This directory contains the python cluster acceptance test system code. The programs here are designed to be run as a complete suite as well as individually. The suite writes to a log file as well as standard out. To run all tests in sequence, do: python [] If no logfile is supplied, ./test.log is assumed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ensure that the following environment variables are set to correct values: PYTHON contains the python to execute, eg, 'python2.4', etc. PYTHONPATH contains a single directory path to the ANUGA code. Something like /nas/gemd/georisk_models/inundation/sandpits/rwilson/rwilson/branches/numpy (only needed by the module) EQRMPATH if set, contains a single directory path to the EQRM code. If not set, the EQRM code is not tested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To run these tests on a new cluster: 1. Modify the 'Cluster_Info' structure in to add the new cluster information. 2. Create a new 'machines_' file in this directory that describes the cluster compute-node setup. Note that the 'machines_' file doesn't appear to be used by *anything*.