Changeset 7399

Aug 21, 2009, 1:59:09 PM (16 years ago)

More of comments discussed with Jane

1 edited


  • anuga_work/publications/boxing_day_validation_2008/patong_validation.tex

    r7377 r7399  
    7373the physical processes only.
    75 Various approaches are currently used to assess the potential impact
    76 of tsunami. These methods differ in both the formulation used to
     75Various approaches are currently used to assess the potential tsunami
     76inundation of coastal communities.
     77These methods differ in both the formulation used to
    7778describe the evolution of the tsunami and the numerical methods used
    7879to solve the governing equations. However any legitimate model must
    123124data also significantly increases the uncertainty of the validation
    124125experiment that may constrain the ability to make unequivocal
    125 statements~\cite{bates01}. FIXME (Jane): Because?
     127FIXME (Jane): Why would that increase the uncertainty?
    126128FIXME (Phil): references to all of the paragraph above, please
    197199expeditions, have now been made
    198200available. %~\cite{vigny05,amnon05,kawata05,liu05}. FIXME (Ole): Refs? 
    199202In this section we present the corresponding data necessary to implement
    200203the proposed benchmark for each of the three stages of the tsunami's evolution.
    252255\label{sec:propagation data}
    253256Once generated, a tsunami will propagate outwards from the source until
    254 it encounters the shallow water bordering coastal regions. This period
     257it encounters the shallow water bordering coastal regions.
     258FIXME (Ole): Need to change this definition. I believe propagation takes place all the way to the shore line and not just up to shallow waters.
     260This period
    255261of the tsunami evolution is referred to as the propagation stage. The
    256262height and velocity of the tsunami is dependent on the local
    270276\item a one second grid created from the digitised Thai Navy
    271277  bathymetry chart, no. 358, which covers Patong Bay and the
    272   immediately adjacent regions. (FIXME (Ole): How was the grid created from these digitised points?)
     278  immediately adjacent regions.
     279  (FIXME (Ole): How was the grid created from these digitised points?)
    274281FIXME (Jane): Refs for all these.
    289296data which was generated by sub-sampling the three second of arc grid from
    290297NOAA (FIXME (Jane): This was not mentioned in the dots above).
    291299A subset of the nine second grid was replaced by the three second
    292300data. Finally, the one second grid was used to approximate the
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