Changeset 7313

Jul 20, 2009, 4:29:29 PM (16 years ago)

Updated manual with rudimentary reference to new viewer.

1 edited


  • anuga_core/documentation/user_manual/anuga_user_manual.tex

    r7312 r7313  
    629629The output is a NetCDF file with the extension \code{.sww}. It
    630630contains stage and momentum information and can be used with the
    631 \anuga viewer \code{animate} to generate a visual
     631\anuga viewer \code{anuga\_viewer} to generate a visual
    632632display (see Section \ref{sec:animate}). See Section \ref{sec:file formats}
    633633(page \pageref{sec:file formats}) for more on NetCDF and other file
    3944 \section{\anuga viewer -- animate}
    39473948The output generated by \anuga may be viewed by
    3948 means of the visualisation tool \code{animate}, which takes an
     3949means of the visualisation tool \code{anuga\_viewer}, which takes an
    39493950SWW file generated by \anuga and creates a visual representation
    39503951of the data. Examples may be seen in Figures \ref{fig:runupstart}
    39513952and \ref{fig:runup2}. To view an SWW file with
    3952 \code{animate} in the Windows environment, you can simply drag the
    3953 icon representing the file over an icon on the desktop for the
    3954 \code{animate} executable file (or a shortcut to it), or set up a
    3955 file association to make files with the extension \code{.sww} open
    3956 with \code{animate}. Alternatively, you can operate \code{animate}
    3957 from the command line.
    3959 Upon starting the viewer, you will see an interactive moving-picture
    3960 display. You can use the keyboard and mouse to slow down, speed up or
    3961 stop the display, change the viewing position or carry out a number
    3962 of other simple operations. Help is also displayed when you press
    3963 the \code{h} key.
    3965 The main keys operating the interactive screen are:
    3966 \begin{center}
    3967 \begin{tabular}{|ll|}   \hline
    3968   \code{h} & toggle on-screen help display \\
    3969   \code{w} & toggle wireframe \\
    3970   space bar & start/stop\\
    3971   up/down arrows & increase/decrease speed\\
    3972   left/right arrows & direction in time \emph{(when running)}\\
    3973                     & step through simulation \emph{(when stopped)}\\
    3974   left mouse button & rotate\\
    3975   middle mouse button & pan\\
    3976   right mouse button & zoom\\  \hline
    3977 \end{tabular}
    3978 \end{center}
    3980 % \vfill
    3982 The following describes how to operate \code{animate} from the command line:
    3984 Usage: \code{animate [options] swwfile \ldots}\\ \nopagebreak
    3985 where: \\ \nopagebreak
    3986 \begin{tabular}{ll}
    3987   \code{--display <type>} & \code{MONITOR | POWERWALL | REALITY\_CENTER |}\\
    3988                                     & \code{HEAD\_MOUNTED\_DISPLAY}\\
    3989   \code{--rgba} & Request a RGBA colour buffer visual\\
    3990   \code{--stencil} & Request a stencil buffer visual\\
    3991   \code{--stereo} & Use default stereo mode which is \code{ANAGLYPHIC} if not \\
    3992                                     & overridden by environmental variable\\
    3993   \code{--stereo <mode>} & \code{ANAGLYPHIC | QUAD\_BUFFER | HORIZONTAL\_SPLIT |}\\
    3994                                     & \code{VERTICAL\_SPLIT | LEFT\_EYE | RIGHT\_EYE |}\\
    3995                                      & \code{ON | OFF} \\
    3996   \code{-alphamax <float 0-1>} & Maximum transparency clamp value\\
    3997   \code{-alphamin <float 0-1>} & Transparency value at \code{hmin}\\
    3998   \code{-cullangle <float angle 0-90>} & Cull triangles steeper than this value\\
    3999   \code{-help} & Display this information\\
    4000   \code{-hmax <float>} & Height above which transparency is set to
    4001                                      \code{alphamax}\\
    4002   \code{-hmin <float>} & Height below which transparency is set to
    4003                                      zero\\
    4004   \code{-lightpos <float>,<float>,<float>} & $x,y,z$ of bedslope directional light ($z$ is
    4005                                      up, default is overhead)\\
    4006   \code{-loop}  & Repeated (looped) playback of \code{.swm} files\\
    4007   \code{-movie <dirname>} & Save numbered images to named directory and
    4008                                      quit\\
    4009   \code{-nosky} & Omit background sky\\
    4010   \code{-scale <float>} & Vertical scale factor\\
    4011   \code{-texture <file>} & Image to use for bedslope topography\\
    4012   \code{-tps <rate>} & Timesteps per second\\
    4013   \code{-version} & Revision number and creation (not compile)
    4014                                      date\\
    4015 \end{tabular}
     3953\code{anuga\_viewer} in the Windows environment you have to run it in a command line as in
     3955anuga_viewer <swwfile>
     3958or if a georeferenced tif file (or jpg cut to the same shape as the domain) is needed
     3961anuga_viewer <swwfile> <tif file>
     3964%, you can simply drag the
     3965%icon representing the file over an icon on the desktop for the
     3966%\code{anuga\_viewer} executable file (or a shortcut to it), or set up a
     3967%file association to make files with the extension \code{.sww} open
     3968%with \code{animate}. Alternatively, you can operate \code{animate}
     3969%from the command line.
     3974%% \pagebreak
     3975%% \section{\anuga viewer -- animate}
     3976%% \label{sec:animate}
     3978%% The output generated by \anuga may be viewed by
     3979%% means of the visualisation tool \code{animate}, which takes an
     3980%% SWW file generated by \anuga and creates a visual representation
     3981%% of the data. Examples may be seen in Figures \ref{fig:runupstart}
     3982%% and \ref{fig:runup2}. To view an SWW file with
     3983%% \code{animate} in the Windows environment, you can simply drag the
     3984%% icon representing the file over an icon on the desktop for the
     3985%% \code{animate} executable file (or a shortcut to it), or set up a
     3986%% file association to make files with the extension \code{.sww} open
     3987%% with \code{animate}. Alternatively, you can operate \code{animate}
     3988%% from the command line.
     3990%% Upon starting the viewer, you will see an interactive moving-picture
     3991%% display. You can use the keyboard and mouse to slow down, speed up or
     3992%% stop the display, change the viewing position or carry out a number
     3993%% of other simple operations. Help is also displayed when you press
     3994%% the \code{h} key.
     3996%% The main keys operating the interactive screen are:
     3997%% \begin{center}
     3998%% \begin{tabular}{|ll|}   \hline
     3999%%   \code{h} & toggle on-screen help display \\
     4000%%   \code{w} & toggle wireframe \\
     4001%%   space bar & start/stop\\
     4002%%   up/down arrows & increase/decrease speed\\
     4003%%   left/right arrows & direction in time \emph{(when running)}\\
     4004%%                     & step through simulation \emph{(when stopped)}\\
     4005%%   left mouse button & rotate\\
     4006%%   middle mouse button & pan\\
     4007%%   right mouse button & zoom\\  \hline
     4008%% \end{tabular}
     4009%% \end{center}
     4011%% % \vfill
     4013%% The following describes how to operate \code{animate} from the command line:
     4015%% Usage: \code{animate [options] swwfile \ldots}\\ \nopagebreak
     4016%% where: \\ \nopagebreak
     4017%% \begin{tabular}{ll}
     4018%%   \code{--display <type>} & \code{MONITOR | POWERWALL | REALITY\_CENTER |}\\
     4019%%                                     & \code{HEAD\_MOUNTED\_DISPLAY}\\
     4020%%   \code{--rgba} & Request a RGBA colour buffer visual\\
     4021%%   \code{--stencil} & Request a stencil buffer visual\\
     4022%%   \code{--stereo} & Use default stereo mode which is \code{ANAGLYPHIC} if not \\
     4023%%                                     & overridden by environmental variable\\
     4024%%   \code{--stereo <mode>} & \code{ANAGLYPHIC | QUAD\_BUFFER | HORIZONTAL\_SPLIT |}\\
     4025%%                                     & \code{VERTICAL\_SPLIT | LEFT\_EYE | RIGHT\_EYE |}\\
     4026%%                                      & \code{ON | OFF} \\
     4027%%   \code{-alphamax <float 0-1>} & Maximum transparency clamp value\\
     4028%%   \code{-alphamin <float 0-1>} & Transparency value at \code{hmin}\\
     4029%%   \code{-cullangle <float angle 0-90>} & Cull triangles steeper than this value\\
     4030%%   \code{-help} & Display this information\\
     4031%%   \code{-hmax <float>} & Height above which transparency is set to
     4032%%                                      \code{alphamax}\\
     4033%%   \code{-hmin <float>} & Height below which transparency is set to
     4034%%                                      zero\\
     4035%%   \code{-lightpos <float>,<float>,<float>} & $x,y,z$ of bedslope directional light ($z$ is
     4036%%                                      up, default is overhead)\\
     4037%%   \code{-loop}  & Repeated (looped) playback of \code{.swm} files\\
     4038%%   \code{-movie <dirname>} & Save numbered images to named directory and
     4039%%                                      quit\\
     4040%%   \code{-nosky} & Omit background sky\\
     4041%%   \code{-scale <float>} & Vertical scale factor\\
     4042%%   \code{-texture <file>} & Image to use for bedslope topography\\
     4043%%   \code{-tps <rate>} & Timesteps per second\\
     4044%%   \code{-version} & Revision number and creation (not compile)
     4045%%                                      date\\
     4046%% \end{tabular}
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