= Installing ANUGA on Ubuntu using the very latest (bleeding edge) version of the code = == Packages to install == Install the following packages via the commands {{{ sudo apt-get install subversion sudo apt-get install python-scientific sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib sudo apt-get install python-profiler sudo apt-get install python-argparse }}} == Checkout anuga via svn == From your home directory run: {{{ svn checkout https://anuga.anu.edu.au/svn/anuga/trunk/anuga_core anuga_core }}} This should produce an anuga_core directory in your home directory === Setup PYTHONPATH === Put the following in your .bashrc file (if you use the bash shell. With some version of linux you need to put this command in the file .profile {{{ export PYTHONPATH=/home/username/anuga_core/source }}} (of course change /home/username to your home directory. ) Should rerun your .bashrc file with {{{ source .bashrc }}} == Compile ANUGA Code == Now go to the directory anuga_core and compile the anuga files via: {{{ python compile_all.py }}} == Run Unit tests == From the anuga_core directory run the unit tests via: {{{ python test_all.py }}} == Conclusion == Hopefully all the unit tests pass. As this is bleeding edge there are sometimes a small number of failures as this is a work in progress. Have a look at the demos in the directory anuga_core/documentation/user_manual/demos (along with the user manual) to see how to use anuga. == Updating == From time to time you should update your version of anuga. This is fairly easy. From your {{{anuga_core}}} directory update the anuga code via the subversion command {{{ svn update }}} Then again from the {{{anuga_core}}} directory recompile the code and check the unit tests via {{{ python compile_all.py python test_all.py }}}