Jul 3, 2009, 4:47:17 PM (16 years ago)
3 edited


  • DVD_images/extra_files/GoldCoast/index.html

    r7265 r7300  
    2121  </table>
    2222  <hr>
    23 <!--
    24   <ul class="navbar">
    25     <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
    26     <li><a href="#installing">Installing</a>
    27     <li><a href="#simulating">Running</a>
    28     <li><a href="#userslist">Mailing list</a>
    29     <li><a href="#auxscripts">Auxiliary scripts</a>
    30     <li><a href="#FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions</a>
    31     <li><a href="#extra">Extra stuff</a>
    32   </ul>
    33 -->
    3524  <a name="introduction"><h3><b>Introduction</b></h3></a>
    3626  The information on this DVD and the associated report is intended to assist emergency managers in developing preparation and
    3727  response plans that can be used during a tsunami threat or emergency.
    3828  <p>
    3929  The Attorney General's Department (AGD) has supported Geoscience Australia (GA) in developing a range of products to support
    40   the understanding of tsunami hazard through the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project. The work reported here is intended
     30  the understanding of tsunami hazard through the Australian Probabilistic Tsunami Warning System Project. The work reported here is intended
    4131  to further build the capacity of the Jurisdictions in developing inundation models for prioritised locations.
    4232  <p>
    4434  software necessary to reproduce and potentially augment the models underpinning the report. This will allow the Jurisdiction
    4535  to rerun the models with minor modifications or new elevation data as needed and also potentially replicate the methodology
    46   to other locations if desired. 
     36  to other locations within the model extent, if desired. 
    4737  <p>
    4838  The data provided on this DVD is:
    4939  <ul>
    50     <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/XX entitled <i>Capacity Building for Tsunami Planning and Preparation:
    51          Inundation Models for Four East Coast Australian Communities</i>
    52     <li> Elevation data used with the tsunami inundation model
    53     <li> Input data for a range of tsunami events
     40    <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/XX entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/not_there.pdf">Capacity Building for Tsunami Planning and Preparation:
     41         Inundation Models for Four East Coast Australian Communities</a> <b><font color="red">UNFINISHED</font></b></i></blink>
     42    <li>  <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation and maximum speed
     43    <li> Generated <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs">Arc grids</a> of maximum inundation and maximum speed for the areas of interest
     44    <li> Generated <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs">timeseries</a> from the models
     45    <li> Combined <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/topographies">elevation data</a> used by the simulation
     46    <li> The <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs/elevation">Arc grid</a> of the resulting elevation generated by ANUGA
    5447    <li> The Python scripts used to run the models
    5548  </ul>
     49  <p>
     50  The tsunami wave data on this disk are all derived from events available in the Australian Tsunami
     51  Hazard Map. As this dataset is very large, this DVD only contains the events
     52  described in the report.
    57   <a name="requirements"><h3><b>Requirements</b></h3></a>
     54  <a name="requirements"><h3><b>Report Figures</b></h3></a>
    59   The tsunami inundation simulations are based on the Open Source software package called ANUGA.
    60   For more information about ANUGA visit <a href="https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga">https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga</a>.
    61   <p>
    62   ANUGA has been developed and tested under the Windows XP and Linux (Ubuntu, Mint and Red Hat) operating systems. 
    63   ANUGA may also be installed on a Windows Vista system and Debian Linux, but these have not been extensively tested.
    64   <p>
    65   The ANUGA scripts on this DVD require a minimum of 3GB of memory and possibly more, if mesh resolutions are increased. For this reason
    66   we recommend using 64 bit Ubuntu Linux as this operating system can use more than 3GB of memory, whereas Windows XP cannot.
     56  The figures from the report may be found <a href="documents/Figures">here</a>.
    68   <a name="installing"><h3><b>Installing ANUGA</b></h3></a>
     58  <a name="installation"><h3><b>Simulation Installation and Usage</b></h3></a>
    70   You must install ANUGA according to the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>.
    71   As the installation procedure comprises a number of steps we suggest that it is carried out by someone with a
    72   basic understanding of how to install software packages on the operating system of choice.
     60  Information for installing and using the simulation is <a href="installation.html">here</a>.
    74   <a name="simulating"><h3><b>How to run a simulation</b></h3></a>
    76   This is how a user should run the model on this DVD.
    77   We assume that you are using Windows and will give examples for that operating system.
    78   The translation to Linux is left as an exercise for the student!
    79   <p>
    80   <hr align="left" width="100">
    81   <p>
    82   First, it is assumed you have installed the ANUGA software according to the
    83   <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>.
    84   <p>
    85   <hr align="left" width="100">
    86   <p>
    87   Next, you must copy the entire contents of the DVD to a place in your filesystem. Let's assume
    88   that you want to put the data into <b>C:\ANUGA</b>. You would do this in a Command Prompt window:
    89   <table class="code"><tr><td>
    90     C:<br>
    91     cd \<br>
    92     mkdir ANUGA<br>
    93     xcopy /e X:\ ANUGA
    94   </td></tr></table>
    95   <p>
    96   Of course, you could just drag all files on the DVD (X:\ is the assumed drive letter) to the desired target directory with Explorer.
    97   <p>
    98   <hr align="left" width="100">
    99   <p>
    100   Now you must create an environment variable <b>ANUGADATA</b> that points to the directory you just created:
    101   <table class="code"><tr><td>
    102     set ANUGADATA=C:\ANUGA
    103   </td></tr></table>
    104   <p>
    105   Doing the above in a Command Prompt window is temporary - if you open another
    106   window you will not have the ANUGADATA environment variable defined. To make
    107   the variable permanent you must set it in the <b>Start|Settings|Control Panel|System</b>
    108   tool (<b>Advanced</b> tab).  See the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>
    109   if you don't know how to do this.
    110   <p>
    111   <hr align="left" width="100">
    112   <p>
    113   At this point you should run the <font color="red">build_elevation.py</font>
    114   script to convert the raw elevation data to a set of 'combined_elevation'
    115   files ready to be used by the ANUGA system. It is possible that you have not
    116   been given the elevation data on the DVD as it is too large. In that case you
    117   cannot run the <font color="red">build_elevation.py</font> script and you
    118   should skip to the next step.
    119   <table class="code"><tr><td>
    120     cd C:\ANUGA<br>
    121     cd project<br>
    122     python build_elevation.py
    123   </td></tr></table>
    124   <p>
    125   When you get to the point of running the model with your own data, you must
    126   run <font color="red">build_elevation.py</font> to recreate the combined elevation files every time
    127   you change the elevation data.
    128   <p>
    129   <hr align="left" width="100">
    130   <p>
    131   Next, you prepare and execute the model:
    132   <table class="code"><tr><td>
    133     python setup_model.py<br >
    134     python run_model.py
    135   </td></tr></table>
    136   <p>
    137   <hr align="left" width="100">
    138   <p>
    139   This should all run to completion, though it may take several days, depending on
    140   the hardware used.
    141   <p>
    142   If you do get an error from <font color="red">setup_model.py</font>
    143   or <font color="red">run_model.py</font> look for some explanation in the log
    144   files, which you should find somewhere under <b>C:\ANUGA\data</b>. Just keep
    145   drilling down from that point until you find a directory called <b>outputs</b>.
    146   The latest directory in <b>outputs</b> should contain a file called <font color="red">screen_error.txt</font>
    147   with an explanation of the error at the end.
    148   <p>
    149   Once the simulation has completed you may view the results using the ANUGA
    150   viewer as described in the <a href="documents/anuga_installation_guide.pdf">Installation Guide</a>
    151   and <a href="documents/anuga_user_manual.pdf">User Manual</a>, run the script
    152   <font color="red">export_results_max.py</font> to generate rasters suitable
    153   for GIS mapping, or write dedicated scripts extracting timeseries at selected
    154   locations.
    155   <p>
    156   The input waves are all derived from events available in the Australian Tsunami
    157   Hazard Map. As this dataset is very large, this DVD only contains the events
    158   described in the report. If other events from the Hazard Map are obtained,
    159   the script <font color="red">build_urs_boundary.py</font> has been designed
    160   to prepare the associated input wave for ingestion into ANUGA.  This script
    161   is documented in the <a href="documents/anuga_user_manual.pdf">User Manual</a>.
    162   <p>
    163   The ANUGA <a href="documents/anuga_user_manual.pdf">User Manual</a> describes
    164   how to use the ANUGA system in general and provides some examples of its use.
    166   <a name="userslist"><h3><b>How to join the ANUGA user's mailing list</b></h3></a>
    168   One of the quickest ways to get your ANUGA questions answered is by asking them on the <b>ANUGA-user</b> mailing list.
    169   You can subscribe to the list <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/anuga-user">here</a>
    170   and can view the mailing list <a href="https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=anuga-user">archives</a>.
    171   <p>
    172   It costs nothing to register and you can choose to have list mail sent to you as individual emails or have them batched
    173   into a few emails per day.  You can unsubscribe at any time through the subscribe link above.
    175   <a name="auxscripts"><h3><b>How to use the auxiliary scripts</b></h3></a>
    177   On this disk there are a selection of auxiliary scripts that you can use to extract various pieces of information
    178   from the generated SWW files.  The <a href="auxiliary_scripts.html">auxiliary scripts</a> page explains how to use the scripts.
    180   <a name="FAQ"><h3><b>Frequently Asked Questions</b></h3></a>
    182   There is a <b>Frequently Asked Questions</b> (FAQ) page at
    183   <a href="https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions">https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions</a>.
    184   Look in here and search the mailing list archives before asking questions on the ANUGA user's mailing list.
    185   Someone may already have asked your question!
    186   <p>
    187   Note that you can edit the FAQ pages, so it is helpful if you can update the FAQ with your question and its answer if you feel
    188   it would be helpful to others.
  • DVD_images/extra_files/GoldCoast/project/project.py

    r7205 r7300  
    3636    event_number = 51469    # the event number or the mux file name
    38 event_number_list = [51469, 50863, 51392] # To piggy back multiple events
    40 tide = 0
     38event_number_list = [51469, 51392, 50863] # To piggy back multiple events
     40# Event Details:
     41# Event 1 (51469)
     42# Source Zone = New Hebrides
     43# Return Period = 10 000 years
     44# Wave height at 100 m = 2.3 m
     46# Event 2 (51392)
     47# Source Zone = New Hebrides
     48# Return Period = 5000 years
     49# Wave height at 100 m = 1.7 m
     51# Event 3 (50863)
     52# Source Zone = New Hebrides
     53# Return Period = 200 years
     54# Wave height at 100 m = 0.3 m
     56tide = 0                # Mean Sea Level = 0,
     57                        # Highest Astronomical Tide = 1.1 m for Gold Coast                       
    4158alpha = 0.1             # smoothing parameter for mesh
    42 friction=0.01           # manning's friction coefficient
    43 starttime=0             # start time for simulation
    44 finaltime=80000         # final time for simulation
     59friction = 0.01           # manning's friction coefficient
     60starttime = 0             # start time for simulation
     61finaltime = 80000         # final time for simulation
    4663setup = 'final'         # This can be one of three values
    62 output_comment = [setup, tide, '250m', event_number]
     79output_comment = [setup, tide, event_number]
    6986# Used in build_elevation.py
    7087# Format for ascii grids, as produced in ArcGIS + a projection file
    71 ascii_grid_filenames = ['grid250m_all_pro'] # 2005 250m grid
    72 ##                      ['GC_DTM_30m']] # supplied DEM
     88ascii_grid_filenames = []
    7490# Format for point is x,y,elevation (with header)
    7591point_filenames = []
    77 ### Add csv header list to all files in point_filenames
    78 ##headerlist = ['x', 'y', 'elevation']
    79 ##for f in point_filenames:
    80 ##    add_csv_header(join(topographies_folder, f), headerlist)
    8293# BOUNDING POLYGON - for data clipping and estimate of triangles in mesh
    8394# Used in build_elevation.py
    8495# Format for points easting,northing (no header)
    85 bounding_polygon_filename = 'bounding_polygon_sml.csv'
     96bounding_polygon_filename = 'bounding_polygon.csv'
    8697bounding_polygon_maxarea = 125000
    89100# Used in run_model.py
    90101# Format for points easting,northing (no header)                   
    91 interior_regions_data = []
     102interior_regions_data = [['area_of_interest.csv', 500],
     103                         ['intermediate.csv', 25000]]
    93105# LAND - used to set the initial stage/water to be offcoast only
    94106# Used in run_model.py.  Format for points easting,northing (no header)
    95 land_initial_conditions_filename = [['initial_conditions_sml.csv', 0]]
     107land_initial_conditions_filename = [['initial_conditions.csv', 0]]
    97109# GAUGES - for creating timeseries at a specific point
    103115# Used in run_building_inundation.py
    104116# Format latitude,longitude etc (geographic)
    105 building_exposure_filename = 'gold_coast_res_clip.csv' # from NEXIS
     117building_exposure_filename = '' # from NEXIS
    107119# AREA OF IMAGES - Extent of each image to find out highest runup
    118130# Thinned ordering file from Hazard Map (geographic)
    119131# Format is index,latitude,longitude (with header)
    120 urs_order_filename = 'urs_order_sml.csv'
     132urs_order_filename = 'urs_order.csv'
    122134# Landward bounding points
    123135# Format easting,northing (no header)
    124 landward_boundary_filename = 'landward_boundary_sml.csv'
     136landward_boundary_filename = 'landward_boundary.csv'
    126138# MUX input filename.
    140 # ASCII export grid for Gold Coast
    141 xminGold_Coast = 541500
    142 xmaxGold_Coast = 546000
    143 yminGold_Coast = 6893500
    144 ymaxGold_Coast = 6898500
    146 # ASCII export grid for dune study
    147 xminDune = 536710
    148 xmaxDune = 556150
    149 yminDune = 6881125
    150 ymaxDune = 6926860
    172175# Output filename for elevation
    173176# this is a combination of all the data generated in build_elevation.py
    174 combined_elevation_basename = scenario_name + '_combined_elevation_250m'
     177combined_elevation_basename = scenario_name + '_combined_elevation'
    246249    images = join(polygons_folder, images_filename)
    248 # full path to where MUX files (or meta-files) live
    249 mux_input = join(event_folder, mux_input_filename)
  • DVD_images/extra_files/GoldCoast/project/setup_model.py

    r7205 r7300  
    7777    sanity_error = True
    79 # if multi_mux is True, check if multi-mux file exists
    80 if project.multi_mux:
    81     if not exists(project.mux_input):
    82         print ("Sorry, MUX input file '%s' doesn't exist"
    83                % project.mux_input)
    84         sanity_error = True
    8780# If this directory don't exist, EventSelection hasn't been run.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.