Pmesh Software Requirements Specification By Duncan Gray $Revision: 1.29 $ $Date: 2004/08/13 08:31:15 $ INTRODUCTION The software, called pmesh, will produce a triangulation based on initial vertices and boundaries. The produced triangulation can be used by an evolution code to solve storm surge problems using the Finite Volume Method. The requirements in this document describe the software features needed to produce triangulations useful for Geohazards. OVERALL DESCRIPTION Pmesh is a graphical user interface (GUI) for triangle (a mesh generating program developed by J. R. Shewchuk) which is a mesh generation program. It will allow vertices (points) and segments (straight lines between the vertices) to be added to a canvas. Pmesh will let the user select various modes. The initial allowable modes will be vertex or segment. The mode describes what sort of object is added or selected in response to mouse clicks. When changing modes any prior selected objects become deselected. In general the left mouse button will add an object and the right mouse button will select an object. A selected object can de deleted by pressing the delete key. Additionaly, by pressing the middle mouse button (scroll bar) the attributes of a selected object can be edited. The graphical objects are of two types; user or generated. User objects are vertices and segments inputted by the user. These are used by triangle when generating a mesh. The generated objects are vertices, segments and triangles of the triangulation. Only the triangles are graphically displayed. Generated objects can not be modified by the user. To modify the generated triangulation edit the user objects and generate a new trianglulation. DEFINITIONS Segments are edges whose presence in the triangulation is constraints. Segments can be used to define the boundaries of a problem. A triangulation is the triangles, vertices and segments generated by triangle. A mesh is all the triangle elements .e.g. the vertices, segments and triangulation. A Planar Straight Line Graph (PSLG) is a set of vertices and segments. Segments are simply edges, whose endpoints are vertices in the PSLG. Segments may join each other only at their endpoints and must not intersect. REQUIREMENT SECTION Introduction Each requirement has a priority (e.g. P1), with 1 being the highest and 10 the lowest. The priority number is given at the end of each requirement. IMPLIMENTED Requirements - When a mesh is loaded all of the mesh will fit in the application window - P1 DONE - If some of the mesh is not visible scroll bars are used to make the canvas visible - P1 DONE - Have ability to zoom in by *2 on the mesh and zoom out, by *0.5. -P1 DONE - add user vertices, positioning by mouse - P1 DONE , positioning by entering x,y values - P1 DONE - add user segments, vertices selection by mouse - P1 DONE - be able to select a user vertex. -P2 DONE - be able to select a user segment. -P2 DONE - to be able to delete selected user objects. -P2 DONE - be able to delete an entire mesh. - P2 DONE - To be able to load and save meshes as a python pickled object. -P2 DONE - access to triangle mesh generator, user can select min angle, max area - P1 DONE user can select rough number of triangles to generate - P3 DONE - The screen should reflect the current generated triangulation -P2 DONE - Have 'Zoom' button that positions all of the mesh in the viewing window - P3 DONE - Be able to automatically generate segments that bound all of the user vertices, but not a convex hull bound. Specifically, be able to apply an alpha shape around a set of vertices. - P3 - DONE - specify a region by selecting a point bounded by segments. - P30 - DONE - specify an attribute to a region. - P30 - DONE - specify a hole in the mesh by selecting a point bounded by segments. - P30 - DONE - write an ascii file that outputs - P30 - DONE # of vertices [x,y] # of triangles [vert1 #, vert2 #, vert3 #, adjoining triangle 1, adjoining triangle 2, adjoining triangle 3, attributes of region ] if there is no adjoining triangle, give -1 as the adjoining triangle. - specify how much vertex attribute information can be added to the mesh. -P40 - eg one attribute per vertex, two attributes per vertex - specify the default attribute vertex value - P40 - edit segment attribute. Can only select integers -P40 - DONE - load the following user vertex file layout - First row {"Lat", "Long", "Depth"} - Subsiquent rows x y positions with 1 attribute - Initially, load the file type, ditching the attribute info - P3 DONE - Use the attribute info - P60 - DONE - Have an ascii export/import file format, that fully specifies a mesh - Add more output to the current export, so a mesh is fully specified - Add an import of the exported format - P60 - Done - Print out the triangulation as a postscript file - P80 - DONE - Be able to tag boundaries with strings. - DONE - Have a warning prompt when saving a mesh where the generated mesh is different from the user mesh - eg boundary tags that aren't carried thru. Warning ~"Mesh not generated after changes. Generate mesh? " - cancel, don't gen, don't save. Yes - generate mesh, go to save screen. No - goto save screen. To implement this need to know when the user has done a change, and the mesh hasn't been generated. If there is no generated mesh do not prompt. - DONE NOT IMPLIMENTED - specify a function that is used to set the vertex attribute values [maybe not have this at all, rather a python script can be written to specify the values]- DONT DO - edit vertex attribute -P40 - specify if there is segment attribute information. [there is always seg att info. therefore don't need to specify]-P40 - Display mouse point position [x,y] - P60 access to triangle mesh generator, user can select max area in region - P80 - Calculate total area enclosed (maybe a buton?) -P80 (this requirement GUI aspect needs to be fleshed out with Chris) - Load in a segment attribute to boundary mapping. ie segment attribute is 'seen' as a boundary, such as a 0 flux boundary and this is interanally represented as an interger, as defined by the mapping. - P100 - Select segment attribute from an enumerated list of boundaries. - P100 - Select segment attribute from an enumerated list of boundaries and can also input values of constants described in the boundary. - P100 - Select objects - Be able to select multiple objects. Eg select many segments and mark with one attribute -P100 - Be able to select objects by "mouse dragging" a rectangle. (A rectangle whos size and position is controlled by the mouse) Everything within the rectangle is selected. - Move user vertices - can initially be done by adding/deleting vertices and segments. -P100 [should we have this feature?] - specify a maximum area for each triangle, based on current mesh (this is refinement of the current mesh) - P100 - able to specify a 'circular' region by specifying center, radius and number of number of segments. - P100 -Log window. Have a separate window that displays log information. This window can be turned on or off. - P100 - Log information of the generation mesh process. - P100 - max area - minimum angle [Other information to be determined ] - reduce mesh generation crashing by only mesh generating if all of the vertices are bounded by segments. - P100 - Set the initial mesh co-ordinate to origin (0,0) at canvas bottom left and (100,100)at canvas top right. - Have info with the mesh, such as #of triangles, min angle, max area (this requirement GUI aspect needs to be fleshed out with Chris) - Put postscript/clear/close buttons as a menu, not at the bottom of pmesh - assume the scale is metres, important for the programs using the mesh. Maybe in add vertex have the scale? - be able to add two .tsh files together. - run triangle as a seperate thread, so if it's not converging it can be stopped. - P100 REQUIREMENTS FROM 28/6/04 MEETING - .xya file, which has vertex information, will have headers naming the attributes in the first row. The headers will be strings representing a label for the attribute information. This information will be space deliminated. There will be no ordering imposed. The name, column index mapping will be in the .tsh file. - x and y headings are manitory. - Missing fields will cause an error during loading of the xya file. - __________________ The information below describe the various colours for drawn objects, given the objects state. User Vertex, not selected - small black rectangle (to represent a point) selected - small red rectangle selected when adding a segment - small orange rectangle User Segment, not selected - blue line selected - red line Computer Vertices and Segments will not be drawn Computer Triangle, not selected - green triangle selected - red triangle (can be selected to add max area value when refining triangulations) _________________________ DEVELOPMENT The pmesh software will be developed using an iterative approach, with it being "released" several times and each release having increased functionality. The first iteration will be a minimal system. Requirements to be delivered in each iteration are described below. Currently four iterations are planned. Each requirement is associated with an iteration, via the requirement's priority, represented by a P number. P1, P2, P3 etc. 1st iteration P1 & P2 - basic framework, loading and saving of meshes 2nd iteration P3 - specifying # of triangles in mesh 3rd iteration P30 - specify holes, regions and having attributes for regions 4rd iteration P40 - attribute and boundary manipulation 5th iteration P60 - increased GUI functionality 6th iteration P80 - region selection, selection of different max triangle areas based on region, segments automatically added Future iterations P100 __________________________ NOTES How to speed things up. Use numericpy to build the data structures and then pass them straight to the triangle.o (This is assuming the numericpy data structures are in a c format.) - Don't lose the OO structure though. preallocate lists, instead of calling c repeditively _______ Questions What format will the initial data in? Chris is going to find an inital format, from previous work. How will data be taken in future? ie do we have datasets that we will convert or will we hand generate initial data sets? What s/w package takes care of the boundary conditions? [this seems to be an open issue still.] Things to work out with Chris and Steve: How can the quality of the meshes be tested? Chris believes triangle diagnostices should provide this information. Will we need this? -L Do not use diametral lenses to determine whether subsegments are encroached; use diametral circles instead (as in Ruppert's algorithm). Use this switch if you want all triangles in the mesh to be Delaunay, and not just constrained Delaunay; or if you want to ensure that all Voronoi vertices lie within the triangulation. (Applications such as some finite volume methods may have this requirement.) This switch may increase the number of vertices in the mesh to meet these constraints. ________________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENT ISSUES - if a vertex with attribute info is moved, the attribute info does not change. This will not reflect the actual environment. Option 1)The user can enter correct attribute data 2) the s/w can interpolate, based on the original vertex data. Currently suggesting option 1 - Duncan and Chris. CVS INFORMATION FOR THIS FILE $Source: /var/lib/cvs/pmesh/documentation/mesh_gen_SRS.txt,v $