SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Python, with Pmw must be installed to use pmesh. Read the starting.html file that comes with pmw with regrads to how it is installed.(quick install advice: install pmw in the python2.2/site-packages dir) (Python and pmw are in the downloads directory) INSTALLATION COMMANDS, FOR LINUX This is necessary to complite triangle for using pmesh graphically and the pmesh.mesh script. To build triangle, as root; python install To build the python package, as a user; python install --prefix=~ This will create a python directory, off the users home directory. Add the path of this directory into your .bashrc for example; export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/python2.2/site-packages:"${PYTHONPATH}" another example; export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib64/python2.3/site-packages:"${PYTHONPATH}" INSTALLATION COMMANDS, FOR WINDOWS To compile using Microsoft Visual c++, python install To compile using mingw, python build -cmingw32 python install Note for this to work mingw has to be installed. Plus move the file libpython23.a into the python\libs directory. If 'install' does not work move the triang.pyd file manually. GENERAL RUNNING To run all tests Harnesses; python To run pmesh; python INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING PMESH Pmesh will let the user select various modes. The current allowable modes are vertex or segment. The mode describes what sort of object is added or selected in response to mouse clicks. When changing modes any prior selected objects become deselected. In general the left mouse button will add an object and the right mouse button will select an object. A selected object can de deleted by pressing the the middle mouse button (scroll bar). NOTES I have examples of running triangle in nautilus /home/duncan/MeshGen/triangle_old CREATING A PMESH EXECUTABLE There is a package called py2exe which can take a Python script and package it up along with any other scripts it imports and a Python interpreter into a single .exe. It will also find any DLLs your script depends on and copy them too. The packaging process: 1)Install py2exe. This only needs to be done once on a machine. 2)Make a static version of Pmw. Pmesh uses a package called Pmw which normally dynamically loads pieces of itself as needed. This doesn't work with py2exe, so we need to fix it. You'll only need to do this once; if you make a change to your script and repackage you can skip this step. cd to c:\python22\lib\site-packages\Pmw\Pmw_1_1\bin. (Assuming python is installed in the default c:\python22; change the paths if you installed Python somewhere else. run "python c:\python22\lib\site-packages\Pmw\Pmw_1_1\lib". This will create a file called "" in the current directory. copy "" to your main script directory. copy "..\lib\" and "..\lib\" to your main script directory, too. 3) Do the command "python py2exe" This will create a dist directory with the pmesh executable.