ANUGA CONVERGENCE STUDY USING TRUE-SCALE VERSION OF THE OKUSHIRI ISLAND TSUNAMI WAVETANK EXPERIMENT This directory currently contains code to scale-up to true scale, the 1:400 wave tank simulation of the 1993 Okushiri island tsunami as described at the Third International Conference on Long Wave Runup: The "up-scaled" files are then used for conducting a convergence study in ANUGA. Data files available in this directory are okushiri_truescale_bathymetry.txt: The true-scale digital elevation model okushiri_truescale_input.txt: The true-scale timeseries applied at the western boundary okushiri_output_truescale_ch5-7-9.txt: Experimental data measured at three gauge locations in the original wavetank experiment which has been up-scaled to true-scale The ANUGA scripts to run are This script contains project filenames and is called in the create and run scripts below. This script will convert the text files to native ANUGA netcdf formats and also create a suitable triangular mesh. This script will run a numerical simulation based on the the bathymetry and the given boundary condition and store the model output in an ANUGA sww file which can be viewed using animate, or further interrogated by ANUGA. This script will extract timeseries from the sww file and plot them together with the experimental data provided. Numerical similarity measures will also be computed. This script extracts timeseries from the sww file and writes them to individual csv files for each gauge location. This script extracts a number of variables from the sww file (for eg stage, depth, momentum) in three regions at three different but fixed regular grid resolutions (at either discrete time indices or maximised over the whole simulation). Methodology for true-scale transformation: Positions (ie bathymetry, polygon definitions, gauge locations) were derived by carrying out a scalar multiplication of all x, y, z values in the original files by 400. Input waveform: Truescale input wave with period T' is assumed to have a wavelength and amplitude 400 times the original 1:400 waveform. Given the relationship: T = wavelength / sqrt (g * h) Then T' = 400 * wavelength / sqrt (g * 400 * h) = 20 * wavelength / sqrt (g * h) = 20 * T Therefore, time (s) is multiplied by 20 and water surface (m) (ie amplitude) is multiplied by 400.