ANUGA Kinematic Viscosity Module Lindon Roberts, 2010 Summary ============================================================================ This module applies kinematic viscosity smoothing to the velocities in a domain, given by the parabolic equations du/dt = (h*u_x)_x + (h*u_y)_y dv/dt = (h*v_x)_x + (h*v_y)_y for u(x,y) and v(x,y) being water velocities, and h(x,y) is the stage height. For more details on the implementation, see the report. In particular, the code implements a pure elliptic solver. Both solvers are implicit. Files Included ============================================================================ - The main python module. - kinematic_viscosity_ext.c: The C extension to the python module. - A unit test for the python module. - util_ext.*: Copies of the files in anuga.utilities (for kinematic_viscosity_ext.c). - A modified version of anuga.utilities.sparse (which will supersede it). - A unit test for the sparse module. - make.bat: A makefile script for MinGW on Windows (this may have to be modified). Usage ============================================================================ Some sample code can be found in the unit tests. In particular, one requires an anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.domain domain, a numpy vector h with h.shape == (n,) of stage heights and momentum numpy matrix p with p == [(hu) | (hv)] where u and v are x- and y-velocity and p.shape == (n,2). The stage height vector is the stage heights for the current time step. To initialise the kinematic viscosity operator, one uses kv_operator = kinematic_viscosity.Kinematic_Viscosity_Operator(domain) with optional parameters 1. apply_triangle_areas (default True) Whether or not to include the factor of 1/|Triangle area| in the numerical approximation (see the report for more details). 2. verbose (default False) Whether to include detailed logs for anuga.log. Parabolic Solver: We use the commands > kv_operator.apply_stage_heights(h) > p_new = kv_operator.parabolic_solver(p) Elliptic Solver: This solves (h*u_x)_x + (h*u_y)_y = f_1 (h*v_y)_y + (h*v_y)_y = f_2 We also need a right-hand side numpy matrix f with f.shape == (n,2) and f == [f_1 | f_2]. Then > kv_operator.apply_stage_heights(h) > p = kv_operator.cg_solve(f) You can also solve for in only one dimension with > kv_operator.apply_stage_heights(h) > kv_operator.set_qty_considered('u') > p_x = kv_operator.cg_solve(f1) (and similarly for v) ============================================================================ Last Modified: 25 October 2010