== Tsunami Validation Steering Meeting 12 May 2008 == Present: Ole Nielsen, John Jakeman, Leharne Fountain, Jane Sexton, Richard Mleczko[[BR]] Apologies: [[BR]] Next meeting: [[BR]] Previous meeting: 28 April 2008 (wiki:Meeting20080428) [[BR]] Next meeting: == Previous action items == [https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&component=%21Project+proposals&milestone=Validation+of+GA+tsunami+modelling+methodology&order=priority Validation milestone tickets] == New actions and decisions == * Richard to provide run on a URS virtual tide gauges for testing purposes running wave from boundary to beach. * John to make tide gauge outputs from ANUGA runs for comparison. This will test boundary coupling. * John to try ANUGA with domain.use_edge_limiter + RK2 * John plans four runs: (ANUGA-MOST with old and new bathymetry, ANUGA-URS envelope, ANU-polyline) + comparisons