mpirun -c 42 python That took 2934.78 seconds Communication time 191.28 seconds Reduction Communication time 69.67 seconds Broadcast time 9.52 seconds ================== mpirun -c 32 python That took 3813.82 seconds Communication time 249.50 seconds Reduction Communication time 70.13 seconds Broadcast time 8.47 seconds ================ mpirun -c 16 python That took 7307.49 seconds Communication time 561.49 seconds Reduction Communication time 69.28 seconds Broadcast time 9.54 seconds ================================================================== mpirun -c 8 python That took 17074.83 seconds Communication time 834.37 seconds Reduction Communication time 69.87 seconds Broadcast time 13.21 seconds lamexec n12 python That took 81556.81 seconds =============================================================== mpirun -c 4 python Processor 0, Time = 1200.0000, delta t = 0.00469474, steps=1 (1) That took 14348.35 seconds Communication time 943.78 seconds Reduction Communication time 20.74 seconds Broadcast time 4.27 seconds That took 14331.26 seconds Communication time 933.47 seconds Reduction Communication time 21.18 seconds Broadcast time 4.53 seconds =============================================================== lamexec n12 python Processor 0, Time = 1200.0000, delta t = 0.00444963, steps=1 (1) That took 80647.45 seconds Communication time 4.79 seconds Reduction Communication time 6.20 seconds Broadcast time 1.99 seconds