CURRENT PMESH ISSUES $Revision: 1.29 $ $Date: 2004/09/27 12:35:23 $ OPEN - issues that have not beeen resolved Issue:A .tsh file loaded into pmesh after smoothing will not have the outline info, since this is removed when smoothing. If this is a problem, refactor loadASCII so it can write the outline as well. Issue: Why is triangle att's set as a list and returned as a list of lists, when loading from a .tsh file? Note: a change of this might also affect the 'triangle' glue code. Note: This also happens to triangle atts! Issue:vertices at the bottom of the canvas can be hard to visualise, since you don't know if all vertices are on the screen. Issue: If there is a large scale grid, how many triangles can be generated? with a normalised grid there's a limit of 22674. Using a 100 * 100 domain, a max triangle area of 0.01 produced 1,048,576 triangles. Issue: The mesh produced by triangle isn't of high quality near a low angle formed by two user segments. Reason:triangle Tried: Tried the triangle flags L,i,V (for info). Using box.poly on nautilus. Couldn't get a better quality mesh. Issue: Get the naming right for mesh/triangulation/user/generated. How about "outline + triangulation = mesh" Issue: S/W - too many methods with the same name on differnent classes eg editWindow. Makes things confusing. Issue: Normalise seems broken - what is it doing to the attributes? Issue: In the shallow_water functions for pmesh, make the volume.interpolate_cons_quantitie call more automatic Issue: Need tests for pmesh functions in Issue: Calling autoSegment when not in the pmesh directory will not work, since it calls the hull.exe, assuming it's in the current dir Importance: medium Suggested Action: Have the current dir change to the pmesh dir , run hull, then change back Bug: Calling 'Generate Mesh' on empty document or If there are no enclosed regions will cause trianglulation to crash pmesh. Importance: Medium Suggested Action: Catch them (with try) and do nothing notes: Fixing the 'Generate Mesh' crash is a P3 requirement. The zoom in/out is jittery The initial mesh window coordinates are in the fourth quadrant. When adding segments, vertices are hard to select (with the mouse). Deleting a selected object is done with the scroll bar, not the delete key. Issue: triangle calculates incorrect attribute values, some of the time. Importance: Medium Suggested Action: Preprocess data to smoth it out. Issue: Hill.exe (alpha shape) - gives an assertion error if points are too close together?. Importance: Low Suggested Action: when using the results from hull.exe, check if it has given any results and throw a friendly message if there are no results. Issue: pmesh can not be automatically installed in windows and linux. Installs best in Linux. Importance: Low Suggested Action: delve into setup more so it works with a variety of compilers. Issue: two vertices can be ontop of one another Importance: Low Suggested Action: See how it goes when used. The cost of checking probably doesn't outwiegh the benifit. action taken: When loading an xya file duplicate vertices are removed. Issue: When calculating mesh, have the pointer turn into an hour glass Importance: Low Issue: Maybe triangle doesn't normalise meshes away from the origin, resulting in round-off error. Importance: Low Low Suggested Action: Normalise in pmesh, before passing to triangle. Issue:hull.exe generates files that it doesn't clean up eg called s1f8, se4, etc. These seem to turn up in a root directory Importance: Low Issue: Middle magnifying glass icon does not describe what it will do. Importance: Low Low Issue When starting generate mesh, the cursor doesn't start in the first box. Importance: Low Issue:Implememt the following with mesh gen minimum angle, 0 - 32 nothing;32-40 warning message, may not converge; 40 - error message Importance: Low **************** CLOSED - issues that have beeen resolved ************ Issue: The default region button cannot be selected after loading a file. Reason: Unknown. Importance: Low Issue: The vertices were being sorted when loading .xya files Time to complete : 5hrs Issue: In load ascii all text reading of lines using find must ltrim beforehand Issue: pmesh -when loading/saving the dir should be the dir where the file lives. Not always the current dir. Issue: Tags for specifying boundary conditions should be arbitrary Background: Domain has the functionality for using arbitrary keys when associating boundary objects to boundary values. Triangle, which pmesh is based on, uses integers only. It would be nice to have mnemonic names for boundaries throughout. Importance: Mid Status: Unresolved Issue: Calling save the first time seemingly does nothing Importance: Low Suggested Action: Call save_as when save is clicked the first time. Bug: Calling Zoom functions on empty document causes an AttributeError Exceptions. Importance: Medium Suggested Action: Catch them (with try) and do nothing notes: the zoom crash is not reproducable. Fixing the 'Generate Mesh' crash is a P3 requirement. When doing mesh generation, no default values (min angle, max area) are shown. - Low priority for Chris Cursor shape changes when it shouldn't. Issue: Help message and status message are the same. Remove one Importance: Low Suggested Action: Remove the status info Issue: Selecting nodes require that boundary is selected precisely. Importance: High Suggested Action: Allow click in interior of square. Bug: Entering negative value for area is allowed. Importance: Medium Suggested Action: Check input and return error message Issue: Minimum angle needs a specification of what interval is allowed. It seems to pick a default value if angle is out of bounds. Action: angles <0.0, >90.0 not allowed Bug: Entering zero for area causes crash. Importance: Medium Suggested Action: Check input and return normal error message Issue: Re-generating grids goes slower and slower when repeated. Importance: Low Suggested Action: Check that old grid gets removed from memory. Action taken: cleaned up how visualised objects are handled Issue: nothing says what mode(seg or vertex) pmesh is in Importance: Low Action taken: Have the buttons stay 'down', to depict mode. Issue: Meaning of 1 x zoom is not intuitive. Related issue: Absolute scale should be reported in status bar Importance: Medium Action taken : Zoom x 1 gives a zoom corresponding to the opening screen. Vertices and segments that have a triangle on top of them are hard to select/see. Ole suggested that there be the capability to view/hide the mesh. Action taken :put segs/vertices on top NOTES The arrow and postscript bottons currently do nothing. ----------------------------------------------- NEW REQUIREMENTS Introduce 'eraser tool'. When selected left clicking any object will remove it. Allow generated grid to be cleared (or hidden). CVS INFORMATION FOR THIS FILE $Source: /var/lib/cvs/pmesh/documentation/issues.txt,v $