
Version 14 (modified by hudson, 15 years ago) (diff)


What's New in ANUGA v1.2

Here are some new features from the upcoming release:

Easy Imports

Instead of typing this at the start of every scenario:

from anuga.shallow_water.boundaries import Reflective_boundary,\
# Shallow water domain is the standard
from anuga.shallow_water.shallow_water_domain import Domain

You can automatically import the shallow water domain and all the commonly used boundaries using this single line:

from anuga import *

You can also import common file conversion routines like so:

from anuga.file_conversion import *

See the documentation for the list of functions and classes that are made available for import.

Deprecated Functionality Removed in ANUGA v1.2

Some old functionality has been removed from ANUGA in version 1.2. Please contact the ANUGA team if you have any issues migrating your code to the new version.

start_screen_catcher This class was not being used, and the effect can easily be reproduced through the OS using > and 2> piping.
copy_code_files Moved from abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util to utilities.file_utils as it was a generic function
csv2dict Renamed to load_csv_as_dict: foo2bar is used for file-to-file conversions.
asc_csiro2sww Renamed to esri2sww.
hecras_cross_sections2pts renamed to sdf2pts.
data_manager_joaquims_patch old, redundant code that was not being used anywhere - has been removed.
sww2domain Renamed to load_sww_as_domain to fit in with new naming convention.
urs_ungridded2sww Renamed to urs2sww to fit in with new naming convention.
mux2sww_time Renamed to read_sww_time_from_mux to fit in with new naming convention.
Write_sts Moved to file module.
get_data_from_file Redundant: same functionality was provided by load_csv_as_array.
get_timeseries Obsolete function - has been deprecated in 1.2. Please use sww2timeseries or other function. Removed obsolete utility that had gone out of date years ago, not used anywhere.
obsolete_code and houdini_code Unreferenced and obsolete code not touched for +18 months. Houdini is a file format and viewer unrelated to ANUGA.
URS_points_needed_to_file Renamed to save_boundary_as_urs - now found in anuga.file.urs
URS_points_needed Renamed to more descriptive name of calculate_boundary_points.
get_flow_through_cross_section Moved to separate module, anuga.shallow_water.sww_interrogate
get_energy_through_cross_section Moved to separate module, anuga.shallow_water.sww_interrogate
get_interpolated_quantities_at_polyline_midpoints Moved to separate module, anuga.shallow_water.sww_interrogate