Ole Nielsen$Author: ole $$Date: 2008-01-25 06:58:17 +0000 (Fri, 25 Jan 2008) $$Revision: 4976 $$URL: anuga_core/source/anuga/utilities/mainland_only.lic $$Id$mainland_only.csv-1661725548NoJane SextonUnknownGeoscience AustraliaThis is a polygon comprising easting and northing locations
tracing parts of the coastline at Dampier WA as well as a rectangular area inland.
This is used to specifically set the onshore initial condition in a tsunami scenario
and here, it is used with a unit test in test_polygon.py.
The coastline was derived from Maritime Boundaries which is a public dataset. However,
rumour has it that some of it was digitised from a Landgate supplied image.
The origin and license issues are still undecided