Changeset 2434 for documentation

Feb 22, 2006, 2:12:54 PM (19 years ago)

New material added for Ch 3 and Appendix. A number of other minor changes.

1 edited


  • documentation/user_manual/anuga_user_manual.tex

    r2422 r2434  
    8383Most \anuga components are written in the object-oriented programming
    84 language Python and most users will interact with Anuga by writing
     84language Python and most users will interact with \anuga by writing
    8585small Python programs based on the \anuga library
    8686functions. Computationally intensive components are written for
    125125  \item Background (What \anuga does)
    126126  \item A \emph{Getting Started} section
    127   \item Anuga's overall architecture, components and file formats
    128   \item Detailed descriptions of the user interface
     127  \item A detailed description of the public interface
     128  \item \anuga 's overall architecture, components and file formats
     129  \item Assumptions
    135136This section is designed to assist the reader to get started with
    136 \anuga by working through a simple example. What follows
     137\anuga by working through simple examples. Two examples are discussed;
     138the first is a simple but artificial example that is useful to illustrate
     139many of the ideas, and the second is a real-life example.
     141\section{First Example: Overview}
     143What follows
    137144is a discussion of the structure and operation of the file
    138145\code{}, with just enough detail to allow the reader
    139146to appreciate what's involved in setting up a scenario like the
    140147one it depicts.
    142 \section{Overview}
    144149This example carries out the solution of the shallow-water wave
    180185operation of the model-specifying, for instance, where to store the model output.
    183187   \item Inputs various quantities describing physical measurements, such
    184188as the elevation, to be specified at each mesh point (vertex).
    196200%FIXME: we are using the \code function here.
    197 %This should be used whereever possible
     201%This should be used wherever possible
    198202For reference we include below the complete code listing for
    199203\code{}. Subsequent paragraphs provide a `commentary'
    293 \section{Initialising the domain}
     297\section{Initialising the Domain}
    295299These variables are then used to set up a data structure
    305309some methods from the generic class but has others specific to the
    306310shallow-water scenarios in which it is used. Specific options for domain
    307 are set at this point. One of them are to set the basename for the output file
     311are set at this point. One of them is to set the basename for the output file:
    309313{\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
    412416    momentum quantities assumed to be the second and third conserved
    413417    quantities.
    414419    \item[Transmissive boundary]Returns same conserved quantities as
    415420    those present in its neighbour volume.
    416422    \item[Dirichlet boundary]Specifies a fixed value at the
    418425    \item[Time boundary.]A Dirichlet boundary whose behaviour varies with time.
    444451series of steps indicated by the values of \code{yieldstep} and
    445452\code{finaltime}, which can be altered as required.
    446 The yieldstep control the time interval between model output. Behind the scenes more timesteps are generally taken.
     453The value of \code{yieldstep} controls the time interval between successive model outputs.
     454Behind the scenes more time steps are generally taken.
    476 \section{Example with real data}
     482\section{An Example with Real Data}
    478484The following discussion builds on the \code{} example and
    507 \chapter{ANUGA Public Interface}
    509 thoaedut
    513 \begin{itemize}
    515   \item \indexedcode{create_mesh_from_region}: Create mesh based on a bounding polygon and a number of internal polygons. Each polygon has a maximal area of triangles associated with it - the resolution. The bounding polygon also has symbolic \code{tags} associated with it.
    516   Arguments are:
    517   \item \indexedcode{pmesh_to_domain_instance}: Convert generated mesh file to domain object. Arguments are: Mesh file name and class specifying which domain class to instantiate. (Simpler)
    519   \item \indexedcode{file_function} %in "High priority"
    520   \item \indexedcode{Interpolation_function} %In ("High priority")
    522   \item \indexedcode{set_region} ``Low priority. Will be merged into set\_quantity''
     513\chapter{\anuga Public Interface}
     515This chapter lists the functions and classes available at the public interface.
     517\section{Functions and Classes}
     521  \item \indexedcode{create_mesh_from_region}: Creates a triangular mesh based on a bounding polygon and
     522  a number of internal polygons. For each polygon the user specifies a resolution---that is, the maximal area
     523  of triangles in the mesh. The bounding polygon also has symbolic \code{tags} associated with it.   
     525  \textbf{Arguments:}
     527  \begin{itemize}
     529  \item the bounding polygon, %do we need to spell out how a polygon is specified?
     531  \item a dictionary of boundary tags, for all segments of the bounding polygon,
     532  \emph{[not clear what the keys and values of this dictionary are]}
     534  \item the resolution for the bounding polygon,
     536  \item (optional) a filename,  \emph{[what is the file for?]}
     538  \item a list of 2-tuples \code{(polygon, resolution)}, specifying the interior polygons and their associated
     539  resolutions.
     541  \end{itemize}
     545  \item \indexedcode{pmesh_to_domain_instance}: Converts a generated mesh file to a domain object.
     547  \textbf{Arguments:}
     549  \begin{itemize}
     551  \item \code{file_name} is the name of the mesh file to convert, including the extension
     553  \item \code{DomainClass} is the Class that will be returned.
     554    It must be a subclass of \code{Domain}, with the same interface as domain.
     556  \item \code{use_cache}: \code{True} means that caching is attempted for the computed domain.
     558  \end{itemize}
     561  \begin{itemize}
     562  \item Mesh file name
     564  \item Class name, specifying the domain class to be instantiated.
     565  \end{itemize}
     567  \item \indexedcode{file_function}: %in "High priority"
     568  Reads the time history of spatial data from NetCDF file and returns a callable object.
     570  \textbf{Input variables:}
     572    \code{filename} - Name of \code{sww} or \code{tms} file
     574       \begin{quote}
     575       If the file has extension \code{sww} then it is assumed to be spatio-temporal
     576       or temporal and the callable object will have the form \code{f(t,x,y)} or \code{f(t)}
     577       depending on whether the file contains spatial data.
     579       If the file has extension \code{tms} then it is assumed to be temporal only
     580       and the callable object will have the form \code{f(t)}.
     582       Either form will return interpolated values based on the input file
     583       using the underlying \code{interpolation_function}.
     584       \end{quote}
     586    \code{domain} - Associated domain object   
     587       If domain is specified, model time (\code{domain.starttime})
     588       will be checked and possibly modified.
     590       \begin{quote}
     591       All times are assumed to be in UTC.
     593       All spatial information is assumed to be in absolute UTM coordinates.
     594       \end{quote}
     596    \code{quantities} - the name of the quantity to be interpolated or a
     597                 list of quantity names. The resulting function will return
     598                 a tuple of values -- one for each quantity. 
     600    \code{interpolation_points} - list of absolute UTM coordinates for points at
     601    which values are sought
     603    \code{use_cache}: \code{True} means that caching of intermediate result of
     604               \code{Interpolation_function} is attempted
     607  %  See Interpolation function for further documentation
     609  \item \indexedcode{Interpolation_function} - creates a callable object \code{f(t, id)} or \code{f(t,x,y)}
     610    which is interpolated from time series defined at vertices of
     611    triangular mesh (such as those stored in \code{sww} files).
     613    Let $m$ be the number of vertices, $n$ the number of triangles
     614    and $p$ the number of time steps.
     616    \textbf{Mandatory input:}
     618        \begin{tabular}{ll}
     619        \code{time}: & $p \times 1$ array of monotonously increasing times (Float)\\
     621        \code{quantities}: & Dictionary of arrays or one array (Float). The arrays must  \\
     622        & have dimensions either $p \times m$ or $m \times 1$. The resulting function \\
     623        & will be time dependent in the former case and constant with respect to time \\
     624        & in the latter case.\\
     625        \end{tabular}
     628    \textbf{Optional input:}
     630        \begin{tabular}{ll}
     631        \code{quantity_names}: & List of keys into the quantities dictionary\\
     633        \code{vertex_coordinates}: & $m \times 2$ array of coordinates (Float)\\
     635        \code{triangles}: & $n \times 3$ array of indices into \code{vertex_coordinates} (Int)\\
     637        \code{interpolation_points}: & $N \times 2$ array of coordinates to be interpolated to \\
     639        \code{verbose}: & Level of reporting\\
     640        \end{tabular}
     642    The quantities returned by the callable object are specified by
     643    the list quantities which must contain the names of the
     644    quantities to be returned and also reflect the order, e.g. for
     645    the shallow water wave equation, one would have
     646    \code{quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum']}.
     648    The parameter \code{interpolation_points} decides at which points interpolated
     649    quantities are to be computed whenever the object is called.
     650    If \code{None}, returns average value.
     653  \item \indexedcode{set_region} ``Low priority. Will be merged into set\_quantity''
    523655  \item \indexedcode{set_quantity} ``Pretty mature''
    524657  \item \indexedcode{set_boundary} ``Pretty mature''
    526 \end{itemize}
    529 Diagnostics
    531664  \item \indexedcode{write_time}
    538 \subsection{Boundary conditions}
    540 ANUGA provides a large number of predefined boundary conditions to be used with
     671\section{Boundary Conditions}
     673\anuga provides a large number of predefined boundary conditions to be used with
    574 \subsection{Initial conditions}
    576 ANUGA provides a number of predefined initial conditions to be used with
     707\section{Initial Conditions}
     709\anuga provides a number of predefined initial conditions to be used with
    590 \subsection{Initial conditions}
    592 ANUGA provides a number of predefined forcing functions to be used with .....
     723\section{Forcing Functions}
     725\anuga provides a number of predefined forcing functions to be used with .....
    607 \chapter{ANUGA system architecture}
     740\chapter{\anuga System Architecture}
    609742From pyvolution/documentation
    613 \chapter{Basic ANUGA assumptions}
     744\section{File Formats}
     746\chapter{Basic \anuga Assumptions}
    615748(From pyvolution/documentation)
    664797% Use the above together with various parameters to
    665 %                     run inundation simluation.
     798%                     run inundation simulation.
    672 \chapter{Supporting tools}
    675 \section{caching} Could do now.
    679 \section{swollen} Could do now.
     805\chapter{Supporting Tools}
     810  The \code{cache} function is used to provide supervised caching of function results. A Python
     811  function call of the form
     813      {\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
     814      result = func(arg1,...,argn)
     815      \end{verbatim}}
     817  can be replaced by
     819      {\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
     820      from caching import cache
     821      result = cache(func,(arg1,...,argn))
     822      \end{verbatim}}
     824  which returns the same output but reuses cached
     825  results if the function has been computed previously in the same context.
     826  \code{result} and the arguments can be simple types, tuples, list, dictionaries or
     827  objects, but not unhashable types such as functions or open file objects.
     828  The function \code{func} may be a member function of an object or a module.
     830  This type of caching is particularly useful for computationally intensive
     831  functions with few frequently used combinations of input arguments. Note that
     832  if the inputs or output are very large caching might not save time because
     833  disc access may dominate the execution time.
     835  If the function definition changes after a result has been cached it will be
     836  detected by examining the functions \code{bytecode (co_code, co_consts,
     837  func_defualts, co_argcount)} and it will be recomputed.
     839  Options are set
     840  by means of the function \code{set_option(key, value)}, where \code{key} is a key associated with a
     841  Python dictionary \code{options} that stores settings such as the name of the directory used, the maximum
     842  number of cached files allowed, and so on.
     844  The \code{cache} function allows the user also to specify a list of dependent files. If any of these
     845  have been changed, the function is recomputed and the results stored again.
     847  Other features include support for compression and a capability to \ldots
     850   \textbf{USAGE:}
     852    {\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
     853    result = cache(func, args, kwargs, dependencies, cachedir, verbose,
     854                   compression, evaluate, test, return_filename)}
     855    \end{verbatim}}
     857  \textbf{ARGUMENTS:}
     859  \begin{tabular}{ll}
     860    \code{func} & Function object (Required)\\
     861    \code{args} & Arguments to func (Default: ())\\
     862    \code{kwargs} & Keyword arguments to func (Default: {})  \\ 
     863    \code{dependencies} & Filenames that func depends on (Default: \code{None})\\
     864    \code{cachedir} & Directory for cache files (Default: \code{options['cachedir']})\\
     865    \code{verbose} & Flag verbose output to stdout
     866                       (Default: \code{options['verbose']})\\
     867    \code{compression} & Flag zlib compression (Default: \code{options['compression']})\\
     868    \code{evaluate} & Flag forced evaluation of func (Default: 0)\\
     869    \code{test} & Flag test for cached results (Default: 0)\\
     870    \code{clear} & Flag delete cached results (Default: 0)\\   
     871    \code{return_filename} & Flag return of cache filename (Default: 0)\\   
     872  \end{tabular}
     875  \textbf{LIMITATIONS:}
     877  \begin{itemize}
     878   \item Caching uses the apply function and will work with anything that can be
     879      pickled, so any limitation in apply or pickle extends to caching.
     881   \item A function to be cached should not depend on global variables
     882      as wrong results may occur if globals are changed after a result has
     883      been cached.
     884   \end{itemize}
     892The main keys operating the interactive screen are:\\
     894\begin{tabular}{|ll|}   \hline
     896\code{w} & toggle wireframe\\
     898space bar & start/stop\\
     900up/down arrows & increase/decrease speed\\
     902left/right arrows & direction in time \emph{(when running)}\\ & step through simulation \emph{(when stopped)}\\
     904left mouse button & rotate\\
     906middle mouse button & pan\\
     908right mouse button & zoom\\  \hline
     914The following table describes how to operate swollen from the command line:
     916Usage: \code{swollen [options] swwfile \ldots}\\  \nopagebreak
     917Options:\\  \nopagebreak
     919  \code{--display <type>} & \code{MONITOR | POWERWALL | REALITY_CENTER |}\\
     920                                    & \code{HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY}\\
     921  \code{--rgba} & Request a RGBA colour buffer visual\\
     922  \code{--stencil} & Request a stencil buffer visual\\
     923  \code{--stereo} & Use default stereo mode which is \code{ANAGLYPHIC} if not \\
     924                                    & overridden by environmental variable\\
     925  \code{--stereo <mode>} & \code{ANAGLYPHIC | QUAD_BUFFER | HORIZONTAL_SPLIT |}\\
     926                                    & \code{VERTICAL_SPLIT | LEFT_EYE | RIGHT_EYE |}\\
     927                                     & \code{ON | OFF} \\
     928  \code{-alphamax <float 0-1>} & Maximum transparency clamp value\\
     929  \code{-alphamin <float 0-1>} & Transparency value at \code{hmin}\\
     930  \code{-cullangle <float angle 0-90>} & Cull triangles steeper than this value\\
     931  \code{-help} & Display this information\\
     932  \code{-hmax <float>} & Height above which transparency is set to
     933                                     \code{alphamax}\\
     934  \code{-hmin <float>} & Height below which transparency is set to
     935                                     zero\\
     936  \code{-lightpos <float>,<float>,<float>} & $x,y,z$ of bedslope directional light ($z$ is
     937                                     up, default is overhead)\\
     938  \code{-loop}  & Repeated (looped) playback of \code{.swm} files\\
     939  \code{-movie <dirname>} & Save numbered images to named directory and
     940                                     quit\\
     941  \code{-nosky} & Omit background sky\\
     942  \code{-scale <float>} & Vertical scale factor\\
     943  \code{-texture <file>} & Image to use for bedslope topography\\
     944  \code{-tps <rate>} & Timesteps per second\\
     945  \code{-version} & Revision number and creation (not compile)
     946                                     date\\
    682949\section{utilities/polygons} Could do now.
    719     \item \indexedbold{ANUGA} name of software (joint development between ANU and GA)
     986    \item \indexedbold{\anuga} name of software (joint development between ANU and GA)
    721988    \item \indexedbold{Conserved quantity}
    7711038    \item \indexedbold{resolution}   refers to the maximal area of each triangular cell in the mesh
    773     \item \indexedbold{polygon} A sequence of points in the plane. (Arbitrary polygons can be created in this way )
    774     ANUGA represents polygons as either a list of 2-tuples, where the latter are either Python tuples or Python lists of length 2. The unit square, for example, would be represented by the polygon [ [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1] ]. Alternatively, polygons can be represented as $N \times 2$ Numeric arrays, where $N$ is the number of points.
     1040    \item \indexedbold{polygon} A sequence of points in the plane. (Arbitrary polygons can be created
     1041    in this way )
     1042    ANUGA represents polygons as either a list of 2-tuples, where the latter are either Python tuples
     1043    or Python lists of length 2. The unit square, for example, would be represented by the polygon
     1044    [ [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1] ]. Alternatively, polygons can be represented as $N \times 2$ Numeric
     1045    arrays, where $N$ is the number of points.
    7761047    NOTE: More can be read in the module utilities/ ....
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