L}agrangian coordinates},176 TITLE = "{The shallow water equations in {L}agrangian coordinates}", 177 177 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 178 178 YEAR = {2004}, … … 183 183 @ARTICLE{bennett99, 184 184 AUTHOR = {A.F. Bennett and B.S. Chua}, 185 TITLE = { Open boundary conditions for {L}agrangian geophysical fluid dynamics },185 TITLE = "{Open boundary conditions for {L}agrangian geophysical fluid dynamics}", 186 186 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 187 187 YEAR = {1999}, … … 193 193 @ARTICLE{oliger78, 194 194 AUTHOR = {J. Oliger and A. Sundstrom}, 195 TITLE = {Theoretical and practical aspects of some initial boundary value problems in fluid},195 TITLE = "{Theoretical and practical aspects of some initial boundary value problems in fluid}", 196 196 JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics}, 197 197 YEAR = {1978}, … … 203 203 @ARTICLE{hughes86, 204 204 AUTHOR = {T.J.R. Hughes and M. Mallet and A. Mizukami}, 205 TITLE = {A new finite element formulation for computational fluid dynamics: {II}. {B}eyond {SUPG}},205 TITLE = "{A new finite element formulation for computational fluid dynamics: {II}. {B}eyond {SUPG}}", 206 206 JOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, 207 207 YEAR = {1986}, … … 212 212 @ARTICLE{hughes84, 213 213 AUTHOR = {T.J.R. Hughes and T.E. Tezduyar}, 214 TITLE = {Finite element methods for first-order hyperbolic systems with particular focus on the compressible {E}uler equations},214 TITLE = "{Finite element methods for first-order hyperbolic systems with particular focus on the compressible {E}uler equations}", 215 215 JOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, 216 216 YEAR = {1984}, … … 221 221 @ARTICLE{johnson90, 222 222 AUTHOR = {C. Johnson and A .Szepessy and P. Hansbo}, 223 TITLE = {On the convergence of shock-capturing streamline diffusion finite element methods for hyperbolic conservation laws},223 TITLE = "{On the convergence of shock-capturing streamline diffusion finite element methods for hyperbolic conservation laws}", 224 224 JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, 225 225 YEAR = {1990}, … … 230 230 @ARTICLE{johnson87, 231 231 AUTHOR = {C. Johnson and A .Szepessy}, 232 TITLE = {On the convergence of a finite element methods for a nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law},232 TITLE = "{On the convergence of a finite element methods for a nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law}", 233 233 JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, 234 234 YEAR = {1987}, … … 238 238 @ARTICLE{bova96, 239 239 AUTHOR = {S.W. Bova and G.F. Carey}, 240 TITLE = {An entropy variable formulation and applications for the two-dimensional shallow water equations},240 TITLE = "{An entropy variable formulation and applications for the two-dimensional shallow water equations}", 241 241 JOURNAL = {International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids}, 242 242 YEAR = {1996}, … … 247 247 @ARTICLE{shu03, 248 248 AUTHOR = {C. Shu}, 249 TITLE = {High-order finite difference and finite volume {WENO}250 schemes and discontinuous {G}alerkin methods for {CFD}} ,249 TITLE = "{High-order finite difference and finite volume {WENO} 250 schemes and discontinuous {G}alerkin methods for {CFD}}", 251 251 JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics}, 252 252 YEAR = {2003}, … … 258 258 @ARTICLE{shu88, 259 259 AUTHOR = {C. Shu and S. Osher}, 260 TITLE = {Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes},260 TITLE = "{Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes}", 261 261 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 262 262 YEAR = {1988}, … … 267 267 @BOOK{leveque02, 268 268 AUTHOR = {R.J. LeVeque}, 269 TITLE = {Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems},269 TITLE = "{Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems}", 270 270 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, 271 271 YEAR = {2002}, … … 275 275 @BOOK{leveque92, 276 276 AUTHOR = {R.J. LeVeque}, 277 TITLE = {Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws},277 TITLE = "{Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws}", 278 278 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"{a}user Verlag}, 279 279 YEAR = {1992}, … … 283 283 @ARTICLE{cockburn98, 284 284 AUTHOR = {B. Cockburn and C. Shu}, 285 TITLE = {The {R}unge-{K}utta discontinuous {G}alerkin method for conservation laws {V}: {M}ultidimensional systems},285 TITLE = "{The {R}unge-{K}utta discontinuous {G}alerkin method for conservation laws {V}: {M}ultidimensional systems}", 286 286 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 287 287 YEAR = {1998}, … … 292 292 @ARTICLE{harten87a, 293 293 AUTHOR = { A. Harten and S. Osher }, 294 TITLE = {Uniformly high-order accurate non-oscillatory schemes, {I}},294 TITLE = "{Uniformly high-order accurate non-oscillatory schemes, {I}}", 295 295 JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis}, 296 296 YEAR = {1987}, … … 301 301 @ARTICLE{wang99, 302 302 AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and H.T. Shen}, 303 TITLE = {Lagrangian Simulation of one-dimensional dam-break flow},303 TITLE = "{Lagrangian Simulation of one-dimensional dam-break flow}", 304 304 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, 305 305 YEAR = {1999}, … … 310 310 @ARTICLE{levin06, 311 311 AUTHOR = {J.C. Levin and D.B. Haidvogel and B. Chua and A.F. Bennett and M. Iskandarani}, 312 TITLE = {Euler-{L}agrange equations for the spectral element shallow water system},312 TITLE = "{Euler-{L}agrange equations for the spectral element shallow water system}", 313 313 JOURNAL = {Ocean Modelling}, 314 314 YEAR = {2006}, … … 318 318 @ARTICLE{zhang99, 319 319 AUTHOR = {M.Y. Zhang and J. Monbaliu and C.S. Yu}, 320 TITLE = {An {E}ulerian-{L}agrangian method for the simulation of wave propagation},320 TITLE = "{An {E}ulerian-{L}agrangian method for the simulation of wave propagation}", 321 321 JOURNAL = {Ocean Engineering}, 322 322 YEAR = {1999}, … … 326 326 @BOOK{tennekes72, 327 327 AUTHOR = {H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley}, 328 TITLE = {A First Course in Turbulence},328 TITLE = "{A First Course in Turbulence}", 329 329 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, 330 330 YEAR = {1972}, … … 333 333 @ARTICLE{bermudez94, 334 334 AUTHOR = {A. Bermudez and M.E. Vazquez}, 335 TITLE = {Upwind methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms},335 TITLE = "{Upwind methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms}", 336 336 JOURNAL = {Computers and Fluids}, 337 337 YEAR = {1994}, … … 343 343 @ARTICLE{godunov59, 344 344 AUTHOR = {S.K. Godunov}, 345 TITLE = {A finite-difference method for the numerical computation of discontinuous solutions of the equations of fluid dynamics},345 TITLE = "{A finite-difference method for the numerical computation of discontinuous solutions of the equations of fluid dynamics}", 346 346 JOURNAL = {Mathemayicsheski Sbornic}, 347 347 YEAR = {1959}, … … 353 353 @ARTICLE{davis87, 354 354 AUTHOR = {S.F. Davis}, 355 TITLE = {A simplified {TVD} finite difference scheme via artificial viscosity},355 TITLE = "{A simplified {TVD} finite difference scheme via artificial viscosity}", 356 356 JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing}, 357 357 YEAR = {1987}, … … 363 363 @ARTICLE{borris73, 364 364 AUTHOR = {J.P. Borris and D.L. Book}, 365 TITLE = {Flux-corrected transport, {SHASTA}: {A} fluid transport algorithm that works},365 TITLE = "{Flux-corrected transport, {SHASTA}: {A} fluid transport algorithm that works}", 366 366 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 367 367 YEAR = {1973}, … … 373 373 @ARTICLE{yee87, 374 374 AUTHOR = {H.C. Yee}, 375 TITLE = {Construction of explicit implicit symmetric {TVD} schemes and their applications},375 TITLE = "{Construction of explicit implicit symmetric {TVD} schemes and their applications}", 376 376 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 377 377 YEAR = {1987}, … … 383 383 @ARTICLE{goutal02, 384 384 AUTHOR = {N. Goutal and F. Maurel}, 385 TITLE = {A finite volume solver for 1{D} shallow-water equations applied to an actual river},385 TITLE = "{A finite volume solver for 1{D} shallow-water equations applied to an actual river}", 386 386 JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, 387 387 YEAR = {2002}, … … 392 392 @ARTICLE{causon99, 393 393 AUTHOR = {D.M. Causon and C.G. Mingham and D.M. Ingram}, 394 TITLE = {Advances in calculation methods for supercritical flow in splillway channels},394 TITLE = "{Advances in calculation methods for supercritical flow in splillway channels}", 395 395 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, 396 396 YEAR = {1999}, … … 402 402 @ARTICLE{singh98, 403 403 AUTHOR = {V. Singh and S.M. Bhallamundi}, 404 TITLE = {Conjective surface subsurace modeling of overland flow},404 TITLE = "{Conjective surface subsurace modeling of overland flow}", 405 405 JOURNAL = {Advances in Water Resources}, 406 406 YEAR = {1998}, … … 412 412 @ARTICLE{mingham98, 413 413 AUTHOR = {C.G. Mingham and D.M. Causon}, 414 TITLE = {High-resolution finite-volume method for shallow water flows},414 TITLE = "{High-resolution finite-volume method for shallow water flows}", 415 415 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, 416 416 YEAR = {1998}, … … 421 421 @ARTICLE{cockburn89, 422 422 AUTHOR = {B. Cockburn and C. Shu}, 423 TITLE = {{TVB} {R}unge-{K}utta local projection discontinuous {G}alerkin finite element method for conservation laws {II}: {G}eneral framework},423 TITLE = "{{TVB} {R}unge-{K}utta local projection discontinuous {G}alerkin finite element method for conservation laws {II}: {G}eneral framework}", 424 424 JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, 425 425 YEAR = {1989}, … … 430 430 @ARTICLE{harten87b, 431 431 AUTHOR = {A. Harten and B. Engquist and S. Osher and S. Chakravarthy}, 432 TITLE = {Uniformly high order essentially non-oscillatory schemes, {III}},432 TITLE = "{Uniformly high order essentially non-oscillatory schemes, {III}}", 433 433 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 434 434 YEAR = {1987}, … … 439 439 @BOOK{laney98, 440 440 AUTHOR = {C.B. Laney}, 441 TITLE = {Computational Gas Dynamics},441 TITLE = "{Computational Gas Dynamics}", 442 442 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, 443 443 YEAR = {1998}, … … 447 447 @ARTICLE{bokhove05, 448 448 AUTHOR = {O. Bokhove}, 449 TITLE = {Flooding and Drying in Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite-Element Discretizations of Shallow-Water Equations. {P}art 1: {O}ne Dimension},449 TITLE = "{Flooding and Drying in Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite-Element Discretizations of Shallow-Water Equations. {P}art 1: {O}ne Dimension}", 450 450 JOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, 451 451 YEAR = {2005}, … … 456 456 @ARTICLE{chertock06, 457 457 AUTHOR = {A. Chertock and A. Kurganov and G. Petrova}, 458 TITLE = {Finite-Volume-Particle Methods for Models of Transport of Pollutant in Shallow Water},458 TITLE = "{Finite-Volume-Particle Methods for Models of Transport of Pollutant in Shallow Water}", 459 459 JOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, 460 460 YEAR = {2006}, … … 465 465 @BOOK{stoker57, 466 466 AUTHOR = {J.J. Stoker}, 467 TITLE = {Water waves: the Mathematical Theory with Applications},467 TITLE = "{Water waves: the Mathematical Theory with Applications}", 468 468 PUBLISHER = {Interscience Publishers}, 469 469 YEAR = {1957}, … … 482 482 @ARTICLE{wu99, 483 483 AUTHOR = {C. Wu and G. Huang and Y. Zheng}, 484 TITLE = {Theoretical Solution of dam-break shock wave},484 TITLE = "{Theoretical Solution of dam-break shock wave}", 485 485 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, 486 486 YEAR = {1999}, … … 492 492 @ARTICLE{thacker81, 493 493 AUTHOR = {W. Thacker}, 494 TITLE = {Some Exact Solutions to the nonlinear shallow water wave equations},494 TITLE = "{Some Exact Solutions to the nonlinear shallow water wave equations}", 495 495 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 496 496 YEAR = {1981}, … … 501 501 @ARTICLE{roe85, 502 502 AUTHOR = {P.L. Roe}, 503 TITLE = {Some contributions to the modelling of discontinuous flows},503 TITLE = "{Some contributions to the modelling of discontinuous flows}", 504 504 JOURNAL = {Lectures in Applied Mathematics}, 505 505 YEAR = {1985}, … … 510 510 @ARTICLE{fraccarollo95, 511 511 AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and E. Toro}, 512 TITLE = {Experimental and numerical assessment of the shallow water model for two dimensional dam break type},512 TITLE = "{Experimental and numerical assessment of the shallow water model for two dimensional dam break type}", 513 513 JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 514 514 YEAR = {1995}, … … 520 520 @ARTICLE{fraccarollo02, 521 521 AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and H. Capart}, 522 TITLE = {Riemann wave description of erosional dam-break flows},522 TITLE = "{Riemann wave description of erosional dam-break flows}", 523 523 JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 524 524 YEAR = {2002}, … … 529 529 @ARTICLE{fraccarollo03, 530 530 AUTHOR = {L. Fraccarollo and H. Capart and Y. Zech}, 531 TITLE = {A {G}odunov method for the computation of erosional shallow water transients},531 TITLE = "{A {G}odunov method for the computation of erosional shallow water transients}", 532 532 JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, 533 533 YEAR = {2003}, … … 538 538 @ARTICLE{begnudelli06, 539 539 AUTHOR = {L. Begnudelli and B. Sanders}, 540 TITLE = {Unstructured grid finite volume algorithm for shallow water flow and scalar transport with wetting and drying},540 TITLE = "{Unstructured grid finite volume algorithm for shallow water flow and scalar transport with wetting and drying}", 541 541 JOURNAL = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, 542 542 YEAR = {2006}, … … 548 548 @ARTICLE{cekirge86, 549 549 AUTHOR = {H.M. Cekirge and R.W. Lardner and R.J. Fraga}, 550 TITLE = {Adaptation of the solution of the two-dimensional tidal equations using the method of characteristics to wind induced currents and storm surges},550 TITLE = "{Adaptation of the solution of the two-dimensional tidal equations using the method of characteristics to wind induced currents and storm surges}", 551 551 JOURNAL = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, 552 552 YEAR = {1986}, … … 558 558 @ARTICLE{dube85, 559 559 AUTHOR = {S.K. Dube and P.C. Sinha and G.D. Roy}, 560 TITLE = {The numerical simulation of storm surges along the {B}angla {D}esh coast},560 TITLE = "{The numerical simulation of storm surges along the {B}angla {D}esh coast}", 561 561 JOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, 562 562 YEAR = {1985}, … … 567 567 @INPROCEEDINGS{ogink86, 568 568 AUTHOR = {H.J.M. Ogink and J.G. Grijsen and A.J.H. Wijbenga}, 569 TITLE = {Aspects of flood level computations},569 TITLE = "{Aspects of flood level computations}", 570 570 BOOKTITLE = {International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis}, 571 571 YEAR = {1986}, … … 575 575 @INPROCEEDINGS{nixon96, 576 576 AUTHOR = {J.B. Nixon and B.J. Noye}, 577 TITLE = {Prawn larvae dispersion modelling},577 TITLE = "{Prawn larvae dispersion modelling}", 578 578 BOOKTITLE = {Computational Techniques and Applications}, 579 579 YEAR = {1996}, … … 585 585 @MISC{sharon, 586 586 AUTHOR = {S. Koh}, 587 TITLE = {Honours Thesis - Theoretical and Numerical Simulation of Rapidly-Varying Flows in Open Channels},587 TITLE = "{Honours Thesis - Theoretical and Numerical Simulation of Rapidly-Varying Flows in Open Channels}", 588 588 HOWPUBLISHED = {The Australian National University}, 589 589 YEAR = {2001} … … 592 592 @ARTICLE{kennedy00, 593 593 AUTHOR = {A.B. Kennedy and Q. Chen and J.T. Kirby and R.A. Dalrymple}, 594 TITLE = {Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup},594 TITLE = "{Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation, breaking, and runup}", 595 595 JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering}, 596 596 YEAR = {2000}, … … 602 602 @INPROCEEDINGS{Watts05, 603 603 AUTHOR = {P. Watts and M. Ioualalen and S. Grilli and F. Shi and J. Kirby}, 604 TITLE = {Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean605 Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model} ,604 TITLE = "{Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean 605 Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model}", 606 606 BOOKTITLE = {Ocean Waves Measurement and Analysis 5th International 607 607 Symposium}, … … 611 611 @ARTICLE{watts03, 612 612 AUTHOR = {P. Watts and S.T. Grilli and J.T. Kirby and G.J. Fryer and D.R. Tappin}, 613 TITLE = {Landslide tsunami case studies using a {B}oussinesq model and a fully nonlinear tsunami generation model},613 TITLE = "{Landslide tsunami case studies using a {B}oussinesq model and a fully nonlinear tsunami generation model}", 614 614 JOURNAL = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences }, 615 615 YEAR = {2003}, … … 621 621 @INPROCEEDINGS{watts01, 622 622 AUTHOR = {P. Watts and S.T. Grilli and F. Imamura}, 623 TITLE = {Coupling of tsunami generation and propagation codes},623 TITLE = "{Coupling of tsunami generation and propagation codes}", 624 624 YEAR = {2001}, 625 625 BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proccedings}, … … 628 628 @INPROCEEDINGS{titov01, 629 629 AUTHOR = {V.V., Titov and F.I. Gonzalez and H.O. Mofjeld and J.C. Newman}, 630 TITLE = {Project {SIFT} (Short-term inundation forecasting for tsunamis)},630 TITLE = "{Project {SIFT} (Short-term inundation forecasting for tsunamis)}", 631 631 YEAR = {2001}, 632 632 BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings} … … 635 635 @ARTICLE{titov97a, 636 636 AUTHOR = {Titov, V.V. and Gonzalez, F.I.}, 637 TITLE = {Implementation and testing of the method of splitting tsunami ({MOST}) model},637 TITLE = "{Implementation and testing of the method of splitting tsunami ({MOST}) model}", 638 638 YEAR = {1997}, 639 639 JOURNAL = {NOAA Technical Memorandum}, … … 642 642 @ARTICLE{titov98, 643 643 AUTHOR = {Titov, V.V. and Synolakis, C.}, 644 TITLE = {Numerical Modelling of tidal wave runup},644 TITLE = "{Numerical Modelling of tidal wave runup}", 645 645 YEAR = {1998}, 646 646 JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterwat, Port and Coastal Engineering}, … … 653 653 AUTHOR = {A.V. Avdeev and M.M. Lavrentiev Jr. and A.G. Marchuck and E.V. 654 654 Goryunov and K.V. Simonov and V.A. Okhonin}, 655 TITLE = {Complex analysis of ocean tsunami observation data for solution656 of the inverse problem} ,655 TITLE = "{Complex analysis of ocean tsunami observation data for solution 656 of the inverse problem}", 657 657 YEAR = {2001}, 658 658 BOOKTITLE = {ITS Proceedings}, … … 661 661 @INPROCEEDINGS{pelinovsky01, 662 662 AUTHOR = {E. Pelinovsky and C. Kharif and I. Riabov and M. Francius}, 663 TITLE = {Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation near the {F}rench664 coast of the {M}editerranean} ,663 TITLE = "{Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation near the {F}rench 664 coast of the {M}editerranean}", 665 665 YEAR = {2001}, 666 666 BOOKTITLE = {ITS Procceedings}, … … 670 670 AUTHOR = {A. Ritter}, 671 671 TITLE = {Die Fortpflanzung der Wasserwellen}, 672 JOURNAL = {Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure},672 JOURNAL = "{Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure}", 673 673 YEAR = {1892}, 674 674 VOLUME = {36}, … … 680 680 AUTHOR = {G. Strang}, 681 681 TITLE = {On the construction and comparison of difference schemes}, 682 JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis},682 JOURNAL = "{SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis}", 683 683 YEAR = {1968}, 684 684 VOLUME = {5}, … … 688 688 @ARTICLE{lebrun98, 689 689 AUTHOR = {J.F., Lebrun and G.G. Karner and J.Y. Collot}, 690 TITLE = {Fracture zone subduction and reactivation across the {P}uysegur ridge/trench system, southern {N}ew {Z}ealand},690 TITLE = "{Fracture zone subduction and reactivation across the {P}uysegur ridge/trench system, southern {N}ew {Z}ealand}", 691 691 JOURNAL = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 692 692 YEAR = {1998}, … … 697 697 @INPROCEEDINGS{matsuyama01, 698 698 AUTHOR = {M., Matsuyama and H. Tanaka}, 699 TITLE = {An experimental study of the highest runup height in the 1993 hokkaido nansei-oki earthquake tsunami},699 TITLE = "{An experimental study of the highest runup height in the 1993 hokkaido nansei-oki earthquake tsunami}", 700 700 BOOKTITLE = {National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Review and International Tsunami Symposium (ITS)}, 701 701 YEAR = {2001}, … … 706 706 @ARTICLE{tsuji95, 707 707 AUTHOR = {Y., Tsuji and S. Matsutomi and F. Imamura and C.E. Synolakis}, 708 TITLE = {Field survey of the east java earthquake and tsunami},708 TITLE = "{Field survey of the east java earthquake and tsunami}", 709 709 JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, 710 710 YEAR = {1995}, … … 716 716 @Unpublished{roberts06, 717 717 author = {Roberts, S.G. and Nielsen, O.M. and Jakeman, J.D. }, 718 title = {Simulation of Tsunami and Flash Flood},718 title = "{Simulation of Tsunami and Flash Flood}", 719 719 note = {Accepted for publication in the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, March 6-10, 2006, Hanoi Vietnam}, 720 720 year = {2006} … … 723 723 @ARTICLE{kelly06, 724 724 AUTHOR = {A., Kelly and L.A. Dengler and B. Uslu and A. Barebropoulou and S.C. Yim and K.J. Bergen}, 725 TITLE = {Recent tsunami highlights the need for awareness of tsunami duration},725 TITLE = "{Recent tsunami highlights the need for awareness of tsunami duration}", 726 726 JOURNAL = {EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union}, 727 727 YEAR = {2006}, … … 733 733 @PHDTHESIS{ham06, 734 734 AUTHOR = {Ham, D.}, 735 TITLE = {On techniques for modelling coastal and ocean flow with unstructed meshes},735 TITLE = "{On techniques for modelling coastal and ocean flow with unstructed meshes}", 736 736 SCHOOL = {de Technische Universiteit Delft}, 737 737 YEAR = {2006} … … 740 740 @ARTICLE{anastasiou97, 741 741 AUTHOR = {Anastasiou, K. and Chan, C.T. }, 742 TITLE = {Solution of the 2D shallow water equations using the finite volume method on unstructured triangular meshes},742 TITLE = "{Solution of the 2D shallow water equations using the finite volume method on unstructured triangular meshes}", 743 743 JOURNAL = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, 744 744 YEAR = {1997}, … … 750 750 @TECHREPORT{greensdale07, 751 751 AUTHOR = {Greensdale, D. and Simanjuntak, M . and Burbidge, D. and Chittleborough, J. }, 752 TITLE = {A first-generation real-time tsunami forecasting system for the {A}ustralian region},752 TITLE = "{A first-generation real-time tsunami forecasting system for the {A}ustralian region}", 753 753 INSTITUTION = {Bureau of Meteorology Australia}, 754 754 YEAR = {2007}, … … 759 759 @ARTICLE{titov97b, 760 760 AUTHOR = {Titov, V.V. and Synolakis, C.E.}, 761 TITLE = {Extreme inundation flows during the Hokkaido-762 Nansei-Oki tsunami} ,761 TITLE = "{Extreme inundation flows during the Hokkaido- 762 Nansei-Oki tsunami}", 763 763 JOURNAL = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 764 764 YEAR = {1997}, … … 770 770 @ARTICLE{yeh94, 771 771 AUTHOR = {H., Yeh and V.V Titov and V. Gusiakov and E. Pelinovsky and V. Khramushin and V. Kaistrenko}, 772 TITLE = {The 1994 Shikotan earthquake tsunami},772 TITLE = "{The 1994 Shikotan earthquake tsunami}", 773 773 JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, 774 774 YEAR = {1994}, … … 780 780 @ARTICLE{bourgeois99, 781 781 AUTHOR = {Bourgeois, J., and Petroff, C. and Yeh, H. and Titov, V. and Synolakis, C. and Benson, B. and Kuroiwa, J. and Lander, J. and Norabuena, E. }, 782 TITLE = {Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote,783 northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February 1996} ,782 TITLE = "{Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote, 783 northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February 1996}", 784 784 JOURNAL = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, 785 785 YEAR = {1999}, … … 791 791 @ARTICLE{gusiakov72, 792 792 AUTHOR = {Gusiakov, V.K. }, 793 TITLE = {Static displacement on the surface of an elastic space. Ill-posed problems of794 mathematical physics and interpretation of geophysical data} ,793 TITLE = "{Static displacement on the surface of an elastic space. Ill-posed problems of 794 mathematical physics and interpretation of geophysical data}", 795 795 JOURNAL = {Novosibirsk, VC SOAN SSSR}, 796 796 YEAR = {1972}, … … 801 801 @ARTICLE{grilli06, 802 802 AUTHOR = {Grilli, S.T. and Ioualalen, M. and Asavanant, J. and Shi, F. and Kirby, J.T and Watts, P. }, 803 TITLE = {Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian804 Ocean Tsunami} ,803 TITLE = "{Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian 804 Ocean Tsunami}", 805 805 JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterways, Port, Ocean and Coastal Engineering}, 806 806 YEAR = {2006}, … … 810 810 @ARTICLE{titov05, 811 811 AUTHOR = {Titov, V.V. and Gonz\'{a}lez, F. and Bernard, E. and Eble, M. and Mofjeld, H. and Newman, J. and Venturato, A. }, 812 TITLE = {Real-Time Tsunami Forecasting: Challenges and Solutions},812 TITLE = "{Real-Time Tsunami Forecasting: Challenges and Solutions}", 813 813 JOURNAL = {Natural Hazards}, 814 814 YEAR = {2005}, … … 820 820 @ARTICLE{titov95, 821 821 AUTHOR = {Titov, V. and Synolakis, C. }, 822 TITLE = {Modeling of breaking and nonbreaking long wave823 evolution and runup using {VTCS}-2} ,822 TITLE = "{Modeling of breaking and nonbreaking long wave 823 evolution and runup using {VTCS}-2}", 824 824 JOURNAL = {Journal of Waterways, Port, Ocean and Coastal Engineering}, 825 825 YEAR = {1995}, … … 831 831 @Article{vigny05, 832 832 author = {Vigny, C., and Simons, W.J.F. and Abu, S. and Bamphenyu, R. and Satirapod, C. and Choosakul, N. and Subarya, C. and Socquet, A. and Omar, K. and Abidin, H.Z. and Ambrosius, B.A.C.}, 833 title = {Insight into the 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake from {GPS} measurements in southeast {A}sia},833 title = "{Insight into the 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake from {GPS} measurements in southeast {A}sia}", 834 834 journal = {Nature}, 835 835 year = {2005}, … … 840 840 @Article{ammon05, 841 841 author = {Ammon, C.J. and Ji, C. and Thio, H. and Robinson, D. and Ni, S. and Hjorleifsdottir, V. and Lay, H. and Lay. T. and Das, S. and Helmberger, D. and Ichinose, G. and Polet, J. and Wald, D.}, 842 title = {Rupture Process of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake},842 title = "{Rupture Process of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake}", 843 843 journal = {Science}, 844 844 year = {2005}, … … 849 849 @TechReport{kawata05, 850 850 author = {Kawata, T. et XIV alia}, 851 title = {Comprehensive analysis of the damage and its impact on coastal zones by the 2004 {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami disaster},851 title = "{Comprehensive analysis of the damage and its impact on coastal zones by the 2004 {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami disaster}", 852 852 institution = {Disaster Prevention Research Institute}, 853 853 year = {2005}, … … 857 857 @Article{liu05, 858 858 author = {Liu, P. L.-F., and Lynett, P. and Fernando, H. and Jaffe, B.E. and Fritz, H. and Higman, B. and Morton, R. and Goff, J. and Synolakis, C. }, 859 title = {Observations by the International Tsunami Survey Team in {S}ri {L}anka},859 title = "{Observations by the International Tsunami Survey Team in {S}ri {L}anka}", 860 860 journal = {Science}, 861 861 year = {2005}, … … 866 866 @Article{merrifield05, 867 867 author = {Merrifield, M.A. et XXIII alia}, 868 title = {Tide gauge observations of the {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami, {D}ecember 26, 2004},868 title = "{Tide gauge observations of the {I}ndian {O}cean tsunami, {D}ecember 26, 2004}", 869 869 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 870 870 year = {2005}, … … 875 875 @Article{roberts00, 876 876 author = {Roberts, S.G and Zoppou, C. }, 877 title = {Robust and efficent solution of the 2D shallow water wave equation with domains containg dry beds},877 title = "{Robust and efficent solution of the 2D shallow water wave equation with domains containg dry beds}", 878 878 journal = {The ANZIAM Journal}, 879 879 year = {2000}, … … 885 885 @Misc{ngdc, 886 886 author = {National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)}, 887 title = {Indian Ocean December 26, 2004: Runups},887 title = "{Indian Ocean December 26, 2004: Runups}", 888 888 howpublished = {}, 889 889 } … … 891 891 @InProceedings{nielsen05, 892 892 author = {Nielsen, O.M and Roberts, S.G and Gray, D. and McPherson, A. and Hitchman, A. }, 893 title = {Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation},894 booktitle = {MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation},893 title = "{Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation}", 894 booktitle = "{MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation}", 895 895 pages = {518-523}, 896 896 year = {2005}, … … 903 903 @Article{wei95, 904 904 author = {Wei, G. and Kirby, J.T. and Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. }, 905 title = {A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for free surface waves. {P}art 1: Highly nonlinear unsteady waves},905 title = "{A fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq model for free surface waves. {P}art 1: Highly nonlinear unsteady waves}", 906 906 journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 907 907 year = {1995}, … … 911 911 912 912 @article{ioualalen07, 913 title= {Modeling the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Case study of impact in Thailand},913 title="{Modeling the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Case study of impact in Thailand}", 914 914 author={Ioualalen, M. and Asavanant, J. and Kaewbanjak, N. and Grilli, S.~T. and Kirby, J.~T. and Watts, P.}, 915 915 year={2007}, … … 920 920 921 921 @article{hirata06, 922 title= {The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Tsunami source model from satellite altimetry},922 title="{The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Tsunami source model from satellite altimetry}", 923 923 author={Hirata, K. and Satake, K. and Tanioka, Y. and Kuragano, T. and Hasegawa, Y. and Hayashi, Y. and Hamada, N.}, 924 924 journal={Earth, Planets and Space}, … … 931 931 932 932 @article{satake95, 933 title= {Linear and nonlinear computations of the 1992 Nicaragua earthquake tsunami},933 title="{Linear and nonlinear computations of the 1992 Nicaragua earthquake tsunami}", 934 934 author={Satake, K.}, 935 935 journal={Pure and Applied Geophysics}, … … 942 942 @Misc{schoettle2007, 943 943 author = {Schoettle, E. and Sakimoto, S.}, 944 title = {Modeling the Effects of Coral Reef Health on Tsunami Run-up945 with the Finite-element Model ADCIRC} ,944 title = "{Modeling the Effects of Coral Reef Health on Tsunami Run-up 945 with the Finite-element Model ADCIRC}", 946 946 howpublished = {\url{}}, 947 947 year = {2007}, … … 952 952 @InBook{asavanant08, 953 953 author = {Asavanant, J. and Ioualalen, M. and Kaewbanjak, N. and Grilli, S.~T. and Watts, P. and Kirby, J.~T. and Shi, F.}, 954 title = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes},954 title = "{Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes}", 955 955 chapter = {Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami }, 956 956 publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, … … 961 961 @article{grilli07, 962 962 author = {Grilli, S.T. and Ioualalen, M. and Asavanant, J. and Shi, F. and Kirby, J.T. and Watts, P.}, 963 title = {Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami},963 title = "{Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami}", 964 964 publisher = {ASCE}, 965 965 year = {2007}, … … 974 974 @TechReport{synolakis07, 975 975 author = {Synolakis, C.E. and Bernard, E.N. and Titov, V.V. and Kanoglu, U. and Gonzalez, F.I.}, 976 title = {Standards,criteria and procedures for \textsc{NOAA} evaluation of tsunami numerical models},976 title = "{Standards,criteria and procedures for \textsc{NOAA} evaluation of tsunami numerical models}", 977 977 institution = {Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory}, 978 978 year = {2007}, … … 984 984 @InBook{bates01, 985 985 author = {Bates, P.D. and Anderson, M.G.}, 986 title = {Model Validation: Perspectives in Hydrological Science},986 title = "{Model Validation: Perspectives in Hydrological Science}", 987 987 chapter = {Validation of hydraulic models}, 988 988 publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.}, … … 993 993 994 994 @article{papadopoulos06, 995 title= {The large tsunami of 26 December 2004: Field observations and eyewitnesses accounts from Sri Lanka, Maldives Is. and Thailand},995 title="{The large tsunami of 26 December 2004: Field observations and eyewitnesses accounts from Sri Lanka, Maldives Is. and Thailand}", 996 996 author={Papadopoulos, G.~A. and Caputo, R. and McAdoo, B. and Pavlides, S. and Karastathis, V. Fokaefs, A. and Orfanogiannaki, K. and Valkaniotis, S.}, 997 997 journal={Earth, Planets and Space}, … … 1003 1003 @Article{chlieh07, 1004 1004 author = {Chlieh, M. and Avouac, J.-P. and Hjorleifsdottir, V. and Song, T.-H.~A. and Ji, C. and Sieh, K. and Sladen, A. and Herbert, H. and Prawirodirdjo, L. and Bock, Y. and Galetzka, J.}, 1005 title = {Coseismic slip and afterslip of the great {M}$_W$ 9.15 {S}umartra-{A}ndaman Earthquake of 2004},1005 title = "{Coseismic slip and afterslip of the great {M}$_W$ 9.15 {S}umartra-{A}ndaman Earthquake of 2004}", 1006 1006 journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Soceity of America}, 1007 1007 year = {2007}, … … 1015 1015 @Article{arcas06, 1016 1016 author = {Arcas, R. and Titov, V.~V.}, 1017 title = {Sumatra tsunami: lessons from modelling},1017 title = "{Sumatra tsunami: lessons from modelling}", 1018 1018 journal = {Surveys in Geopyhics}, 1019 1019 year = {2006}, … … 1044 1044 @Article{burbidge08, 1045 1045 author = {Burbidge, D. and Cummins, P.R. and Mleczko, R. and Thio, H.K.}, 1046 title = {A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Western Australia},1046 title = "{A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Western Australia}", 1047 1047 journal = {Pure appl. geophys.}, 1048 1048 year = {2008}, … … 1054 1054 @Article{thio08, 1055 1055 author = {Thio, H.K. and Somerville, P. and Inchinose, G.}, 1056 title = {Probabilistic analysis of tsunami hazards in southeast Asia},1056 title = "{Probabilistic analysis of tsunami hazards in southeast Asia}", 1057 1057 journal = {J. Earthquakes and Tsunami}, 1058 1058 year = {2008}, … … 1063 1063 @Article{wessel98, 1064 1064 author = {Wessel, P. and Smith, W.H.F.}, 1065 title = {New, improved version of Generic Mapping Tools released},1065 title = "{New, improved version of Generic Mapping Tools released}", 1066 1066 journal = {EOS trans. AGU}, 1067 1067 year = {199 8}, … … 1081 1081 @Article{stein07, 1082 1082 author = {Stein, S. and Okal, E.A.}, 1083 title = {Ultralong Period Seismic Study of the December 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Implications for Regional Tectonics and the Subduction Process},1083 title = "{Ultralong Period Seismic Study of the December 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Implications for Regional Tectonics and the Subduction Process}", 1084 1084 journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, 1085 1085 year = {2007}, … … 1092 1092 @Article{fritz06, 1093 1093 author = {Fritz, H.~M. and Borrero, J.~C. and Synolakis, C.~E. and Yoo., J.}, 1094 title = {2004 Indian Ocean tsunami flow velocity measurements from survivor videos},1094 title = "{2004 Indian Ocean tsunami flow velocity measurements from survivor videos}", 1095 1095 journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, 1096 1096 year = {2006}, … … 1104 1104 Rachlewicz, G. and Saisuttichai, D. and Tepsuwan, T. and Lorenc, S. 1105 1105 and Siepak, J.}, 1106 TITLE = {Environmental and geological impacts of the 26 December 2004 tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand - overview of short and long-term effects},1106 TITLE = "{Environmental and geological impacts of the 26 December 2004 tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand - overview of short and long-term effects}", 1107 1107 JOURNAL = {Polish Journal of Environmental Studies}, 1108 1108 YEAR = {2006}, … … 1114 1114 @TechReport{thomas2009, 1115 1115 author = {Thomas, C. and Burbidge, D.}, 1116 title = {A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Southwest Pacific Nations.},1116 title = "{A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Southwest Pacific Nations.}", 1117 1117 institution = {Geoscience Australia Professional Opinion No. 2009/2. GeoCat No. 68193}, 1118 1118 year = {2009}
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