PyMetis provides a python module interface to the Metis graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering library. Currently only the METIS_PartMeshNodal function is implemented. Build instructions: Linux: run make in the top pymetis directory. Should the metis version change, the new metis package should be in a new subdirectory. Metis 4.0 is in metis-4.0 The METIS_DIR= line in the makefile will need to be changed appropriately. Windows: Required: MinGW compiler, Cygwin Bash. Run: make for_win32 The precompiled metis for win32 should be in the $(METIS_DIR)-win32. E.g. for metis-4.0, metis-4.0-win32 Other makefile targets: clean: removes all intermediate files. realclean: performs clean, then also removes the file.