Ole Nielsenmainland_only.csv1002859807YesOle NielsenGeoscience AustraliaGeoscience AustraliaThis is a polygon comprising easting and northing locations
roughly tracing parts of the coastline at Dampier WA as well as a small
arbitrary area inland.
The data was obtained by subsampling the digitized coastline by a factor
of 10 making it a very rough approximation.
It is used with a unit test in test_polygon.py as an example of
a convoluted polygon to test the functionality
in ANUGA to specifically set the onshore initial condition in a
tsunami scenario.
The original coastline was derived from Maritime Boundaries which
is a public dataset but some of it was modified using a digitised
coastline from a Landgate supplied image.
However, after decimation, this dataset is obscured and does not provide
a usable coastline. As such it does not infringe on Landgate's IP.