Physical model time cannot be earlier than 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00. If one wished to recreate scenarios prior to that date it must be done using some relative time (e.g. 0). All spatial data relates to the WGS84 datum (or GDA94) and has been projected into UTM with false easting of 500000 and false northing of 1000000 on the southern hemisphere (0 on the northern). It is currently assumed that all computations take place within one UTM zone. DEMs, meshes and boundary conditions can have different origins within one UTM zone. However, the computation will use that of the mesh. The dataflow is: (See and from scenarios) Simulation scenarios -------------------- Sub directories contain scrips and derived files for each simulation. The directory ../source_data contains large source files such as DEMs provided externally as well as MOST tsunami simulations to be used as boundary conditions. Manual steps are: Creation of DEMs from argcview (.asc + .prj) Creation of mesh from pmesh (.tsh) Creation of tsunami simulations from MOST (.nc) Typical scripted steps are Convert asc and prj files supplied by arcview to native dem and pts formats Convert netcdf output from MOST to an sww file suitable as boundary condition Merge DEM (pts) and mesh (tsh) using least squares smoothing. The outputs are tsh files with elevation data. Use the above together with various parameters to run inundation simluation.