
Version 4 (modified by ole, 19 years ago) (diff)


Installation and setup

  • Assume that root dir for AnuGA is on Pythonpath. That way the same code can work with sandpits and final installation
  • need installers for all modules
  • pmesh needs a that will compile triangle whan used from a sandpit. Currently it seems one needs a full setup to use pmesh


Restructuring and moving svn repository (Ole)

Flatten directory structure (Ole or DUncan)

Apply buildbot

Use real bugtracking/project management tool (see, plone, basecamp,? Try out TRAC which integrates into subversion (Ole and Kat 27/7/5) - Done


Install Matplotlib on nautilus


Hire technical writer to produce

  • Getting started
  • User guide
  • Reference manual - semi automated

Mathematical model description (Steve & Chris)

Validation and QA

Merimbula (Steve & Chris) Analytical solutions SMEC (Lex) CSIRO (Kathy) Watertank study (Okushiri) (Ole) Done Macca...