Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#210 Automatically run realistic example in test suite new defect normal Testing and validation
#326 Boundary object that allows for the 'addition' of two time series new enhancement normal Functionality and features
#149 Consistent API for file boundaries new defect low Architecture and API
#239 Forcing functions (or at least Inflow) should understand absolute coordinates new enhancement normal Architecture and API
#16 Make sure that georeferencing is used consistently (domain, pmesh, sww files, ...) new defect low AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#325 Memory not being freed in fitting new defect low Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Efficiency and optimisation
#358 Remove splitting of sww files new enhancement low ANUGA enhancements Functionality and features
#306 Revisit starttime in boundaries, forcing terms and file_function. new defect normal Functionality and features
#272 Write blocking csv2pts script new enhancement low Efficiency and optimisation
#280 geospatial_data should know about hemispheres new enhancement low Functionality and features
#158 polygon information has no geo reference. new enhancement low ANUGA maintenance Functionality and features
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.