ANUGA VALIDATION AGAINST THE MONASH FLUME EXPERIMENT This directory contains code conducting a validation of ANUGA aganst a wave tank simulation. 8 experiments were carried out in the flume tank. Then were four scenarios, with a repeat for each scenario. Each experiment has 2 files; a boundary file and a water stage file. For the first experiment these files are called S1R1_boundary.csv and S1R1_exp_stage.csv. The time in both of these files is in seconds. The header of the water stage file is the x-coordinate of each gauge, in m. The stage is given in m, with the still water line being the origin. The ANUGA scripts to run are This script will run a numerical 8 simulations based on the the bathymetry and the given boundary condition and store the model outputs in ANUGA sww files which can be viewed using one of the viewers, e.g. Swollen. The output is stored in a directory called output. This script will calculate the root mean square deviation of all the sensors in all 8 simulations.