Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#102 Get true boundaries of parallel domains new steve defect normal
#182 More integration with GIS new Vanessa enhancement normal
#186 Variable rainfall forcing function new ole enhancement normal
#210 Automatically run realistic example in test suite new nariman defect normal
#211 Use correct interpretation of xllcorner and yllcorner new leharne defect normal
#214 Discontinuous Bathymetry new steve enhancement ANUGA enhancements normal
#215 Well Balanced implementation of Flux and Gravity term new steve enhancement normal
#239 Forcing functions (or at least Inflow) should understand absolute coordinates new nariman enhancement normal
#243 Diagnostics about compatibility of elevation data at boundary new gareth enhancement normal
#252 Transmissive_Momentum_Set_Stage boundary may cause numerical instabilities new steve defect normal
#273 Implement Kinematic Viscosity new steve enhancement ANUGA enhancements normal
#275 Refactor set_values in new habili enhancement normal
#306 Revisit starttime in boundaries, forcing terms and file_function. new nariman defect normal
#320 zone stored in sww is always -1 new leharne defect normal
#326 Boundary object that allows for the 'addition' of two time series new nariman enhancement normal
#340 1-D pipe flow forcing term new steve enhancement ANUGA enhancements normal
#345 STS boundary condition does not work with parallel ANUGA new leharne defect ANUGA maintenance normal
#353 couple SWAN model new ole defect normal
#354 model wave setup new ole enhancement normal
#355 couple with OSS offshore storm surge models new ole enhancement normal
#364 Allow ANUGA to read gis shapefiles to define the bounding polygon new ole enhancement ANUGA enhancements normal
#369 ANU repository and GA seem to have duplication new ole defect normal
#372 Solution - MKL FATAL ERROR when running anuga_core/ on the NCI new ole defect normal
#374 Consistent use of csv files new steve enhancement normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.