

Apr 6, 2006:

11:03 PM Changeset [2676] by steve
4:53 PM Changeset [2675] by ole
4:37 PM Changeset [2674] by sexton
Documentation of analysis of volume conservation for SMF surface elevation.
4:35 PM Changeset [2673] by sexton
Script to determine slump parameters to ensure volume conservation
3:34 PM Changeset [2672] by howard
Changed some usages of \code{...} to \function{...}, \class{...}, …
2:50 PM Changeset [2671] by ole
Uncommented module indices
12:20 PM Changeset [2670] by ole
More diagnostics
12:06 PM Changeset [2669] by jack
Report from Vac scholarship added.
11:27 AM Changeset [2668] by ole
Changed default value for acceptable_overshoot
11:16 AM Changeset [2667] by ole
More testing
11:07 AM Changeset [2666] by ole
Introduced acceptable_overhoot limit in least_squares and tested it
9:47 AM Changeset [2665] by ole
Attempted to fix bug
8:33 AM Changeset [2664] by nicholas
CCS.py still produces sudden jumps in friction values, 2nd normal test …

Apr 5, 2006:

5:02 PM Changeset [2663] by ole
Diagnostics if least_squares fit exceeds range of input data
4:05 PM Changeset [2662] by ole
Fixed test of CG
4:01 PM Changeset [2661] by ole
Introduced exception when CG doesn't converge
3:00 PM Ticket #64 (cg_solve error) created by duncan
Jane got this error. She's working on a simulation where it seems …
12:07 PM Changeset [2660] by duncan
bug fix
11:22 AM Changeset [2659] by duncan
Added an extra test, changed interpolate function to handle points …
10:37 AM Changeset [2658] by ole
Increased absolute tolerance slightly to make test pass.

Apr 4, 2006:

5:11 PM Changeset [2657] by sexton
Some more work on understanding the slump initial condition
3:55 PM Changeset [2656] by duncan
needed for importing
3:49 PM Changeset [2655] by duncan
Adding ability to remove points outside of the mesh when interpolating
10:15 AM Changeset [2654] by linda
Added routines to print domain stats in parallel
10:14 AM Changeset [2653] by linda
Added routines to print domain stats in parallel

Apr 3, 2006:

7:07 PM Changeset [2652] by sexton
Some more work on understanding the slump initial condition

Apr 2, 2006:

11:19 PM Changeset [2651] by duncan
bug fix
9:32 PM Changeset [2650] by steve
8:07 PM Changeset [2649] by steve

Mar 31, 2006:

6:21 PM Changeset [2648] by steve
Looking at island.py example. I changed the order of the implicit and …
5:31 PM Ticket #49 (Address missing logger in cg_solve when tested at the anuga level) closed by ole
5:27 PM Changeset [2647] by ole
stakeholders and contacts
4:45 PM Changeset [2646] by sexton
transferring document describing series to experimentation on Sydney …
4:20 PM Changeset [2645] by nick
update to onslow
4:20 PM Changeset [2644] by nick
added functionality to data_manager.py can now read MOST and Ferret …
4:18 PM Changeset [2643] by nick
add comments to geospatial_data.py
3:52 PM Changeset [2642] by ole
Started a FAQ in the user manual
2:09 PM Changeset [2641] by sexton
Requirements for plotting module
1:29 PM Changeset [2640] by sexton
Update Sydney example post Benfield visit (30 March 2006) to mimic …
1:16 PM Ticket #63 (Match elevation at 'deep' water grids with 'shallow water' meshes) created by ole
MOST and URS work on grids derived from deep water bathymetries. When …
12:38 PM Changeset [2639] by ole
Added new test for ferret generated NetCDF. This test breaks …

Mar 30, 2006:

10:13 PM Changeset [2638] by steve
8:20 PM Changeset [2637] by steve
5:45 PM Changeset [2636] by ole
Work on friction creep example
12:53 PM Changeset [2635] by ole
Benfield meeting
9:12 AM Changeset [2634] by nicholas
Corrected folder lookups for CCS.py

Mar 29, 2006:

4:35 PM Changeset [2633] by ole
Can't remember what I did
4:33 PM Changeset [2632] by ole
Work on creep demo
4:22 PM Changeset [2631] by ole
Meeting with Howard
4:21 PM Changeset [2630] by ole
4:20 PM Changeset [2629] by nick
small onslow changes
2:39 PM Changeset [2628] by howard
Added more definitions to Chapter 3
1:29 PM Changeset [2627] by howard
Updated description of set_boundary
12:21 PM Changeset [2626] by howard
Improved the description of Interpolation_function.
9:41 AM Changeset [2625] by linda
Added ghost boundary layers
8:42 AM Changeset [2624] by nick
fixed geospatial_data to not use point_dict in export and updated …

Mar 28, 2006:

5:45 PM Changeset [2623] by sexton
Starting to write requirements for module for plotting timeseries …
2:36 PM Changeset [2622] by steve
Updated merimbula viewer
2:30 PM Changeset [2621] by ole
2:21 PM Changeset [2620] by ole
Worked on island.py example and it's gauges. Renamed mesh_file to …
1:08 PM Changeset [2619] by ole
Cleaned up island example
12:57 PM Changeset [2618] by ole
Moved island.py to examples
11:57 AM Changeset [2617] by ole
11:26 AM Ticket #62 (Clean up Load ASCII) created by Nick
alot of the importing and exporting of files is now in Geospatial_data …
11:01 AM Changeset [2616] by nick
update onslow again
11:00 AM Changeset [2615] by nick
update onslow
10:28 AM Changeset [2614] by ole
More text
10:24 AM Changeset [2613] by ole
More text
9:50 AM Changeset [2612] by ole
CTAC abstract
9:28 AM Changeset [2611] by ole
CTAC 2006 abstract template

Mar 27, 2006:

4:01 PM Changeset [2610] by ole
Fixed import
3:56 PM Changeset [2609] by ole
Fixed import
3:49 PM Changeset [2608] by ole
Played with custom exceptions for ANUGA
2:23 PM Changeset [2607] by duncan
method name fix
2:06 PM Changeset [2606] by duncan
added obsolete print statement
2:05 PM Changeset [2605] by duncan
added comments
2:04 PM Changeset [2604] by duncan
check in unknown changes
2:01 PM Changeset [2603] by duncan
1:56 PM Changeset [2602] by duncan
change default zone to -1 for cross system use
1:54 PM Ticket #56 (Replace pmesh_to_domain_instance with new interface) closed by duncan
1:54 PM Changeset [2601] by duncan
Add mesh_file to Domain interface, ticket 56
1:46 PM Ticket #61 (Get boundary of a Geospatial_data object, to allow addition of high ...) created by Nick
Need to find the boundary of a set of data points... Question: should …
6:55 AM Changeset [2600] by howard
Added material on evolve, plus a few other minor changes

Mar 26, 2006:

4:29 PM Changeset [2599] by howard
Changed comment text
4:24 PM Changeset [2598] by howard
Fixed typo in docstring
4:21 PM Changeset [2597] by howard
Added FIXME comment
4:20 PM Changeset [2596] by howard
FIXME added - something unclear to me

Mar 25, 2006:

7:37 PM Changeset [2595] by ole
Protecting against case where integer points need to be adjusted to …

Mar 24, 2006:

6:07 PM Changeset [2594] by ole
Duncan and Ole refactoring and dealing with georeferencing
3:35 PM Changeset [2593] by ole
Changed DEFAULT_ZONE to sys.maxint in order to avoid confusion with …
3:31 PM Changeset [2592] by sexton
Better error message
3:13 PM Changeset [2591] by ole
New tests revealed georeferencing bug in geospatial constructor. Bug fixed.
2:43 PM Changeset [2590] by ole
Clean up
1:27 PM Changeset [2589] by ole
1:26 PM Changeset [2588] by ole
12:47 PM Changeset [2587] by sexton
12:45 PM Changeset [2586] by sexton
Output to help trace down issue with combined points

Mar 23, 2006:

9:22 PM Changeset [2585] by ole
Added statistics for precropped points in fit_to_mesh
5:07 PM Changeset [2584] by nick
4:56 PM Changeset [2583] by nick
add print out statistics
3:18 PM Changeset [2582] by ole
Percentiles in mesh.py statistics
3:02 PM Changeset [2581] by ole
Reinstituted beach mesh
11:50 AM Ticket #60 (Add Crop method to geospatial_data) created by Nick
write a crop method for geospatial_data. maybe included in the …
11:11 AM Changeset [2580] by nicholas
11:00 AM Changeset [2579] by nicholas
10:23 AM Ticket #59 (remove dependency on points dicts from export pts to file) created by Nick
inside geospatial_data.py, “export_points_file" should not need a …
9:17 AM Changeset [2578] by nicholas
improved CCS.py to handle not sorted files in a folder, Sorter.py. …

Mar 22, 2006:

5:28 PM Changeset [2577] by duncan
changing interpolate to use geospatial_data objects
5:00 PM Changeset [2576] by ole
Example of file_function for Howard
4:28 PM Changeset [2575] by ole
From Meeting with Howard
4:27 PM Changeset [2574] by ole
From meeting with Howard
2:05 PM Changeset [2573] by duncan
bug fixing, adding infinite variable to use with Numeric
2:03 PM Changeset [2572] by duncan
9:33 AM Changeset [2571] by sexton
Some more work on The Black Screen of Death.doc

Mar 21, 2006:

3:51 PM Changeset [2570] by nick
Added functionality to geospatial_data.py including import and …
2:55 PM Changeset [2569] by ole
Allowed None boundary objects (to accommodate ghost elements in the …
2:42 PM Changeset [2568] by ole
Played with beach example
2:34 PM Changeset [2567] by ole
Cleanup and comments
2:25 PM Changeset [2566] by ole
Created maximum_allowed_speed in config and passed it through. Also …
2:01 PM Changeset [2565] by ole
Fixed unit tests
11:00 AM Changeset [2564] by duncan
removing obsolete functions
10:58 AM Changeset [2563] by duncan
get interpolate tests running in test_all
10:54 AM Changeset [2562] by duncan
removing obsolete function
8:33 AM Changeset [2561] by ole
Allowed particle speeds to be calculated even if depth i sless than …

Mar 20, 2006:

7:10 PM Changeset [2560] by howard
Started adding polygon functions in Appendix A
8:37 AM Changeset [2559] by howard
Updated material on swollen. Reworded text in a number of places to …

Mar 17, 2006:

4:37 PM Changeset [2558] by nick
corrected part of doc string
4:36 PM Changeset [2557] by nick
minor additions
3:38 PM Changeset [2556] by nick
new onslow with metadata control
2:03 PM Changeset [2555] by ole
More testing of dem2pts (It still works :-)
9:07 AM Changeset [2554] by ole

Mar 16, 2006:

5:35 PM Changeset [2553] by sexton
maybe this is it for dem2pts …
1:44 PM Changeset [2552] by jack
Convenience functions for common norms.
1:44 PM Changeset [2551] by jack
Updated domain.py in preparation for unit testing the parallel code.

Mar 15, 2006:

2:20 PM Changeset [2550] by ole
Made compile all and test all use trunk revision
2:18 PM Changeset [2549] by ole
12:14 PM Changeset [2548] by ole
A few more fixes towards numpy
11:54 AM Changeset [2547] by ole
Got everything to compile under numpy
11:15 AM Changeset [2546] by ole
Got Numpy to work on Linux

Mar 14, 2006:

4:37 PM Changeset [2545] by ole
Got utilities to compile and pass all tests using numpy
11:02 AM Changeset [2544] by ole
Created branch for transition to numpy rather than Numeric
10:21 AM Changeset [2543] by sexton
including scripts for output for onslow scenario

Mar 13, 2006:

10:43 PM Changeset [2542] by steve
Small typos
6:20 PM Changeset [2541] by sexton
fixed dem2pts AGAIN!!!
4:52 PM Changeset [2540] by ole
4:47 PM Changeset [2539] by nick
3:45 PM Changeset [2538] by nick
resloved conflict in data _manager
2:52 PM Changeset [2537] by ole
2:50 PM Changeset [2536] by ole
Note about domain.statistics
2:46 PM Changeset [2535] by ole
Histogram of mesh areas
2:33 PM Changeset [2534] by ole
More testing
2:18 PM Changeset [2533] by ole
Work on area histogram
12:37 PM Changeset [2532] by ole
Added mesh statistics
11:57 AM Changeset [2531] by ole
Investigating feasibility of scipy as an alternative to Numeric
11:01 AM Ticket #58 (Consider migrating ANUGA to use numpy (from scipy) rather than Numeric) created by ole
Numpy is more mature and in particular supports Nan and Inf See …
10:40 AM Changeset [2530] by ole

Mar 12, 2006:

11:16 PM Changeset [2529] by howard
Ongoing editing of earlier sections and padding out of Chapter 3
10:03 PM Changeset [2528] by ole
Began preparing foor moving mesh codes from pyvolution to separate dir …
10:01 PM Ticket #57 (Move general_mesh, mesh and mesh_factory from pyvolution into separate dir ) created by ole
Firs make their tests independent of shallow_water.py. See FIXME's in …
9:30 PM Changeset [2527] by ole
Moved teste
9:25 PM Changeset [2526] by ole
Moved more general numerical functionality into …
8:29 PM Changeset [2525] by ole

Mar 10, 2006:

6:11 PM Changeset [2524] by ole
5:29 PM Changeset [2523] by duncan
changing links
4:18 PM Changeset [2522] by sexton
Update interface for create_mesh
12:45 PM Changeset [2521] by sexton
fixed dem2pts AGAIN!!! (memory issue with too many pts, so removed …
12:15 PM Ticket #56 (Replace pmesh_to_domain_instance with new interface) created by ole
Suggestion: Build functionality into the Domain constructor domain = …
12:13 PM WikiStart edited by ole
9:07 AM Changeset [2520] by sexton
fixed dem2pts AGAIN!!! to remove NODATA values when a clipping in place

Mar 9, 2006:

7:37 PM Ticket #31 (Move util.py and its extension out from pyvolution to ...) closed by ole
fixed: Done - see changeset:2508 and changeset:2509
5:32 PM Changeset [2519] by nick
update to Onslow
5:22 PM Changeset [2518] by sexton
fixed dem2pts AGAIN!!! to remove NODATA values
5:17 PM Changeset [2517] by ole
Updated docu
5:05 PM Changeset [2516] by ole
Lots of clean up of obsolete stuff
3:38 PM Changeset [2515] by nick
fixed errors in checks
3:02 PM Changeset [2514] by sexton
fixed dem2pts to remove NODATA values + unit test
2:58 PM Changeset [2513] by jack
Added note for AMD64
2:43 PM Changeset [2512] by nick
added checks to ferret input
2:37 PM Changeset [2511] by ole
Removed annoying compile warnings for triangle
2:34 PM Changeset [2510] by ole
Removed obsolete code
2:29 PM Changeset [2509] by ole
Clean up following move of util_ext.*
12:25 PM Changeset [2508] by ole
First step towards moving util_ext.h out from pyvolution as per ticket:31
11:48 AM Changeset [2507] by sexton
additional test for dem2pts
11:29 AM Changeset [2506] by sexton
11:27 AM Changeset [2505] by sexton
adding some diagnostics
10:35 AM Changeset [2504] by ole
Removed duplicate sparse_ext.c
10:33 AM Changeset [2503] by ole
Moved cg_solve and sparse into utilities
10:12 AM Ticket #25 (duplication of util_ext.h files) closed by ole
duplicate: I believe this ticket is superseded by ticket:31
10:06 AM Ticket #21 (Introduce Point_set class) closed by ole
fixed: This work has begun and we now have a Geo_spatial_data object we are …
10:03 AM Ticket #47 (Trac internal error) closed by ole
worksforme: Have not been able to reproduce this.
9:52 AM Changeset [2502] by ole
Reverted renaming after realising that it didn't solve the problem …
7:53 AM Ticket #33 (Get buildbot configured and ready to run) closed by ole

Mar 8, 2006:

6:30 PM Changeset [2501] by ole
Renamed class Mesh (in pyvolution) to Neighbour_mesh because of …
6:19 PM Changeset [2500] by ole
Minor cleanup
6:08 PM Changeset [2499] by ole
Added converted bedslope graphics
5:36 PM Changeset [2498] by ole
Added Nick's version of bedslope
4:38 PM Changeset [2497] by ole
Updates from Wednesday meeting (Howard and Ole)
4:36 PM Changeset [2496] by ole
4:35 PM Changeset [2495] by sexton
Issue document regarding the "black screen of death"
2:26 PM Changeset [2494] by ole
Introduced duration keyword in evolve and updated dependencies
2:25 PM Changeset [2493] by sexton
Updated dem2pts to remove NODATA_values
2:23 PM Changeset [2492] by sexton
(1) Updating dem2pts to remove NODATA_values (2) accompanying unit test
1:39 PM Changeset [2491] by ole
Changed domain.get_quantity() to return a quantity object rather than …
1:12 PM WikiStart edited by ole

Mar 7, 2006:

5:26 PM Changeset [2490] by nicholas
Updated discussion and conclusions for Experiment 1.doc
11:33 AM Changeset [2489] by nick
Geospatial_data addition finished
10:44 AM Changeset [2488] by jack
Fixed assertion failures in read_ASCII and read_NetCDF due to …
10:33 AM Changeset [2487] by sexton
New run_sydney file incorporating (1) reading in polygons (created by …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.