BUILDING FROM SOURCE 1) The pyVolution Visualizer has several dependencies. OpenSceneGraph, OpenThreads, and Producer - - available as a bundle, OSG_OP_OT-0.9.7-3 - this itself has 3rd party dependencies available as a downloadable bundle - ensure you can run the examples that come with OSG prior to building the viewer NetCDF - a self-describing binary file format I/O library - - require the header file netcdf.h and the library proper to link against cppUnit - a unit testing framework for C++ - - this is optional 2) Set environment variables: OSG_ROOT : root of your OpenSceneGraph installation conforming to following layout OSG_ROOT /OpenThreads /lib /win32 (for VisualStudio builds) /include /Producer /lib /include /OpenSceneGraph /lib /include NETCDF_DIR : root of NetCDF binary package with needed subdirs /lib and /include CPPUNIT : root of c++ unit testing framework with needed subdirs /lib and /include 3) For Visual Studio .NET, (i) Open the solution in visualstudio subdir. (ii) Open Menu Tools|Options|Projects|VC++Directories and add a path to $(NETCDF_DIR)/bin and $(OSG_ROOT)/bin. (iii) Build the solution 4) For Mac OSX Run make in swwreader and swollen directories. 5) For Linux Makefiles not yet written