Pyvolution Software Requirements Specification By everyone INTRODUCTION OVERALL DESCRIPTION DEFINITIONS REQUIREMENT SECTION Introduction Each requirement has a priority (e.g. P1). The priority number is given at the end of each requirement. Requirements - The information from a .tsh file shall be converted to a data structure that pyvolution understands. - The vertex attribute information will be converted to field values and they shall be accessable using the attribute tag. - Volumes will have a region tag. This shall be implemented using the principals of set theory. - For a given region and a given field value/conserved quantity apply a supplied function with parameters (x,y and the old value of the field value/conserved quantity). - Also need a flag specifying if the vertex or centroid values are being set.(Rational - will can be used to avoid discontinuites/ or create them, depending on what is required.) Example calls: domain.set_field_values('bed_elevation', f, location='vertices') Example calls: domain.set_conserved_quantities('stage', f, location='centroid') where f has the form def f(x, y, old_value): ... return z CVS INFORMATION FOR THIS FILE $Source: /var/lib/cvs/grohm/wiki/pyvolution_SRS.txt,v $