Version 25 (modified by steve, 13 years ago) (diff) |
INSTALLING anuga_parallel
Install anuga
First you should install the most uptodate version of the code. Follow the instructions to install Anuga on Ubuntu. By following those instructions you should end up with a download of the anuga_core code (which contains the sequential code (in the source/anuga directory) and the anuga_parallel code (in source/anuga_parallel)).
You should end up with a directory
where username is of course your username on your machine.
Make sure you have setup your PYTHONPATH to point to the anuga source directory
For instance I have the following line in my .bashrc file
export PYTHONPATH=/home/username/anuga_core/source
At this stage you should have a working version of the sequential anuga program. I.e. you should be able to run command
from the anuga_core directory and have your installation pass all the unit tests (well nearly all, as this is the development version and there are sometimes a few minor unit tests that fail).
Updating anuga_core
If you had already downloaded anuga_core then it is sensible to update to the most recent version of the code using the subversion update command. Run the following command from the anuga_core directory
svn update
and then
python python
This should update an old version to the most recent version.
Install anuga_parallel
Now to get anuga_parallel to work, we need to install some other packages first, in particular MPI for the parallel message passing and pypar a simple python wrapper of MPI.
Now you need to install MPI on your system. OPENMPI and MPICH2 are supported by pypar (see below) so both should be ok. But I tend to use mpich2.
So install mpich2 on your system via apt-get
sudo apt-get install mpich2
Make sure mpi works. You should be able to run a program in parallel. Something as simple as
mpirun -np 4 pwd
should produce the output of pwd 4 times.
We use pypar as the interface between mpi and python. The most recent version of PYPAR is available from Use svn to get the most recent version of the code. The tarred version is a little old.
(There is also an old version on sourceforge, do not use that)
From your home directory run the command
svn checkout pypar
This produces a directory
Change to the /home/username/pypar/source directory, and then run the command
sudo python install
This should install pypar.
Fire up python and see if you can import pypar
You should obtain
>>> import pypar Pypar (version 2.1.4) initialised MPI OK with 1 processors
Also make sure the pypar examples work
By the way, it is sometimes useful to fire up a new console to see if these installations work in a clean console.
In the anuga_parallel directory there is a subdirectory pymetis.
Follow the instructions in README to install. Essentially just run make.
From the pymetis diectory run
From the pymetis directory, test using, i.e. run
Running anuga_parallel
You should now be ready to run some parallel anuga code. Go back to the anuga_parallel directory and run the tests
cd /home/username/anuga_core/source/anuga_parallel python
Hopefully that all works.
Example program
First just run it as a sequential program, via
Then try a parallel run using a command like
mpirun -np 4 python
That should run on 4 processors
You should look at the code in
Essentially a fairly standard example, with the extra command
domain = distribute(domain)
which sets up all the parallel stuff.
Also for efficiency reasons we only setup the original full sequential mesh on processor 0, hence the statement
if myid == 0: domain = create_domain_from_file(mesh_filename) domain.set_quantity('stage', Set_Stage(x0, x1, 2.0)) else: domain = None
The output will be an sww file associated to each processor.
There is a script anuga/utilities/ which provides a function to merge sww files into one sww file for viewing with the anuga viewer.
Suppose your parallel code produced 3 sww files, domain_P3_0.sww domain_P3_1.sww and domain_P3_2.sww
The base name would be "domain" and the number of processors would be 3. To stitch these 3 files together either run as a script with the command
python /home/username/anuga_core/source/anuga/utilities/ -f domain -np 3
or you can add a command of the form
at the end of your simulation script, if you want to keep the individual parallel sww files or
(check out the script which demos this). if you are happy for the individual sww files to be deleted after the merge operation.