!MACQUARIE RIVULET FLOOD STUDY !TUFLOW Material File (Root directory is model) !Assigns manning's 'n' values to each material ID !NB. Material ID of 99 represents large buildings within floodplain (assigned high mannings n) !Maximum of 40 material types permitted !Material ID,Manning's 'n' Revised for _6 iter by inc lower n to encourage more low flow storage 1,0.020,0,0,0.10, 0.075, 0.50, 0.020 !Slashed or grazed Grassland 0.100 stubble typical 2,0.075,0,0,1.00, 0.075, 5.00, 0.075 !Treed areas equal resistance at ground and depth 3,0.015,0,0,0.05, 0.030, 0.25, 0.015 !Open paved areas - roads and runway 4,0.100,0,0,0.90, 0.150, 4.50, 0.100 !Urban residential areas with mostly impermeable fences 5,0.040,0,0,0.50, 0.075, 2.50, 0.040 !Creeks on flat to mod grade with some veg instream and on banks 6,0.015,0,0,0.05, 0.025, 0.25, 0.015 !Estuary sandy bed flat grade min veg 7,0.020,0,0,0.50, 0.075, 2.50, 0.020 !Wetlands mostly low reeds minimal trees 8,0.100,0,0,1.50, 0.150, 7.50, 0.100 !Urban Light Industrial and Commercial 9,0.020,0,0,0.70, 0.050, 3.50, 0.020 !Road with barriers etc (used to model Hway bridge approaches) 10,0.050,0,0,1.00,0.200, 5.00, 0.050 !Section of stream with rock weir 99,10.0,0,0,1.00, 10.00, 5.00, 10.00 !Floodplain Buildings - near solid obstructions