ANUGA Future Directions (2005-2006) -------------------------------------------------- Draft of known issues regarding the ANUGA software -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Numerical issues CFL condition (centroid-midpt distances versus inscribed circle ? or error estimator) Gradient limiters Forcing terms: Friction of Mud Viscosity -------------------- Functionality issues Mesh generation: Through graphical generator Through scripts Alternative triangulators (Strang, ?.) alpha-shapes refactoring triangle interface outputting a ?triangle? readable file (from pmesh?) from pmesh issues file: Main issues (TBA) Georeferencing Code works in UTM coordinates. Zone boundaries cannot be crossed Could code be cast in terms of lat/lons? least_squares, use of quad-tree may not use all datapoints (currently fixed by expand search, need algorithm for searching neighbouring treenodes) Give feedback when points outside mesh mesh outside points boundary use sparse matrix (CSR) format in ?build_interpolation_matrix_A? simplify geo-referencing memory issue: Maybe compute self.Atz directly Checkpointing (largely done but needs to be revisited) Ability to create additional quantities and initialise arbitrarily FIXMEs (TBA) File management (msh, pts, dem, ..) ? introduce the notion of a project - reduce # of methods that read/write sww files (Yes) ----------------- Efficiency issues Parallelisation Edgefluxes are currently computed twice (f01 = -f10) (This has been fixed by Matt Hardy) Increase Timesteps (Implicit techniques?) Optimise creation and importing of domains (C-code and caching) ------------ Architecture Settle dataflows and formats (pts, dem, msh, sww, etc) ?finaltime? to be renamed ?duration? ---- API: Suggestion for set_quantity set_quantity(name, X, location, region) where name: Name of quantity X: -Compatible list, -compatible list or numeric array, -constant -list of points or array with attribute values (use LS) -callable object (f: x, y -> z) where x,y,z are arrays - inline - file functions - polygon functions -another quantity Q or an expression of the form a*Q+b*R+c, where a,b,c are scalars, arrays or quantities Q,R are quantities (or 1?) - pts filename (use LS and caching) - general expression to be parsed location: Where values are to be stored. Permissible options are: vertices, edges, centroid, unique_vertices region: Identify subset of triangles. Permissible values are - tag name (refers to tagged region) - indices (refers to specific triangles) - polygon (identifies region) (incorporate uniqueness/non-uniqueness) Making methods private, using _private Or write the API in a separate module. Make stage appear as any other quantity: Either 1: Make stage a subclass of quantity having knowledge of elevation and a special limiter (or more limiters) Or 2: Equip each quantity with a limiter class (Con: A limiter for stage should never be applied to any other quantity) Also, investigate if Quantity and Conserved_quantity should be one class (Steve). Finally, reconcile the optimised gradient limiter of Matt's with the more general framework ------ Other: Should we remove Python code superseded by C-extensions? Pros: Leaner code and no risk Cons: Less readable algorithms Move py code into files such as and have python wrappers with doc strings for all functions. Name the code in extensions _ext and conditional import as usual. ------------- Visualisation Swollen: Export to movie Use maps Colourcoding z-scale Matplotlib: Realtime and ?post mortem? generation of colour coded maps with contourlines. Visual Python: Steves new and improved tool ----------- Development Restructuring and moving svn repository Flatten directory structure Apply buildbot Use real bugtracking/project management tool (see, plone, basecamp,? Try out TRAC which integrates into subversion (Ole and Kat 27/7/5) Zeus? -------------- Documentation Hire technical writer to produce - Getting started - User guide - Reference manual ? semi automated Mathematical model description (Steve & Chris) ----------------- Validation and QA Merimbula (Steve & Chris) PNG Landslide study or watertank data (Adrian?) BOM SMEC (Lex) CSIRO (Kathy) Macca... -------- Naming The collection as well as individual modules may benefit from better names. -------- Release Search for appropriate procedure for OSS release (Ole is onto that with AGIMO)