English (Australia) English (United States) Delivery of Hobart offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Hobart data Hobart scenario Delivery of Karratha/Dampier data to NM&I Delivery of K/D data for CIPMA scenario K/D scenario Delivery of Broome offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Broome data Broome setup Delivery of Perth offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Perth data Perth setup Delivery of Busselton offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Busselton data Busselton setup Delivery of Exmouth offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Exmouth data Exmouth setup Delivery of updated Pt Hedland data Pt Hedland setup Deliver of updated K/D data K/D resetup Delivery of Shark Bay offshore data to NM&I Delivery of Shark Bay data Delivery of BC for Shark Bay Shark Bay validation exercise Decision of number and type of events Delivery of events K/D run Pt Hedland run Onslow run Exmouth run Broome run Delivery of offshore data for NSW slump scenarios Wollongong slide scenario Sydney slide scenario Newcastle slide scenario ANUGA release Tornado operational Christmas Break Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft San Serif Microsoft San Serif Microsoft San Serif Microsoft San Serif Microsoft San Serif Microsoft San Serif
Task Name