BUILDING FROM SOURCE 1) The pyVolution Visualizer has several dependencies. OpenThreads, Producer, OpenSceneGraph: - - available as a bundle, OSG_OP_OT-0.9.8, that contains OpenThreads, (Open)Producer and OpenSceneGraph as subdirectories. - OpenSceneGraph has 3rd party dependencies, these are available as a downloadable .zip for Windows. Extracted .zip directory (3rdParty) lives alongside other three subdirectories. - Build "release" versions in above order - ensure you can run the examples that come with OSG prior to building the viewer (these live in the OpenSceneGraph/bin directory on Windows). NetCDF - a self-describing binary file format I/O library - - require the header file netcdf.h and the library proper to link against cppUnit - a unit testing framework for C++ - - this is optional 2) Set environment variables: OSG_ROOT : root of your OpenSceneGraph installation conforming to following layout OSG_ROOT /OpenThreads /lib /win32 (for VisualStudio builds) /include /Producer /lib /include /OpenSceneGraph /lib /include /3rdParty (Windows only) NETCDF_DIR : root of NetCDF binary package with needed subdirs /lib and /include CPPUNIT : root of c++ unit testing framework with needed subdirs /lib and /include (optional) 3) Compilation WINDOWS (i) Within VisualStudio, Open the solution in Swollen visualstudio subdirectory (ii) Open Menu Tools|Options|Projects|VC++Directories and add a path to $(NETCDF_DIR)/bin and $(OSG_ROOT)/bin. (iii) Build the solution Mac OSX Run make in top-level OSG_ROOT directory. Linux Makefiles not yet written 4) The binary swollen (swollen.exe on Windows) lives in the distribution's bin directory. Test the build with any of the sample datasets in the distribution's data subdirectory, e.g., "cd bin; ./swollen ../data/laminar.sww" ========================================= RUNNING SWOLLEN Fix for swollen not locating sky and water texture images when binary found using PATH environment variable. The fix is to set an environment variable SWOLLEN_BINDIR pointing to your distro directory. This is not an optimal approach, but it works. ========================================= STEREO Invoke through the commandline parameter --stereo e.g. swollen --stereo lwru2_variable_mesh.sww or swollen --stereo HORIZONTAL_SPLIT lwru2_variable_mesh.sww See swollen --help for more info Minor tweaks to re-enable stereo functionality. I have verified that this works on the vizlab active stereo system. For the GA passive stereo system, you’ll need to set the following environment variables. Environment Variable Name Value Description OSG_STEREO_MODE HORIZONTAL_SPLIT Use horizontal split stereo mode when in stereo OSG_SCREEN_DISTANCE 0.50 Set the distance the viewer is from screen in metres (default shown) OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT 0.26 Set the height of image on the screen in metres (default shown) OSG_SCREEN_WIDTH 0.325 Set the width of image on the screen in metres (default shown) OSG_EYE_SEPARATION 0.06 Set the eye separation – interoccular distance (default shown.) OSG_SPLIT_STEREO_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATION 42 Set the number of pixels between the left and right viewports (default shown) The default physical dimensions are for a computer monitor. These need to be adjusted for the larger setup. Typical values might be 2m viewing distance from screen, screen dimensions of 2m x 1.5m. Eye separation obviously stays the same. Then just start swollen with the “dash dash stereo” flag. The GA edge: OSG_STEREO_MODE QUAD_BUFFER OSG_SCREEN_DISTANCE 3.0 OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT 2.0 OSG_SCREEN_WIDTH 2.66 OSG_EYE_SEPARATION 0.06 OSG_SPLIT_STEREO_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATION 0 ===========DEBUG set OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG